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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Then remove the immunity from prosecution that vaccine suppliers have, and make it a law. If people are to be forced to have a medication against their will, they must have the ability to sue for compensation if they are adversely impacted by that medication.
  2. IMO not so much believing they know more, but more not trusting scientists. IMO doesn't matter how long they studied, if they are dependent on grants from people or institutions that require a certain outcome. Unless they are self funded, they are beholden to those that pay them.
  3. Which is why I specifically included "MOST" in my post. I think the thing that turns people off all of them is because of the big stick the government is waving at us, rather than using persuasion. People don't like being threatened by employees ( government is paid for by taxes ergo we employ them ). IMO if they think that threats are the only way to go, there must be something not right about what the government is trying to force them to have. Also, many people just don't trust the government.
  4. In NZ the PM was quoted on radio as saying there will not be any more lockdowns. Must be realising that lockdowns are very unpopular, and elections next year. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2021/12/covid-19-omicron-inevitable-but-it-won-t-mean-more-lockdowns-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern.html Be interesting to see how successful Austria is with such dictatorial mandates.
  5. When I posted that there ISN'T any evidence, how can I post a link to non existent evidence?
  6. Adding 1 and 1 and making 5. I never said anything about weaponisation or anything to do with conspiracy theories. I assume you actually mean "you have NOT properly read..........". How can it be reliable evidence when the facts are not known? Given I never brought up any conspiracies, why put that in a response to my post? As for killing their own citizens, apparently Mao was responsible for millions of deaths of his own citizens, and I doubt his successors are any less reluctant- Tianamen Square and all that. Are not the Uigers Chinese citizens?
  7. By all means don't reply to my posts then, and I won't reply to your reply. Otherwise, it's not up to you what we read.
  8. I'm not claiming to be correct as IMO no one outside the lab knows enough to say. I am saying the truth is unknown and may never be known. I'm also not saying anything about it being a weapon- that's on you.
  9. 555555555555555555555 Had you read more of my posts you would know that I HAVE lost a lot of weight. I'm almost back to my weight 30 years ago, and I was definitely NOT chubby back then. Lighter and slimmer. Need more info- did he have underlying conditions? There have been fit guys dropping dead for some undiagnosed reason long before covid. Anyway, one example out of 8 billion is hardly significant, though a tragedy on a personal level. There are several fat burning diets on the internet for any that want to lose weight, or one could just do more exercise. It's been done many times. They are used by people needing surgery, but can't have it as too obese, among other reasons. Best way of course is not to get fat in the first place. BTW, the vaccine doesn't work for everyone, so yes, it's hope.
  10. I meant evidence from the lab in Wuhan, not some UK entity.
  11. Right. I wear a mask very rarely, as only when I go shopping. Never otherwise. PS. I'm a guy so shopping does not occupy a large part of my life.
  12. Lets see when the stats come in about poor countries that couldn't vaccinate as many as the rich west. Then we really will see if vaccine made a difference.
  13. You seem to know things that have happened in a Chinese lab, and I wasn't aware that they were providing verifiable evidence of what was going on in that lab. Do you have a link to that evidence?
  14. Britain was not at war with Germany in 1935, but some could see that war was likely. I'd guess that we are somewhat in that situation with China now. as for we have been fighting each other probably since the first human to realise that a stick could kill someone else attacked another tribe. The only thing that has changed in the subsequent millenia is the stick, IMO. I give the idea of us giving up war, zero chance of happening.
  15. Dunno about in Thailand, but I was so over it a month after it started. The worst of the unintended consequences of lockdowns are, IMO, not yet happening, and things are IMO going to get a great deal worse, till they get better, if they do actually get better, and that's not guaranteed, IMO.
  16. It's not over by a long shot. Lets wait and see if they did when it really is over.
  17. I wonder if they closed beds because they couldn't get the staff, or because they wanted to save money or some other reason? I know the NHS had a huge problem getting staff when I was working for it. They just didn't pay enough to make it worthwhile to train, IMO. They were having to recruit in Africa. Lots came from the Philippines too.
  18. I'm pretty sure that most are not antivax per se, but specifically anti covid vaccine. Claiming that they are anti ALL vaccines is IMO just attempting to smear them. I personally wouldn't take Pfizer, which meant I had to wait till an alternative was available. IMO had they not had polio vaccine there would be lots of people getting polio, and there ain't, in western countries at least.
  19. Follow the money. It's always about the money these days, IMO. If we know who pays the scientists we know what slant they likely will put on their research, etc etc etc.
  20. The Church used to provide a center to society, to which people would look for hope. Since that has been lost, humans, at least in the West, IMO, have lost hope , lost faith in fellow man, lost their way to greed, drugs, alcohol, debauchery etc. I see nothing to hope for in whatever future I have left in this life. I despair for humanity.
  21. Posting a photo would only lead to silly posts from guys claiming to have slept with her. Have to be barking to post a photo of one's wife IMO.
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