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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Anyone can be wise ( but few are, IMO ), but knowledge is gained by years of life. When life was short and brutal, those that lived long enough to amass knowledge were thought to be wise, simply because they knew a lot of stuff.
  2. I must have a sign on my forehead only visible to women, saying "exploit me and treat me badly".
  3. Bad girls are probably better in bed, and men subconsciously might pick up on that.
  4. I first saw that movie at school. Good movie, but the ending elicited groans from the all male audience.
  5. I think I bought that years ago, but never got around to reading. I'll have to see if I can find it.
  6. So, out of the 100s of thousands ( ? millions ) that have had covid and recovered, how many have similar problems?
  7. I doubt any of us could answer that. However, I'm sure dependable ( to Putin ) hands are on the nuclear arsenal.
  8. Had you read my first post on the subject I was saying that Russia was acting LIKE the US when it went into Iraq, thinking it would be all over quickly, but the reality is that nothing is that easy. As for American plans for Iraq, they may not have wanted to take it over, but I doubt they were expending American lives and treasure without hope of a payoff.
  9. I think you misunderstand my post. I'm saying that RUSSIA is acting like America during the gulf war. Obviously America does not want to get involved here.
  10. IMO NO! Far as I'm concerned a lot of so called culture is imposed by a small but powerful political clique on a majority, regardless of their opinions on the subject.
  11. Thanks for the second photo. Having seen that, there is nothing would induce me to go there.
  12. Indeed. I've seen 2 girls almost identical in every aspect sitting side by side, but one exuded something the other didn't that made her more appealing. I've always believed that real beauty starts from the inside.
  13. Indeed I do, given the severe side effects suffered by a friend of mine after receiving his second jab. Not something I wished to have inflicted on me.
  14. Chiang Mai is only good anytime so long as one does not need decent bars. IMO a dead zone for entertainment.
  15. I went on this thread expecting a discussion of what one lives in and appliances needed etc. Talking about gyms and p4p etc IMO is more involved than I intended to discuss, but up to you. To contribute- I'd need a quiet place within walking distance of everything I'd need to visit eg supermarkets, bars, cinema. The last time I lived in Pattaya, the Lek Hotel fitted that bill remarkably well.
  16. IMO the best news about Thailand is that it's not PC or woke ( yet ). Also, the girls are feminine, which seems to be something western females have apparently abandoned.
  17. Have you read on a food tin label what we consume in the west? Overprocessed flavoured muck IMO, but I've lived a very long time on it. I doubt food in Thailand is worse for me. I certainly never suffered for it.
  18. I once had a holiday in Sri Lanka and vowed never to return. While it's not actually India, and the people are mainly not Indians, I have to assume that India is more of the same and therefore I'll never visit India.
  19. Agree. I stopped watching local tv news long ago because it always made me angry. I watch Al Jazeera if I want to watch news, but even they make me annoyed at times with their bias on certain subjects. For Ukraine I have watched Al Jazeera. I scorn all the rest for their IMO politicization of the news. IMO long gone are the days that the BBC was an impartial and essential news source, and IMO American news sources are in it for ratings and money.
  20. After my accident when I had to go to the hospital every day for dressings and couldn't drive myself, it was apparent that my wife was annoyed at having to take me. That was probably the beginning of the end for me. Soooooo, just being with someone doesn't mean that they care about one.
  21. Assuming that is referring to me, you are making stuff up again. I only got vaccinated unwillingly because it would have been too difficult not to be. Luckily I was able to do so as an alternative to pfizer had just become available. Otherwise, no change in my opinions re idea/movement/political party/candidate.
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