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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't think "romantic love" exists. IMO in the beginning it's lust and if we are lucky it becomes companionship or friendship. If I want "love" I'll get a dog, but if it's sex then it has to be a female, and if the only people that will with me look like my granny then I'll be celibate. Too many pitfalls with getting married for me to bother.
  2. That would be hard given I don't stay on here too long any more, but I know what you mean. Extra supplements- not unless you count vitamin C. I think I'm probably normal for a guy with the usual hormones. Perhaps it's the lack of opportunity that makes me think about it more than I would if I could. I envy guys in LOS that have enough money to indulge in rumpty on a regular basis. They should thank the deity every day that they can, as there are a lot of guys that can't.
  3. That would qualify as a miracle as I gave up alcohol long before I discovered Thailand's night life. Like I said, I don't need anything to be instantly lustful.
  4. I'm really happy I didn't sleep with girls when I was a young fella, as knowing my luck she'd get pregnant, I'd have had to marry her, and I'd have missed out on all the great things I did in my life. That was back in the days before the pill and having an illegitimate child was a great shame. Plus no tax money to unmarried mothers, and they normally gave them up for adoption if the guy wouldn't marry them.
  5. Actually it can be a real experience. I fell in love with my first GF and she with me almost at first sight. Back then good girls didn't have sex ( no pill back then ) because of the risk of getting pregnant, so it wasn't about sex. Unfortunately, life parted us so we never got married. She did get married after me, and lived together with her husband till he died a couple of years ago, which is probably unusual nowadays.
  6. I didn't need beers to fall in lust, but she did have to actually be attractive. Given by some of the bar girls I saw around, I guess several beers were needed to think they were an option.
  7. I don't qualify to get the pension in Thailand, so I was living on my savings while there. They had some stupid rule I didn't know about, and it was a shock when I was denied. I could have managed, just, if I'd stayed married, but that became impossible, so i had to leave and return to NZ to get the pension.
  8. Isn't that her problem? Given that she wasn't forced at gunpoint to get married, it's up to her to go out and work, earn money, save and invest for the time when he's not around.
  9. Government probably doesn't stay awake at night worrying about how citizens that CHOSE to go live in a different country are missing out on NHS treatment. However, I do wish they stopped illegals from benefiting from other people's contributions. If you turn up in a leaky raft without an invitation, you shouldn't get a council flat and free NHS treatment.
  10. and your suggestion for the something that will not end in a nuclear holocaust is.......................................?
  11. or by countries supplied with the planes and munitions by the west to go bomb other countries.
  12. Obviously the people that matter don't, as I don't see any sign of the Russians going home.
  13. Oooh, I'll bet that has Putin shaking in his shoes. If a trial that will likely have no effect on Putin and a few other high ranking Russians is all that the west is going to do, I'm happy about that as WW3 will do no one any good whatsoever. I just hope Biden sticks to sending some anti tank missiles and such like, as it he felt the need to actually do something militarily it'll be worse than the Cuban missile crisis IMO, and we were just lucky in that one.
  14. Yes it does. I'd happily fall in love over and over and over if only I could afford to go to LOS.
  15. Well said. It's unfortunate, IMO, that some countries allow or even encourage economic migrants from a completely different culture that will fundamentally change the existing culture under the guise of "multi culturalism" which never seems to work very well for the indigenous population. Far from wanting to assimilate, they seem to want to turn their new "home" into a replica of whatever <deleted><deleted> they left behind. BTW quite a lot of posters are often on this forum wanting Thailand to be more like the place they don't want to live in any more. LOL.
  16. Yes NATO is a defensive alliance, but they have no mandate to get involved with countries that are not part of NATO.
  17. It's no more Thailand's fight than Ethiopia or Yemen, IMO. Best staying out of it unless they are being threatened with invasion. IMO small countries rarely benefit from joining in the big boy's conflicts.
  18. Perhaps that was before the time of masses of man portable tank killers that work. Used to be a time that battleships were regarded as the ultimate war weapon, but aircraft made them obsolete.
  19. and if a Russian soldier sees his comrades being shot in the legs on tv how do you think he is going to behave next time he wins a battle? That's why there are rules of war.
  20. Plenty of unsupported claims being made on here, but because they are of the "correct" side not being held to account for it, IMO.
  21. I'm not so big on kittens, but I do like those hamster VDOs on U Tube.
  22. It's irrelevant how much a flight costs if one doesn't earn enough to buy a ticket. Wages in NZ are so low and the cost of living so high that I had to work overseas to have a life. That's why so many Kiwis are heading to Australia and beyond. I didn't earn enough till i was over 40 to even consider an overseas holiday and I wasn't working in NZ at that time.
  23. It's so easy to catch them in misinformation, isn't it? Google apparently censors by making it difficult to see sites they don't like, but that's just what I read, and I don't have a link. I do know that that twit thing cancelled the president of the USA. and yet, we have posters telling us as if it's true that we have a free media in the west. Free to censor and cancel, I guess.
  24. You are the one making the statement, so up to you to prove it or qualify with an IMO.
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