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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If you can discern truth in this situation you are more clever than I by far. I don't trust anything coming out of the "official" media on any "side". Isn't "truth" the first casualty of war?
  2. There are IMO zero grounds for NATO to be involved, given Ukraine isn't part of NATO. Apparently you don't seem to grasp that if the US and Russia get into nuclear weapon exchanges there may not be anything to leave to your kids/ grandkids. Hopefully the people that make the decisions are not convinced that nuclear war is a necessary step in this conflict. I'm pretty sure that China is observing this with extreme interest, and given I live in the southern Pacific I'm more concerned about China than a conflict in Ukraine.
  3. I wondered if you had it wrong about the Mi-17s given they are a Russian helicopter, but Wikipedia tells me that the US has bought a load of them, so essentially they paid the Russians for helicopters to give to Ukraine! Certainly cheaper than giving Blackhawks.
  4. I'm puzzled as to why you think she should care based on a 2 week stay? It's outside Thailand and not a single Thai I ever knew asked me about anything to do with anywhere outside Thailand.
  5. What on earth are you going on about? Did you not comprehend that I said Putin was lying? Whom is the "he" you reference? The only "he" in the quote was Putin.
  6. Don't hold your breath till it happens then. IMO the last paragraph is as likely to happen as a politician keeping campaign promises. It might happen, but not very likely.
  7. Did anyone actually believe him? I certainly didn't. BTW, I know of a few politicians in western countries that tell porkies too.
  8. Well, I for one hope that never happens, else it's possible millions upon millions will die in a nuclear holocaust. Is that what you want?
  9. There was no night life to be had and when I wanted to go for a walk at night the hotel receptionist told me not to as likely to be attacked. This was in the special tourist zone. During the day, constantly bothered by con men.
  10. Pity you didn't give an actual place then. Unless you give a specific place I'm sticking with Pattaya.
  11. Are you willing to pay more tax to do so? Many don't, as already ruined by covid and inflation is making the cost of living rise already.
  12. It's a pretty good hand then. What western leader is ruthless enough to sacrifice millions for the benefit of Ukraine?
  13. Agreed. I wonder if all those people ( not just on this forum ) that want western military involvement will feel if it is their sons coming home in body bags, never mind the potential for destruction in their own country, but the moment a western soldier is sent to fight in the Ukraine it will be too late for anything but regrets, IMO.
  14. I already addressed that. IMO Russia will annex the east and leave the rest to the Ukrainians with a guarantee of no NATO membership. I see no point in taking the entire country, though I could be wrong of course, not being psychic. BTW, just now many men do you think Russia will lose? A few thousand will make little difference to the declining birth rate, and my wish is that all countries would have a declining birth rate, as if we keep overbreeding as we are doing IMO there will be no world worth living in in the future. Britain and Germany lost a lot of young men in WW1, but had enough 30 years later to fight another major war
  15. I suspect he will not enjoy his time with the Russians, given I remember they already said it would go badly for any foreigners fighting for the Ukrainians.
  16. Bkk Brian believes it given he said the same thing a few posts back.
  17. Be wary of good women with degrees and good jobs. They will take you to the cleaners. I worked with many Filipina nurses, all good women with degrees. Can't say I agree with you on that, any more than any woman of any ethnicity will take us to the cleaners. Depends on the individual, as always.
  18. How do you know that it will be an "impoverished wasteland" in 50 or 100 years? Perhaps you thought the "long game" referred to a couple of years over a couple of months.
  19. I suspect that soft western citizens will not accept being cold in support of Ukraine. Europe is lucky that summer is coming, and the war will probably be over by next winter.
  20. Only an hour- you wuz lucky. I spent 3 hours a day on a tube getting to and from work till I joined the permanent hospital staff so I could live in hospital accommodation, despite the lower wages. Even agency wages were not enough to rent in central London. I loved 12 hour shifts as I only had to work 3 days a week to make the hours. One wonders why certain posters think working in a sweat shop or the rice fields is such a better option than having sex with strangers for loads more cash.
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