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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They earned that spot with the lives of many, many Russian soldiers fighting the Germans. Have you forgotten WW2 already?
  2. History is littered with broken promises/ guarantees/ treaties by many nations. Why should it be different now? Things change.
  3. If you mean as regards letting you die rather than taking medical means to prevent it I understand it's not an option if one ends up in hospital in LOS. You should get legal advice as to such. I don't see any way of making one without relatives/ NOK other than paying a lawyer. You need someone to have the legal authority over you if incapacitated. I doubt any Dr will accept a bit of paper on it's own.
  4. The signing in in NZ was done on bits of paper if one didn't have one of those phones, and one can guess how many just scribbled on it to look like they were complying. Supermarkets must have had a problem sorting and storing thousands of bits of paper and were not slow to stop as soon as allowed to. Probably sounded like a good idea, given they couldn't force anyone to buy one of those phones, but I doubt it did much good.
  5. I agree, but short of offing ourselves there isn't much can be done about it but survive one day at a time.
  6. LOL. If I tried to "hang out" with younger women they'd probably call the cops. Owning a m'bike in NZ now is very expensive because of the ACC levy. Pity, as I loved riding my m'bike in my 20s. IMO just accepting one's age and keeping busy or doing anything that keeps one's mind off one's situation works for me most of the time.
  7. I know how you feel and wish I could too. It says much that in our so called liberated days I can't discuss such with any western woman I know, and probably many men ( I once knew a man that thought Debbie does Dallas was disgusting- I hope he got the woman he deserved ).
  8. Indeed, it was as near paradise on earth as I ever found. I doubt such times will be ever found again given the internet as a means of bypassing the bars and the rise of feminism and PC/ wokeism.
  9. My only requirement was that she would actually have sex. When they ceased to do so it was just a matter of time before we parted. My first partner must have had a miraculous recovery of her libido after she left me as she got married twice. The first one didn't last long, so I assume she tried the same BS that she did with me.
  10. IMO a man that wants a "high quality" ( whatever that means- dresses nicely and drinks expensive wine perhaps ) woman better be really rich and have good lawyers.
  11. From a lifetime of observation- women want to get married, but the other party in the ceremony is not important enough to not break the promises made. Men just want to get laid, and sometimes marry the first female that will do it with them, because they think it will always be like that.
  12. Not so. I heard ( think on Al Jazeera ) that they admitted Russian casualties were over 1,000 ( I don't remember exact number ) some days ago. I have no idea of the real number of casualties on either side.
  13. Which is one of the many reasons why I'd never have taken my Thai wife to live in NZ or Britain.
  14. No such thing as "normal" in my experience. We are all subject to our demons.
  15. Sensible ones do it for show, but get the money back. Just to keep the in laws happy for the face. If they insist on money to keep, consider if you really want to be married to her or her family.
  16. Being married never stopped anyone doing a runner. It's just more expensive to do so.
  17. Immigration likely consider if she will want to remain in the US after visa expires. She needs to prove she will return to Thailand.
  18. Indeed, but I used to work in Saudi, so was rolling in cash. I had one holiday of 6 days where I flew from Riyadh to Bkk, spent the entire time either in Nana or in the Dynasty Inn almost next door to Nana, and flew back. Due to the way our shifts were organised we had a 3 day weekend every other weekend, so I used minimal annual leave. I doubt I could have done that too often, but life was good back then.
  19. and so what? Millions of men get <deleted> by women that never worked in a bar and were not poor.
  20. Only if going through the family court. If going through the amphur it's by prior negotiation. If the OP was married in Thailand it's nothing to do with the UK. YOU never had any land at all. Farangs can't own any and a good thing too, IMO.
  21. WOW! I thought it outrageous when they charged 50 baht for a drop off at the hotel. I guess Pattaya is not cheap and cheerful any more. I thought the round the city tour to drop off the passengers was great as I got to see places I never knew about.
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