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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Wouldn't be any as I'd never go near the brat again. I certainly wouldn't be extending any olive branches.
  2. I just watched The Night Before on dvd, which is a 1988 Keanu Reeves movie that I bought in an op shop for 50 cents. 50 cents is all it's worth! However, I did learn that I actually enjoyed "black" music as played before the advent of rap, hip hop and other new associated music styles that I dislike. Far as I can gather from the credits it was played by a genuine band, as opposed to actors miming to recorded music. All in all, not a bad movie, but not very good either. At best a time filler.
  3. Great post. It amazes me how many think anywhere else will be sooooo much better than LOS. As you say, LOS ain't what it used to be ( which was as close to paradise as ever I found on earth ) but IMO it is still better than anywhere else I've been ( except Antarctica but no one retires down there ).
  4. Because he divided the population against itself, plus his excessive corruption. BTW I care not a whit for rich Japanese or anyone that uses "luxury" anything in LOS. Don't know any, don't want to. If none of them ever came to LOS it would make not a jot of difference to my experience there.
  5. Had you not written that I'd be wondering why you were not off to Mexico.. I never felt unsafe in LOS, unlike NZ, which has a huge gang problem.
  6. If they don't tell when asked, it's their fault if not satisfied. No.
  7. Really? If you are going to make such PERSONAL allegations you should at least have some sort of proof. Where exactly did I say I don't wear a mask where it's mandated or deliberately take actions contrary to public health guidance? For starters I would not be allowed into the supermarkets or many places without. For a poster to make such allegations without proof should be a serious matter to be considered by the relevant persons. Always have, always will. It's just being polite. Anyway, given that I'm not infected, I can hardly be accused of spreading the virus by coughing or sneezing, as I'm not doing either.
  8. So, do you have a link to a peer reviewed study by reputable scientists that proves lockdowns did in fact prevent more than 0.2% of deaths from covid? Also a peer reviewed study that shows the unintended consequences of lockdowns, eg the loss of life savings, houses and businesses, the suicides, the increased family violence etc were worth it? BTW making unsupported claims that some don't wear a mask where it is mandated and go around coughing in people's faces is why posters such as I don't give much credence to those that post such attacks.
  9. Strange then that the army isn't on every street. Guns were never in evidence when I lived in LOS.
  10. Political threads are no longer allowed on this forum. It's all just opinion anyway. None of us know all the facts other than what someone tells us, and do they really know?.
  11. I'll say the same thing as I said 2 years ago. Those that are scared of the virus can protect themselves, and the rest of us can get on with living our lives. Personal responsibility, not society wide dictats. Had I waited a couple months longer I'd not even have needed to get vaccinated at all as apparently ( unless they change their mind ) the government is abandoning the vaccine passport which was necessary to go into many places and there never was a mandate to get vaccinated in NZ, so no restrictions on the unvaccinated once that happens. I guess I won't need a booster now.
  12. I rewatched the movie a while back, but it didn't grip me as much as the first time around. Still pretty good though.
  13. I watched an episode of that show, but too many dull stretches between the action for my liking.
  14. I'd love to move back to Thailand, and never wanted to leave, but can't get pension there ( it's a long story ) and not enough savings to stay longer than I did. I miss it every day.
  15. By trailer I assume one of those big things with an included bathroom and kitchen etc. I don't even have running water, never mind a toilet. I'd love to have a trailer to live in. Tiny houses are starting to be an option in NZ, but still way too expensive for poor people to consider. My problem is that I lived in Thailand and know how good life can be. It's a big drop in lifestyle to return to NZ. Had I always lived in NZ I'd think it was normal, as thousands of us in the same predicament. Still, life is what it is and there is always an exit if it gets too bad.
  16. I've always said that men can never understand women and visa versa, and I haven't been proven wrong so far. BTW IMO there is no such thing as "normal", only conformity and non conformity ( which is viewed as abnormal ). That's from decades of observing people in hospital, staff and patients alike. Nursing is a <deleted> job that I'd never recommend to anyone, but it does allow for an observant person to learn a lot about humanity.
  17. Thanks but you're way off. Hundreds of families living in motels will take priority over a single old guy. Problem is they haven't built enough housing for decades and have been allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants in. Basically all except the rich are screwed.
  18. LOL. What goes up always goes down and bubbles always break. Feeling psychic. In NZ it's getting to the point that ordinary people just can't afford to buy any more, and then it's likely to plummet, IMO. I guess 2008 is too long ago for people to remember. Good time to have cash in Ireland then, as banks were trying to unload all the repossessed property on their books, at discount rates.
  19. In her dreams. I ALWAYS used one as I had no idea where she had been before, and I had no desire to be accused of making her pregnant.
  20. Correct. Which is why I recommend asking them what they want ( if we care about their experience ).
  21. That part of their anatomy doesn't wear out from over use and so long as it's not necessitated from drug addiction and is only done for a short period of time I see no reason to criticize. I'd be a gigolo on that basis if life had taken me in that direction. Wasn't given the equipment to be a porn star.
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