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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. It's not that we don't get it. Rather that some just don't care about it any more ( if they ever did ).
  2. I wasn't talking about covid. In general, we ain't allowed to take responsibility, IMO.
  3. Now that really is getting desperate! There isn't any, because if there was the government would be all over the place trumpeting it from the rooftops. it wouldn't be something they were trying to cover up. BTW if someone has no symptoms at all, why would they get tested? If they had a false positive it'd just mess up their lives and the lives of their friends and relatives terribly.
  4. LOL. How could I claim a "fact" was an "opinion"? One can not be the other, IMO.
  5. Unless one of the "unlucky" ones that died with covid anyway. Like I said, when your time is up it's over. One thing I respected the Saudis for was their attitude towards death- "it is written". Not for them the cursing of God for allowing their relative to die. Buried them next morning and carried on.
  6. Boris- the man knows how to party for sure, but I suspect he will be punished at or before the next election. I doubt he relaxed all the restrictions just to deflect from his good times, but whatever the reason I hope everywhere follows his lead. I'm so over the entire thing ( I'd use a different word, but it'd just get deleted ).
  7. It doesn't, but pointing it out is an attempt to diminish your valid argument by deflection.
  8. Who's denying covid? I haven't seen any posters claiming it's made up. Since when do any of us get to dictate when we die? That's hardly in our hands, is it? We could be killed by a block of ice falling from a plane while hiding under our bed from the covid virus. I'd like to win 17 million $ in Lotto on the weekend, but it's just chance if I do or not. Likewise with death. Use to be that many died ( in some countries kids still do ) of easily preventable diseases caused by bad water or food, but we in the west somehow got sucked into the myth that we have a right to a long and happy life- we don't, IMO. Exactly, but covid doesn't make it quicker. We all die when our time is up, whether new born or 110 years old. I'm puzzled by the idea we control our life span.
  9. Ironic you should mention beating a dead horse...............................! BTW, the only thing that has affected me or anyone I know, has been government restrictions. No covid where I live and never has been. That may change in the future since the all knowing government allowed Australians to wander about the country without isolating on arrival. That didn't work out too well. Now the fear campaign has been ramped up, with frequent messages that we are all going to be infected and get sick, despite many infected having nothing more than mild ( if any ) symptoms.
  10. I don't know anyone that has had smallpox since we had that vaccine. Was not community smallpox eradicated world wide by 1980 due to a global vaccination campaign?
  11. While it's far too late to solve the nurse problem now, I sincerely hope the politicians responsible for allowing that situation to happen are punished at the next election. They've had at least 18 months to train enough nurses, but did nothing that I, or the nurses I know are aware of to recruit more local nurses. All that has happened is that, as I understand it, the overseas nurses that used to staff the hospitals were not able to enter the country because of covid restrictions- apparently they were not "essential" enough. Local people should have been incentivized to train instead. They didn't even get a decent pay rise till recently.
  12. Given that I might join them now that covid has escaped into the community in NZ, nice try, but no cigar.
  13. Obviously never had cancer then! The surgery for my "uncurable" cancer ruined my life. I consider that to qualify for a "life sucks" attitude. Before you try to say that the surgery "cured" me, it didn't- it just stopped me dying then. If I had the option over again I would not have surgery, even if I died. Some things ARE worse than death.
  14. Believe it or not- up to you I actually worked in the NHS and we did treat patients that were not British. It was a scam and we were not allowed to ask the patients if they were entitled to treatment. I believe that things have been tightened up to prevent such, and a good thing if true.
  15. You don't appear to understand that some do not agree with your point of view, and they have every right not to do so. What is going against your point of view IMO is that the vaccines don't actually neutralize the disease, but apparently just make the effects less severe. From google dictionary- make (something) ineffective by applying an opposite force or effect. BTW, if all human life is so precious, why have the vaccine companies not made the patents free so all the people in poor countries can get immunized? If I'm wrong and they have, tell me.
  16. and if I get married I have a 50% chance of getting divorced. It's just life, and life isn't fair. People die of all sorts of things and statistically not many will die of covid out of 8 billion. IMO it wasn't worth the damage they did trying to stop it, and the unintended consequences of lockdowns will still be destroying lives for decades to come.
  17. People die, always have and always will. Some will die of covid and some will die because they can't drink safe water. Life is unfair, and no one gave us a guarantee of a long and happy life. Ultimately, life sucks and there are not many winners. It is what it is- end of.
  18. Apologies- I misread your diagram. Yes Sweden has, according to the chart, a higher death rate.
  19. Of course it's paid for out of taxation, but free at point of use, which means that anyone can obtain the best the NHS has to offer, which can run to thousands of quid for cancer, despite never paying one penny of tax in their entire life, and in some cases not even being British.
  20. I don't know if I will, but I certainly hope not. My father was a wealthy man that could afford the best old age care, but didn't leave much to me to do the same, and my mother was aged in a time when old people were treated well by the state, which no longer applies, IMO. The thought of being consigned to one of the understaffed "rest homes" where the poor are sent to wait for death is not a happy prospect, and best avoided.
  21. I wasn't aware that chopsticks were a purely Chinese thing. Other Asian countries use them, far as I've seen.
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