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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Alcohol is one of the most abused DRUGS in the world yet many people still don't think it is a DRUG. It is and perhaps the worst drug ever as far as damages caused.
  2. mabye in thailand but if she walked into most bars in usa or western countries there would be a lineup of guys trying to hit on her...it never ceases to amaze me how much attention any gal with two legs and a heartbeat receive from desperate guys.. .i think worst i ever saw was a bar in ireland where there were 100 or so guys and three gals that to put it mildly were not exactly blessed with good bodies or looks...but watching the guys trying to buy them drinks and hitting on them you would have thought they were beauty queens..really depressing to watch..and yes some of the guys were not exactly brad pitt but they would be rock stars in a thailand bar.
  3. As we know biden beat trump with same electoral vote as trump beat hillary...with trump win he called it a landslide...when biden won of course he refuses to accept it to this day...so while i am hopeful for even bigger electoral win this year i would bet the fruitcake will not shut up and slink away...the cult will come out again pissing and moaning and whining all over again with charges of fraud and rigging with ZERO evidence just like last time...what great role models for the kids in america...when you lose even after the refs review all the calls then claim it was all rigged and refuse to shake hands with the winners....disgusting on so many levels.. the big difference is dear leader will eventually face juries and judges on his multiple criminal trials and he will be convicted and sentenced for his many many crimes....and hopefully he will not be allowed to continue to spew his lies and calls for violence from whatever prison or home confinement sentence he receives.....and please NO PARDONS.
  4. I actually think as brain dead as most of the cult members appear that there will be a lot less enthusiam for storming the capitol and ending up in prison. Trump will piss and moan throw his normal 5 y.o. temper tantrums and cry like a little girl about how all unfair his life has been. Then he will end up getting a home confinement prison sentence which hopefully will not allow him to continue trying to stir up his uneducated voters again ..next his psyco VP vance will team up with psyco musk to try and buy the next election and resurrect the same old BS. My personal opinion is that there is a great "silent majority" of women and former sane republicans who will either vote dem or leave potus blank. Oh happy day if we can return to some semblance of normal policy arguments without all the intimidation, threats. lies, name calling and non stop whining.
  5. Of course...as said batsxxt crazy delusional and will do or say anything to get attention....next up he will claim he has a bigger wacker than palmer and actually beat palmer, nicklaus and tiger woods all in golf several times "bigly"...and maga will cheer and say yes that is what we want in the white house because they seem to think being potus is some kind of weird tv show where the most disgusting person wins.
  6. bat<deleted> crazy and delusional...probably thinking about arnold palmers equiptment
  7. As usual orange man trying to convince the cult that arnie liked him as a politician....arnies daughter remembers it differently...i think i will believe the daughter...maybe trump just likes to talk about men's dcck size because he is jealous? “My dad didn’t like people who act like they’re better than other people,” Peg Palmer said. “He had no patience for people who are dishonest and cheat. My dad was disciplined. He wanted to be a good role model. He was appalled by Trump’s lack of civility and what he began to see as Trump’s lack of character.” Peg Palmer recalls one moment when her father saw Trump on television during the 2016 presidential campaign. "One moment stands out in my mind," she said. "My dad and I were at home in Latrobe. He died in September, so this was before the election. The television was on. Trump was talking. And my dad made a sound of disgust — like 'uck' or 'ugg' — like he couldn't believe the arrogance and crudeness of this man who was the nominee of the political party that he believed in. Then he said, 'He's not as smart as we thought he was' and walked out of the room. What would my dad think of Donald Trump today? I think he'd cringe."
  8. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-presidential-candidate-is-still-the-stock-markets-bet-to-win-the-election-4e0a1b76?&mod=home-page https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-presidential-candidate-is-still-the-stock-markets-bet-to-win-the-election-4e0a1b76?&mod=home-page
  9. Because they are grifters who are sure that their cult members will not know or recognize how absurd it is for a man who promised them he was so very very rich that he would not need anyones money who then hawks golden sneakers, 100 k watches, and yes even made in china bibles to his cult members who lap it up and cheer at being fleeced by a conman.
  10. It is all a big reality tv show to a big chunk of trumpers. The crazier the behavior and words that come out of his mouth the more they cheer. Unfortunately it is not a TV show.
  11. The right that bitched and whined about how biden was too old and suffering from cognitive decline (which was/is true for anyone who observed) now suddenly can't seem to grasp or admit that dear leader is melting into the same problems that Biden and most others in their late 70's are aware of....being POTUS is a highly demanding job and is no place for old pre dementia people of either party. Trumps word salads are worse than ever and he is losing whatever grasp of reality he may have ever had. This is painfully obvious for anyone who opens their eyes and ears and listens to him recently.
  12. fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me....take me for a fool and buy golden sneakers and made in china bibles...MAGA
  13. and calling people who do not bow to trump enemies of the state and threatening to deal with them via military or violence or jail is not exactly the america that i want to live in.
  14. The fantasy land of a cult....will mexico be sending even more checks for the wall? if i recall trump was potus for 4 years...why wait til 2024 when he had four years to repeal obama care, which he now says he saved...defend rights..u mean like abortion? why not deport all the illegals while he was potus? .....more BS from the king of grifters...buy a bible put on your golden sneakers and pray on it.
  15. File this away with things i don't control, have no say in ,likely won't impact me and thus not going to worry about it. That is a pretty full file of items over the years.
  16. you mean unlike trying to sell gold plated sneakers, 100 k watches and made in china $60 bibles...you want poop your cult leader is the king of poop.
  17. better yet if you have suffient frequent flyer miles book a departure ticket and than change or cancel it and get your miles reinstated for no fee no problem with most airlines.
  18. pomchop

    Too much rain?

    Have't you heard? The government controls the weather and can direct storms at those areas they don't like. They can shoot space lasers and cause hurricanes, tornados, tidal waves, earthquakes, floods and droughts. How do I know all this? Why it was on the internet so it must be true. I just can't quite wrap my head around how such a totally incompetent government has managed to accomplish this miracle of all miracles and how so many previously semi sane people believe it.
  19. certainly if money is no object just fly via private jets or travel via yatch even better...but not all of us were born with a trust fund or hit the lotto....
  20. quick look lax to bkk ...one way biz class 93000 thb one way economy 14 k thb... all varies on date airline etc some quite a bit more almost 2500 usd difference...fly coach and spend a few nights in the oriental hotel if you want to be pampered.
  21. thanks did not know that...any one in particular near to center of south pattaya?
  22. Anyone know of place to buy just a few seeds or better a couple of clones in pattaya area?
  23. Biz class of course is going to be more comfortable than coach 99% of the time. But at what cost? I flew up front for decades back in the biz expense account days...now i fly in the back as i have to pay for it. Sure i would rather be up front but not at a cost of several thousand extra dollars. I would prefer to save that money and stay in a nicer hotel for several days rather than blow it to be comfortable for ten or so hours. It's like you arrive and someone hands you a few K and says thank you for putting up with economy.
  24. is there a special comedy or troll forum that this nonsense can be moved to?
  25. maybe if u spent more time working and less time posting every ten seconds on forums you might have more $$?
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