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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. cult members never question what they are told
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/hughmcintyre/2024/05/02/pink-floyds-dark-side-of-the-moon-sales-skyrocket-300/?sh=4e5123f739a7
  3. maybe better description would be "favorite" not "best" for me.... comfortably numb...pink floyd.... .has a bit of everything in it.. song that i have heard more often than any in past few decades in bars? Hotel California
  4. There are at least two supremes who are a total disgrace to the court and the rule of law....When your wife is up to her ears in MAGA world and you accept hundreds of thousands $$ of gifts from billionaires and then rule on cases that impact them (and conveniently forget to report the gifts"then you have violated the absolute essence of fairness by not recusing yourself. Shame on Thomas and Alito. They should both resign or be impeached and convicted. And yes the entire supreme court system of life time appointments need to be changed.
  5. whats next topless pics of melanai and ivanka? grifter in chief and maga cheers.
  6. Equal justice for all......? Not if you are rich and connected.
  7. here we go again with the same old tired bs that 2020 election was rigged....60 court cases as well as dozens of recounts and investigations done mostly by republicans found NO EVIDENCE of fraud and yet the delusional maga morons still cling to the big LIE. If you have any proof that 2020 was rigged then lay it out for the world to see. You willl be an instant celebrity with fox and trump as nobody has been able to do that after four long years of BS...all hat no cattle.
  8. Unless you want to live in a short time hotel better hope the airbnb brigade don't take it over....once they do good luck to those full time residents who thought they were living in a quiet place of long time residents.
  9. Punish the monkey and let the organ grinder go....
  10. you mean like your cult leader trying to pretend he gives a crap about any of his "love the uneducated" maga morons while he cons them out of their dollars, shilling sneakers, trading cards, bibles, fake colleges and the like? Sure.
  11. why woud you let miles expire...almost all programs allow expiration to be extended and an easy way is to simply buy a few more miles for little $$ and extend.
  12. Every time i compare thailand to back in the usa I ask myself where do i have more fun? It is not even close that i laugh more in Thailand. Back in USA it is getting harder and harder to get old friends to even get together for lunch once a month. I understand that many of them are old with health problems or locked into the wife and grand kids gig. No problem. But I do still like to go out at least a few nights a week, have a few beers and a nice meal without taking out a second mortgage or being the oldest person in the room. I suspect over time looking back one of the more important measures of your choices is where do you have more fun, laugh more, etc. Add in the massive difference in cost of living etc and Thailand seems to always come out on top. Of course there are things i miss about the USA but everytime i do the pros and cons list Thailand wins.
  13. Stickman has likely made a lot of $$ from his weekly column. The idea that he has been able to retain enough readers to sell the site and continue being paid for writing for the past ten or so years without even living in thailand is pretty amazing. Perhaps it is time for a new stickman type weekly site to debut that is actually written by someone who lives in thailand. I do not always agree with what he writes but obvioulsy he has done something very well to keep readers reading and money flowing.
  14. Because like the vast majority of religious people they are brainwashed at a very early age to believe what they are told and it sticks with them in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
  15. Health is more than just staying alive to an old age...it does not mean that your mind will still be as sharp...in fact it is highly likely to be in serious decline by late 70's...funny how the maga dis biden for his old age and the fact that his mind is slipping but give trump a pass ...listen to him ramble around in circles and try and imagine what he will be like in a few more years...he can barely string together a coherent sentence now and relies on his greatest hits of insults and lies he has been practicing for years. Biden and trump as well as the old senators and supremes should all resign today. Yet the only one who has stepped aside is Biden.
  16. like millions upon millions of others around the world she is a mixture or various ethnic backgrounds....got a problem with that go check your ancestry.
  17. https://thetvapp.to/
  18. same way as all the coup planners who ousted him in the middle of the night decades ago? same way as red bull the cop killer?
  19. Just as soon as all the coup makers are no longer free.
  20. So you like the idea of a military coup overthrowing elections of the Thai people? And of course farangs know more about what the Thai people want than the Thai voters? "lawyers" suggest lots of BS including "might be crimes". They have courts that are supposed to handle criminal charges...not tanks.
  21. Amazing how many farangs who have spent years in thailand and still can't speak 100 words of thai know exactly what is best for the thai people. Give her a chance.
  22. Just maybe the thai people want a young person rather than another old man? Sort of like so many americans who don't want yet another old man?
  23. makes zero sense as you can go to immigration and extend another 30 days so why would you have to prove you have confirmed transport out of thailand after the 60 days....shoot ready aim....oh that somebody would read this stuff before it gets published and ask.."does this make any sense?" Foreigners entering Thailand by any means under the Visa Exemption scheme are required at the port of entry to have proof of planned travel (confirmed air, train, bus, or boat tickets) to leave Thailand within 60 days of the arrival date. Otherwise, a visa must be obtained before entering Thailand.
  24. go join his fellow dictators...hide from being jailed in usa....sure donnie...sneak out in the middle of the night crying like a five year old...maybe putin and rocket man can all meet up there and talk about the good ole days....take elon and your maga morons with you please...i am sure melania will be thrilled. Maduro’s presidency has been marked by a complex political, social and economic crisis that has pushed millions into poverty and driven over 7.4 million people to migrate, increasingly to the U.S.
  25. Surprise surprise surprise.. page after page of people with questions and different experiences depending on which way the wind is blowing It would be nice if just maybe they would discuss what are the most frequently asked questions likely to be and then prepare the detailes answers as to what is acceptable and what is not rather than just sort of throw it all out there and see what happens. Heaven forbid the thai govt actually assembled a group of real farangs and asked them what would the most likely questions be?
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