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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. So I met this Thai girl in a nightclub, and we got on really well. She lived nearby, so I offered to walk her home. We got to her front door and she asked me to come in for a coffee. Then she asked: "Do you have a condom?" What a weird way to make coffee.
  2. I can't find the Terry Wogan version - "You picked a time to leave me loose heel, four hundred children and a crop in the field." But this one's pretty good ...
  3. I'm pretty sure that Dad was the original author of the joke. Maybe Bazooka Joe gum stole it from him. When I took up golf he would always tell me to take an extra pair of socks with me ... just in case I got a hole in one.
  4. Mrs Baileys husband. She kicked him out and shacked up with another guy, who treated her terribly. When she realised her mistake she pleaded with Bill to please come home. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Bill+Bailey+Won't+You+Please+Come+Home+lyrics
  5. If this is a prediction, I think you might be correct. To receive a royal pardon, the prisoner needs to be serving his sentence. It's unthinkable that Thaksin will go to prison, but his sentence could be served in a medical facility. After receiving his pardon (or compassionate release) he could then make a miraculous recovery - it's been done before, not just in Thailand. (Kamnan Poh - Godfather of Chonburi, Ernest Saunders - Guinness share dealing scandal)
  6. It was not my intent to ridicule you. Your post just reminded me of a very old "Dad joke" that I thought I would share.
  7. I had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow. When I woke up my pillow had gone. (I think my late father told me that joke in 1964)
  8. Great entertainment, and there's no doubt about the skills of police motorcyclist - he has to ride within reasonable safety limits, whereas the pursued rider does not. But I wonder whether the original crime (or, maybe just a traffic infringement) justified risking the life of the cop and innocent bystanders. Probably not. In the UK (probably other places too) the chase would have been called off within the first minute - not by the cop, but by his control room supervisor. Also, yes nice ass!
  9. Impressive. Looks like a piece of porcelain. Maybe she will be interested in studying for an art degree and pursue a career in Art & Design.
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