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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I certainly hope you are correct on the 80ish. I've no desire to be condemned to a "rest home".
  2. and you do understand women? IMO marriage is an institution that benefits women, not men, and I scorn it absolutely. I just wish I had understood that before I got married and ruined my remaining life.
  3. 5555555555555555 You shouldn't make personal statements about people you don't know as it makes you look foolish. I got divorced in Thailand, and how many times is none of your business.
  4. No problems for me at all getting divorced in Lamphun amphur when got married in Pattaya amphur.
  5. That sort of thing is dealt with in the family court, not in the amphur. Amphur divorce is by consent and self arrangement.
  6. Unless it's changed since I got divorced that's wrong. Don't need a statement on property division and can do in a different amphur than where one was married. However, different amphurs probably do it differently so best to check at your local as to what they require.
  7. Recognized by whom? I used to love Hill Street Blues, but I tried to watch a repeat some time ago and wasn't interested. Many tv series are a product of their times, and only of their times.
  8. A characteristic shared by many politicians and businessmen in many countries.
  9. I live in a country with a government that didn't get a majority of the votes first time around. Is that "democratic"? We have that awful proportional voting system. Anyway, what constitutes "civilised"? Could be a lot of countries are not "civilised".
  10. I agree that the UK is <deleted>, but I worked there for 10 years and IMO entirely self inflicted by terrible politicians that allowed thugs to roam, and did nothing to preserve the British way of life. They even allowed the destruction of visual London with revolting monstrocities like the Shard thing. I went on a staff outing to beach towns such as Brighton, where cars have been allowed to destroy the ambience around the Palace, and another whose name I forget where a monstrous tower block and car park had been built right in the middle of the beach road which had become the haunt of druggies and criminals.
  11. We get that governments can do anything if they can "justify" it, including conscripting young men with long lives ahead of them to be killed in a war. Far as I'm concerned they got it wrong with lockdowns and business destroying mandates, and I guess there will be much discussion in the future about such.
  12. Someone has to pay for those arms shipments. Are you willing to pay increased taxes to pay for them, as I'm pretty sure Ukraine won't be?
  13. According to Al Jazira Russia is the largest rare earth refiner on earth, and most countries won't allow that on their territory. If people want electric cars it might be Russia or nothing. They are going to cost more anyway, a lot more. I'm happy I don't want an electric car.
  14. Vitamin C works for me. 1000 mg every 4 hours till I feel better, and symptoms stop. Paracetamol works just fine too, why Ibuprofen?
  15. Customs have ( or had ) a reputation for being "difficult". I was lucky and never checked in LOS, so didn't have any problems there, unlike in the UK where I was put through 4 hours of <deleted>.
  16. Why take Amoxicillin? Antibiotics don't work on a virus.
  17. I've shipped stuff before and that seems quite normal. It's up to you to find out all that and up to them to transport. I don't see any "dodgy" going on by the company. If it's held up in customs I can't see how that is their problem. If they are charging your credit card for things they didn't do then contact the credit card company.
  18. Again, if they stop at Dondas region, which is far as I know a pro Russian area, how can they be "grinding" Russia down. I know many want to believe that Russia is a basket case, but history has a habit of proving wants and desires wrong. Putin hasn't survived this long by being stupid.
  19. If he only wants the Donbas region ( where they want to be part of Russia ) and a guarantee of no participation in NATO, I doubt Putin gives much thought to Ukrainian hearts and minds. Did he care in Chechnya?
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