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Everything posted by Upnotover

  1. Probably entered correctly then at some point decided to u-turn, not much less dangerous than the legal u-turns in many cases.
  2. Classed by who?
  3. Western Union (or one of many others) perhaps. Till it's sorted.
  4. There have always been either visa exempt entries and for a few countries a visa on arrival. If you mention your passport country then you can get accurate advice.
  5. Nothing, but possibly (probably) not accepted as no bank stamp/signature on it.
  6. Taiwan (listed as Chinese Taipei) is not on the e-visa system so presumably you can apply in person. Website is https://tteo.thaiembassy.org/
  7. ....and this news was reported when exactly?
  8. That part is about how many people are having visas issued, not about seats. Single is fine for what you want, but you will certainly need your wife to attend with you.
  9. Possibly but in this case he forgot them. And he doesn't have the "right" to import them by mail.
  10. In which case hopefully the 1 or 2 night rule doesn't apply, maybe somebody knows @Tod Daniels
  11. How, I don't know. Why? Discount, my GF gets it. Not much and not worth any effort but she seems to like it.
  12. Well yes, 99.999999% he was not talking about "tuk-tuks" as we all know.
  13. Indeed, but in no way relevant to the topic being discussed.
  14. Never been but I believe that is correct, or rather "entertainment" if that's your thing.
  15. Well clearly yes, but not without a member card being scanned, which was the point of the thread.
  16. I think you don't really know how Pattaya baht buses operate.
  17. That sound far more likely, especially as it's taped to the counter, rather than the independent actions of a "cheeky chick".
  18. Not an Embassy but they offer services from the Thailand Trade and Economic Office (Taipei).
  19. You can get a visa on arrival (USD40) or you can use an e-visa (USD50) at that crossing. There were some reports recently that at some crossings they were insisting on 1 or 2 nights in Laos before return, maybe someone will confirm if that applies here.
  20. Helpful? Aren't you supposed to be a member to shop there?
  21. If paid by QR code it goes to your wallet. But once there it is a simple matter to send it to your bank. No issues.
  22. The screenshot is showing the requirements for visiting THAI family. To see the NON-THAI requirement he would have clicked the + above the one shown.
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