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Everything posted by malt25

  1. "we pay the well above the norm compared to our competitors. We pay double time if they work on public holidays. "
  2. Have contacted lawyer who is currently attending to for me.
  3. I'd also like to know. My original post relates to making a "will". Who I wish to receive my assets & finances. I'll include my wishes re what happens to my remains. Advice appreciated.
  4. Thought so. Thanks for that.
  5. Hi all ????. There is probably a more appropriate forum for this. Mods, please move if so. I wish to write a new will. I have a previous will made some 6 years ago, by a Thai law firm. I can use this will as a template for the new will, changing relevant details. My question. Can one of the witnesses to my signature be the nominated trustee, executor ? I'm thinking so, but like to be sure. Thanks..... Mal.
  6. I've sent an email requesting costs & supply info. I'll keep you posted. Thanks.
  7. Thanks Sheryl. Genuine is Effexor. Currently getting Valosine from local govt hospital. Cheers..... Mal.
  8. Hi all ???? There maybe a more appropriate forum for this topic. If so, Mods, please move . I've been taking a daily medication for over 24 years. Will be taking until the end. For the past few years have been getting via local Govt hospital. The cost has been increasing lately, like everything else. I'm "considering" looking at trying overseas, online suppliers. The meds have several generic options. My main question. Has anyone purchased meds online ? If so, any issues with customs ? Thanks all. Mal.
  9. Out on bail for attempted murder, not to worry. He'll show up for the trial. Sister will get her 300,000 back. Fine for attempted murder probably about 50,000, if that. Maybe a 10,000 consolation prize for the victi, if he's lucky. Oh, forgot a small contribution to the BIB social club. Everyones happy.
  10. I've been through the green, nothing to declare lane, over 50 times. Never been stopped. You could bring a corpse into LOS, as long as you don't declare it.
  11. Hi all ???? My 2011 Mazda 3 dash instrument shows fuel consumption as litres per 100k. Is it possible to convert to kilo per liter ? I recently changed my Yamaha Aerox bike as discribed. The bike conversion was easy. Not so sure about the Mazda. All advice appreciated.
  12. Update. I submitted my Thai Pass application on Friday mid-day. Received the approval yesterday morning. It's all good.
  13. For future, download the "lens" app. Problem solved.
  14. Good morning all. In the next few days I'll be applying for my Thai Pass. I'm on a retirement extension. Travelling back to Oz to visit family. The TP application asks reason for vititing Thailand. "Travel" or "returning to Thailand". It also asks how long intended stay. I have purchased the required insurance. This may appear a basic question, but I want to make sure I get it correct the first time. What concerns me is, only purchasing a 30 day insurance policy, should I tick reason for entry being, "returning to Thailand" or "travel" ? If I tick "returning to Thailand" it's obvious I'll be staying longer than 30 days. Trust you will see what I'm getting at ? All advice much appreciated. Thanks..... Mal.
  15. "If in store checking they usually have a ball to stop over filling the tank" Over filling the tank might be fun, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a ball.
  16. Suffered similar issues. Messaged that they would deliver next day. I live alone. Wait at home all day & NO delivery. Happened several times. Phoned Kerry head office, 02 number. I was lucky to get a very plesant operator who spoke perfect English. She understood my issue. Instead of me holding she suggested she call back after investigation. I thought that would be the last I heard. Good to her word she called back in about 20 minutes. Said she had called the local Kerry officer manager. Item delivered first thing next morning. Not one problem since. Oh, I now always tip the delivery guy. Cheers. Mal.
  17. Makro, BigC, Tops, Global House, all have the sizes of the bags marked, painted on the floor for easy reference. Easy peasy !
  18. OFFS ! You're the one who has to escape. Main problem is the embarrassment of you being an Aussie. Yes, I do escape everyday. to my shed, mancave. make lots of sawdust & the occasional bit of furniture. How about we cease this nonsense & call a truce ?
  19. Have a great life in my little patch. Oh, didn't need to buy a condo to escape.
  20. I'm somewhat surprised no one has commented on your lead in to the post. How you own a condo just to lounge all day before returning home. Tad vain me thinks. The jimmy jam issue could have been the topic without the unnecessary intro. Just my opinion.
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