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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I lived in an hotel, and but for the staff I might never have spoken to anyone except restaurant and check out staff. I had no problem living alone. In NZ it's now possible to never speak to another human being at all. Machines do everything humans used to- self check out in supermarkets, cash machines in banks and internet banking, rent by auto payment, and of course my pension direct deposited to my bank account. I only need see the Dr every 180 days, and that's only 10 minutes to take my BP and write a prescription. IMO it's going to end badly for humanity to remove so much human contact from our lives.
  2. I'm surprised no one posted about this already. About time, and hopefully all western countries will also scrap the mandates and live with covid instead of trying to eliminate it. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/scientists-cautious-england-set-end-covid-curbs-83023393 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scrapping the last domestic coronavirus restrictions in England, including the requirement for people with COVID-19 to self-isolate, even as he acknowledged Monday the potential for new and more deadly variants of the virus. Johnson told lawmakers in the House of Commons that the country was “moving from government restrictions to personal responsibility” as part of a plan for treating COVID-19 like other transmissible illnesses such as flu.
  3. Denigrating other posters adds nothing worthwhile to the conversation, though it does say something about yourself.
  4. I haven't seen as much original data presented by those that are opposed to certain covid vaccines ( saying they are "anti" vaccination is hardly true if they have been vaccinated for other diseases, but how could you know if they have or have not been vaccinated for other diseases? Fake label IMO, designed to deflect from what they are saying. ) as presented by those posters that are pro certain covid vaccines. Mostly it's debunking the data put up by the pro side, IMO. I think both sides can be accused of parroting data they don't understand. Whichever side the data comes from, I basically ignore it, as it's boring. Far as I'm concerned, I'll get infected, or not, be hospitalised, or not, die, or not. It's coin toss IMO. Whatever happens, I'm not going to hide in my room. Like you, I can’t be bothered to go back and find examples, but at least, while I support 100% those that choose not to get vaccinated, I can hardly be accused of being anti vaccination, though I refused to have pfizer.
  5. Used to be that anyone taking photos of people in bar areas would be in serious strife, but about the time that the tourist groups started going through Walking Street that changed, and seemed like everyone was taking photos and vdos.
  6. Well said. There has been so much use of data by one side of the debate to try and prove that THEY are on the side of the angels, but it's so confusing to me that I tend to ignore it all and go on the reported death rate. Just because x number of people become infected, IMO it doesn't mean it's necessarily as bad as one side of the debate wants us to believe. After all, some don't even know they were infected without a test. Seems to me that there are a lot of vested interests involved in this pandemic, and some are using data to try and make people fearful. They've been quite successful till recently, but at last reason seems to be taking over as some countries give up the mandates and try to return to some sort of normal.
  7. How long does it take for that to pay for itself? I'm interested in something like that myself, but I can get everything needed from a local shop, but is it worth it?
  8. Carley Simon said it best with this song she sang many years ago. A legend in your own time But you're a legend in your own time A hero in the footlights Playing tunes to fit your rhyme But a legend's only a lonely boy When he goes home alone.
  9. So long as they have your phone card details they do know, apparently, given that most carry one with them always. The cameras are still having problems, according to what I've heard.
  10. Yes. I saw it on Al Jazira yesterday. According to what they said, everything is going, even having to isolate if infected- all personal responsibility. If only NZ government was as enlightened.
  11. It's not just the 300 baht tax, but all the little things that might inconvenience me should I get on a plane to LOS. Added together, they put me off even thinking about going back, at the moment. Perhaps in a couple of years when the chaos is hopefully over.
  12. I spent a lot of time in the Lucky Star bar #2 which I think is very close to the Blues factory, but never went in. I think the visual aspect would have been better outside.
  13. Humans have probably been saying that since they were able to speak. Nothing stays the same, for ever. Apparently they used to ice skate on the river Thames in winter, a few centuries ago.
  14. Isn't that misinformation? It's implying that the cities are suffering from climate change when SINKING is obviously nothing to do with climate change. In the case of Bkk, it's apparently because too much water is being extracted from below ground.
  15. I wish them well with that. As few restrictions as possible, if none is wishful thinking. Problem is that the airlines are not going to make it easy, and the responsibility for imposing restrictions seems to have been foisted onto them by governments, so IMO they will be more rather than less restrictive, given they might have to pay to return those passengers not permitted entry on arrival.
  16. Well said. How can anyone know the true rate of infection when many have never been tested, and the infection apparently has little effect on some that are infected- seems some never know they are infected till they have a test? Because of imposed isolation if a positive test, I'm certain many will never be tested and even continue working so long as symptoms are mild or not obvious because they need the money. So long as testing isn't made mandatory I'll never get tested, unless I have symptoms. I'm not going to risk a false positive and being forced to isolate needlessly. After all, those that worry about it will have been double vaccinated, boosted and wear a mask all the time, won't they?
  17. Quote I think we should all stop demonizing the unvaccinated. end quote Seems to me the OP is on that bandwagon, and I stopped reading it when I read Not interested in being preached to by the ( IMO ) self righteous.
  18. I flew back from Bahrain to Riyadh sitting next to an extremely drunk Saudi. I also went on a tour to Hofuf that had an inebriated Saudi tour guide, but it was extremely unusual to see a drunk Saudi in country. I see from the headline that once again it's all about how much they will generate from an estimated number of tourists, and nothing to do with providing a destination that will attract visitors. IMO Thailand attracted western visitors based on the recollections of those that visited in the 1980s and 90s. From the start of this century, IMO the country has deteriorated significantly as a worthwhile destination. Had I first visited this century, I doubt I'd have repeated the experience. I only went to Sri Lanka once in the 90s and never again- just wasn't worth it IMO.
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