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Everything posted by pagallim

  1. Outside their own accommodation, having a drink together, a music speaker present, but not report of loud noise.
  2. Into context, just released from hospital after life threatening injuries, probably struggling to put on a pair of shorts or lift his arms over his head. Imagine what he must have been thinking, there at the funeral of a friend whom he'd seen murdered a few days before, and was lucky to be alive himself.
  3. Doubt it. Probably less than the salary/wages he would have earned being unable to return to work, and the potential cost of flight changes. We're not talking serously big bucks here.
  4. Problem being, too often posters reply to the OP (original post) without reading the subsequent posts where reasons and circumstances are given, and then shoot off at tangents on some imaginery theory.
  5. That is all conjecture yet again. Had they been drinking? Yes. Was there loud music? Seems unlikely, no other neighbours reported as such or complain. Were they asked to turn music down and told people fo F Off? Again, not read that anywhere, only in the imagination of some Asean Now posters.
  6. This is where the expression "Expat" is open to definition. Given the regularity of his visits and relationship commitment, I guess he would describe himself as an Expat yes.
  7. What you may see in the shops, and very occasionally in bars, is San Miguel Zero. For clarity, the 'Zero' reference to zero sugar, with the actual alcohol content being 3%. It's actually a favourite of mine, and only 60 calories a small bottle.
  8. I had the same experience this week. My SCB account is linked to such as Amazon, PayPal, Lazada etc, and I ran into problems a few days ago. Looked at the App, and sure enough, new on/off choice for international/domestic payments. Works fine now.
  9. We have a variety of pans, from Lodge skillets to Zebra woks. One that stands out for good quality is "Korean King". Not cheap but very good. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/korea-king-diamond-x-series-28-cm-1-1-i1965278600-s7771051916.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.7.5fc32f37aGmqRX&search=1
  10. "Doesn't sound right" is getting into the area of conjecture of an individual's personal circumstances and financial status. The very last thing that he would have imagined is having to remain longer than expected in Thailand due to being attacked and narrowly missing death. One of his injuries he sustained was a fractured skull, which was operated on. I imagine that flying would not be recommended for at least a few weeks after such an injury.
  11. Don't know the circumstances of the guy who died, or his partner, though I believe he too worked outside of Thailand. Shaun Dagnan (the injured man) I don't know personally, though am friends with people who know him well, and his partner is a chef in a bar restaurant that I use when I'm in Kanchanaburi (last time I was there November 2021).
  12. What the article says and the actual reality is different. In essence he has regularly visited his partner in Kanchanaburi for the past three years, working full time in the UK and travelling here for a few weeks/month at a time various times of the year. He is not here full time. You are correct he would have had to have had medical insurance for the duration of his current visit. I guess lying in hospital with critical injuries (fractured skull etc) may have cause him to have had a memory lapse about cancelling his flight home and extending his insurance.
  13. He already works full time in the UK, and only travels to Thailand to visit his partner for a few weeks or a month at a time over a year. She works full time here as a chef. He arrived this time in December and would have left this week.
  14. Wrong. His visits were never longer than a maximum of 3 months (still working in the UK) and 90 reports are only applicable for visa extension purposes. Given that you cannot enter Thailand currently without health insurance, you are wrong again. I have no doubt his insurance would have only been applicable up until the date of what has been his delayed departure. That said, an insurance claim for an event that happened within the insured period should still be met.
  15. I believe that the reality is that whilst they have been together for 3 years, they each have full time jobs (she as a chef) with Mr Dagnan visiting for a few weeks/months at a time. Because of the Covid circumstances, health insurance would also have been mandatory for the original duration of his current visit.
  16. Contact "Phuket My Mac" either on Facebook or: https://www.phuketmymac.com/?fbclid=IwAR1gCCMmUnJZSqiKkDfs6R9xsAKIRrr89kFqQ5AZ6lHlFYQfdtWq7HefUok He knows his way around hard drives, internal or external, and reasonably priced (last year he replaced a screen on my iMac, and fitted a new SSD Hard Drive. Very knowledgeable French guy, his place is in Kathu.
  17. Clearly, you have no idea of a typical urban Thai environment. I note from one of your previous posts that "when I am in Thailand", which suggests that you are an occasional visitor rather than a resident expat. You posted a degree certificate in Psychology, it could be my computer screen, however there appears to be traces of a watermark or at least a whiff of "Khaosan Road" certified original about it. Say it isn't so? Either that or the integrity of the Manchester University qualification criteria has taken a turn for the worse. It would be hard to reconcile your multitude of comments with someone with a professional qualification in psychology. So, sat in your bedsit in Moss Side/Hulme (I use these because of the Manchester University association), you scour the internet looking for all references to an individual, i.e. Facebook, press articles, and then use your supposed qualification to pontificate the causes and indeed apportion blame for an event that you haven't witnessed, use historical photos, press heresay, not aware or visited the actual environment, and yet seek to retain some form of credibility as you portray yourself as some kind of 'expert' in Asian mental welfare systems. At the moment, there are a lot of 'shooting from the hip' type comments in the press, the majority of which (and appear to be the ones that you quote) bear no relation to actual events. As another poster has said (with far more depth of knowledge than either of us) there will be an eventual factual account of what happened that morning.
  18. Did that include patient analysis and diagnosis by reviewing their Facebook posts and photos, with a final exam in newspaper report detail and how to share all this to anonymous internet forums?
  19. For someone who posted to profess no interest or concern in this story (I see you deleted that post), your incessent posting and character assassinations are raising concerns about your own mental welfare. Seriously, get a grip of yourself.
  20. There was a small wireless speaker on the stone table outside, so you're right, I doubt it could have been that loud as they were both only a couple of feet from the speaker.
  21. Has anyone any good recommendations based on actual experience for ringworm treatment, i.e. types of shampoo/tablets etc here in Thailand?
  22. https://www.google.com/search?q=fondue+cheese+thailand&oq=fondue+cheese+thailand&aqs=chrome..69i57.5342j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  23. There is something quite perverse about categorising an individual by random photos from their Facebook account, without any form of context to them, not knowing them personally, and whilst they are lying critically injured in hospital. I note that you don't post the many photos of him enjoying pleasant meals with his friends, or beach side visits with his girlfriend (I'm friends with some of his friends and hence know). You write you could say more, but anything you do say is only conjecture and imagination.
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