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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If you're ugly or smell bad, the Thai babes can clock watch with the best of their western sisters. Far as I know I didn't, but I guess that would be another reason to go L T, rather than S T. While in the west a long time was something only the rich could afford, I never saw the point in LOS.
  2. LOL, LOL, LOL. Doesn't matter what the cost in pounds or dollars was when the wages were soooooo much lower in real terms than now. Flight to Australia was NZ $300 at one stage but was unaffordable for me. Flying to Thailand ( and no visa exempt entry then ) paying for an hotel, and then paying for rumpty was not even a wet dream. My first job was as a farm hand at 8 quid, 10 shillings a week ( 4 quid of that for board ) - how far would that have paid for on a 707?
  3. If I'd wanted a woman my age they were all over the place in home country, but usually with baggage like kids. Not having any desire to raise some other guys brats I chose to look in LOS where I could get one without stretch marks and unpleasant dependents.
  4. LOL. No guarantees a kid will love you and anyway they don't stay kids, and they cost far too much. A dog is always a dog. Want love, get a dog. Cats don't love us, goldfish can't, parrots are not cuddly.
  5. Plenty of hearsay going on and not just one sided..
  6. Google is your friend, but if you don't know what google is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent "In the United States, as late as the 1880s most states set the minimum age at ten to twelve (in Delaware, it was seven in 1895)."
  7. In some countries I believe a 12 year old girl could get married, though that may have changed in recent years.
  8. I wasn't making any point about Putin, as I don't know enough about either the reasons for going to war or how the war is going. All I know is that when wars are involved propaganda makes it difficult to know what is true or not. I've seen some tv news items on Al Jazira that looked to me to be faked, but that happens in every conflict. I'll leave it to others to be putting stuff on here as if it is gospel.
  9. This is just boring so don't expect any more replies about the difference between girls and women on this thread from me. Bye.
  10. When posters start to bring Trump into the thread it's obvious that it's not possible to have a reasonable conversation so I'll leave you guys to enjoy your hate fest. A win for cancel culture I guess.
  11. LOL. Most of us on here know why, but we are not repelled by the idea that prostitution exists.
  12. Actually it's totally explainable by genetics. Women are programmed to breed from type A men, and then find a type B man that will safely raise the child. Survival of the species and all that. Everything comes down to genetics in the end.
  13. IMO you are looking for something to be offended about. I've had sex with some seriously unattractive women that could never be called a girl, and some attractive women that I do refer to as girls. Perhaps it comes down to whether they had children or not. Stretch marks are not attractive IMO.
  14. If you do not consider Putin to be a war criminal, IMO it demonstrates the moral vacuum you live in. Plenty of war criminals ( some still living ) that have never been called to account, but that's because they were on "our" side. Those that live in glass houses and all that.
  15. If you make a statement on here you're supposed to back it up with some actual evidence, or does that only apply if you don't like what is being posted? If you are just repeating what you heard/ read and don't know know you should indicate that somehow. Perhaps something like "I heard that a lot of generals were killed". If you say something like the bit I quoted I assume you don't actually know if it's true or not and are just repeating propaganda. Have a nice day.
  16. You think too much. Girls, as used on here refers to any that are still attractive eg bargirls. Try not imagining that every poster that admits to liking sex is lusting after jail bait.
  17. I started as upper middle class, went to the "best" ( expensive ) schools etc, but went a lower middle class life, and ended up poor and living among low class people. I don't see that I could be categorized as any "class" now, but if anyone wants to try, you're welcome. PS I've had loads of money but always spent it, so my bank balance doesn't count in the considering.
  18. I believe that in Saudi one will never have one's vision disturbed by the sight of beer swilling bogans. Perhaps that is a country of abode to be considered by those that are offended by such.
  19. Thailand may not participate as with almost every other country on the planet, but they will be as <deleted> as everyone else if the nukes get used. Hopefully wise heads are advising Joe and Boris and the French guy.
  20. Indeed, which is a very good reason for wiser heads to NOT get the west involved any more than it is already. If it ever does come to use of nuclear weapons we all lose, IMO.
  21. Do you have a link to a reputable source for that claim? A source not in involved in propaganda.
  22. Given that I was actually in the military during a war ( though not in the fighting as not infantry or artillery ) I find that to be frankly ludicrous, unless the Russian army is as bad as is being made out on this thread and I doubt that. Sounds like people are desperate to make up stuff about the enemy. BTW, every army has "teething" problems in a war if they haven't had recent experience of action because the people with the knowledge have left, and theoretical instruction is no substitute for the real thing. Far as I know, the Russian army hasn't been in a proper war since Afghanistan.
  23. However I'm pretty sure high quality women would engage in a spot of hanky panky for expensive presents.
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