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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. All I can say from past experience with Thai officialdom is that what is written does not necessarily hold true when it is an actual live official involved. Some of them like to invent new "rules" for some reason known only to themselves.
  2. In many over 70s, including myself, some evidence of "brain damage" was evident, even without covid. ????
  3. I have a friend who's "infection" was minor to the point of almost passing unnoticed, but he has some effect of "long covid" that is just getting tired more easily than before. He was double vaxxed, but not yet due for the booster.
  4. Can anyone be OK in a world gone mad- covid, war, inflation, barking government, etc etc? However this isn't the thread to be getting into all that. All I can say is that I'd rather be in LOS, and if I had to buy a <deleted> phone to be able to do I'd buy one today. I envy anyone that is there, and being there would make all the stupid stuff like constantly changing regulations a minor irritation. I sometimes wonder if those living in LOS actually realise just how great a place it is.
  5. Damp squib ? That’s weird. Alas I see that I said "squid" in the post, so yes that would be weird. I've corrected it now.
  6. You are welcome to it. I won't be regretting when it's my time to go.
  7. I've never found it to be so. I've deleted the rest of my reply because it's off topic.
  8. In Thailand different places make up different rules, even government departments like Immigration make up different rules in different districts. What happens for one farang is different from another even if doing the same thing, depending on where they are doing it.
  9. Of course I'm using a computer to send this message and yes, it is spying on everything I write on it. The difference is that it only knows where the computer is, and isn't tracking my every movement and every thing I buy ( for the benefit of advertisers ). I also never use it for anything important like banking. BTW I'd rather cut them off with a rusty razor blade that use anything from Apple.
  10. Is that the best you can do- a damp squib? Try 1990s, before the internet was even a thing for most. A far, far better time in Thailand than now. We now have machines that can tell us about almost anything and the world we live in has gone bat <deleted>. Is that a co incidence?
  11. Russia has cut gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria ( on Al Jazeera it was said because they wouldn't pay in roubles ). It might be a tad more urgent to find alternate sources of supply for Europe if they continue to supply weapons to Ukraine. Am I the only one that thinks aiding an enemy of the country that is providing something of major importance is not going to have consequences? BTW, so much for the posters a while back that were saying Russia would not cut gas supply to Europe if they didn't pay in roubles.
  12. I'm not advocated "beating" children, but a smack on the back side is better than shouting at the kids, IMO. Kids know that if all that happens if they do wrong is getting shouted at they can get away with anything. In the boarding school I went to pupils got beaten with a sand shoe by prefects for talking after lights out, but while I disagree that pupils should be allowed to beat other pupils, I doubt the experience made us into criminals. While the debate about disciplining children is worthwhile, it's obvious to anyone with a brain cell that there is a problem with unruly children that are out of control, and it's not uncommon to see them about. On talkback a while ago there was even a discussion as to whether children on airplanes should be only allowed on certain flights, or restricted to certain parts of the aircraft. A brat on a long flight is indeed a horror.
  13. I understand what you are saying, but IMO too many parents allow their kids to rule the household. Kids know nothing and need discipline.
  14. I have none of my own, but I lived a few years with a woman that did. I restricted the amount of tv they watched to 2 hours max per day ( one of them would have done nothing but watch tv had I let him- IMO children should not be allowed more than a minimum of time on any form of electronic medium. I'm convinced that schools are failing to educate now, when many kids can barely read, because they use calculators and computers instead of using their brains ) , and had mobile phones existed back then would not have had one that was internet capable. The woman left the kids for me to look after as she was more interested in her career than them, and one of the reasons I left her was because she was using me as a child minding service.
  15. Those "decent" people are in short supply where I live, though I suspect the bad ones are more visible as the "decent" ones are not causing problems around town, and are safely tucked up in bed by 10 pm after watching the propaganda news and other such like timewasters on local tv.
  16. When it became a " P C crime" to mock fat people it just allowed them to imagine they are "normal". However it isn't going to end well for them with a life time of diabetes, heart problems and painful joints from lugging all that blubber around. What really amazes me though, is that even grotesquely fat women still manage to get a man interested. Must be a lot of desperate men out there.
  17. People on here are always saying how much their children give to them, but as one that has never seen it, I wonder exactly what it is that is so wonderful? People I know with kids spend a lot of time yelling at them. If children are so wonderful, why do so many turn out as ratbags when they grow up?
  18. Life for the vast majority of people on the planet is suffering. We in the west have forgotten what it's like to do without enough food, clean water or a safe place to sleep. It's all going to end badly though, as our way of life is ultimately unsustainable. We have been raping the planet, and Gaia will have it's revenge on us.
  19. Given I wouldn't allow a child of mine to have a phone that does anything but make calls, that would be a problem for me as I wouldn't let them talk on a phone while eating.
  20. Have you tried giving them a book to read? Humans read books quite happily for hundreds of years, as did I when a child.
  21. LOL. I never booked an hotel in LOS by using internet. Just went in the door of hotels till I found one I liked. Never went to Thailand to call "friends" on a phone. It's only difficult without a phone if one is a slave to technology. Humans survived for 50,000 years without phones.
  22. Germany probably needed the money to pay for Russian energy imports ????! I don't know if France also uses Russian energy.
  23. I don't consider it stupid to NOT buy a machine that spies on me. Perhaps you could answer the question or just not say anything if you can't.
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