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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. It's all those "details" in most any insurance policy that requires someone to be able to read all the fine print and check exclusions and often in a variety of languages. Next they need to check the time period covered to see if it matches the length of stay and your travel arrangements. While I have no doubt yours is in order I also have little doubt that many many more folders would be a total mess that would result in all kinds of extra staffing, training, waiting in lines etc which would not be so simple as saying here is my policy so all good. If they ever do anything re travel insurance the best system would be to take part of the arrival fees to purchase insurance to cover all visitors....and of course that could well open another can of worms as to which company would be selected, amount of coverage, what specific injuries, illness, pre existing conditions, length of hospitalization is covered, and on and on. And even then people who already have a good strong travel insurance policy would complain about having to pay for even more insurance. Not at all as simple as many imply.
  2. and exactly who will check all the travel insurance policies written in dozens of languages with page after page of fine print, limitations, exclusions, and legalese? Not so simple a task. Lots of arguments over what travel insurance would be accepted, validity dates matched to travel records, etc etc. And if passenger refuses to pay...which some no doubt would do... and is denied entry that would mean the airlines would have to check the policies before allowing boarding as they would likely be lilable to fly people out if they are refused admittance. Good luck with that.
  3. Have you ever once listened to trump ramble and babble at his rallies? Obviously not. Have you noticed that trump doesn't want to start WW2 or that Nikki Haley was at the JAN 6 riot and should have called the national guard out? Obvioulsy not. Have you seen or heard trump being unable to identify a picture of his former wife? Obviously not. Have you ever seen the results of a comphrensive medical check up done by an established trusted medical facility? Don't think so.
  4. I knew the second i saw the headline that many of the responses would call him stupid or worse. What a sad bunch that can't either say nothing or say something positive. If this guy saves one or two kids lives it is something to be praised. Will some of the helmets get sold? yes. Will some of them not be used? yes Will some of them maybe save a kid from serious injury? yes.
  5. so you have been in one bar in seven years but you are an expert on what happens in the bars? Do you know how silly that sounds?
  6. Some have to learn the hard way and many never learn period. Thailand is far from the only country where you can get scammed....ask some of bernie madoffs clients about how to get scammed big time...or any number of conmen who abound in the usa and around the world.
  7. Lots and lots of long term ex pats know that it is always a good idea when you are paying with a large bill like 1000 to hold it up and say 1000 before you hand it over. Simple but eliminates 99.9%of the problems in taxis bars 7/11 restaurants etc....It's not rocket science. Most people have a brain but many don't know how to use it.
  8. BS....I have had many excellent drivers.
  9. and then sold super hero cards, golden sneakers, bibles, and now pumping stock....the guy that promised he was very very rich and would never need to ask for anyones money,,,,.that's also a fact. Send him your $$....he loves the uneducated.
  10. He certainly seemed to be enjoying his job the day i watched him for 30 mins or so. Lots of smiles from people and from him....he was not pushy at all about selling them and seemed to me to just like what he did and the smiles he brought to a lot of faces, especially kids. Actually sort of enjoyable watching an old thai guy doing what he seemed to prefer doing...prob better than sitting home all day.
  11. if you pay the extra $60 expedite it is less than a month from time embassy receives it...otherwise for $130 may take up to 12 weeks....
  12. i sat on a wall at jomtien couple months ago and he was ten feet from me....playing the instruments and lot of people stopped to listen and few people bought one. He is a very real person and seemed to be a bit of a character as many people walking by said hello to him....can't remember the price but it was reasonable and maybe a gift for someone back home.
  13. The fee for regular service is $130 usd....expedited service is $190. That is the US passport office fees. Easy to do yourself. Fill out forms on line...attach a 2 inch by 2 inch photo, a check for the fee, and your old passport. All explained on line.
  14. If you are not a comedian you should be.
  15. I have been told several times that cops are paid very poorly but the system allows them to accept bribes etc to compensate them for the low pay so the top brass look the other way as they are also in on the food chain.....without this system nobody would want a job as a cop.....true or not i do not know but it sure seems that way.
  16. juries are picked as much as possible by the prosecution to convict.....juries are picked as much as possible by the defense to find "reasonable doubt"....the prosecutor has to convince all 12 to convict while the defense only needs one to let him walk.....nothing new about that ....if donnie is so very very innocent then it should be a slam dunk to find one person out of 12 to side with him.....since donnie whines over and over about how innocent he is then stop with the delay delay BS and put it all in front of a jury then he and his legal eagles will no doubt have the chance to demonstrate how very weak the case and evidence are.
  17. Everywhere you go and most everything you do there are always "special" people who ignore all kinds of basic courtesy and break the regulations that are generally designed to make life more pleasant and fair for all. They are after all "special and entitled" and the hell with everyone else. Those of us travellers who go by the rules and try our best to be decent people are an endangered species.
  18. To paraphrase: Leave your Maga hat at home and let people think you are an idiot.....or wear the hat and remove all doubt.
  19. The jury will decide. Unlike the other cases where the judges have no gonads and are allowing trump and his lawyers to delay delay delay in the hope that trump will get re elected and the public will never get to hear the evidence. Never has an innocent man who claims he is totally innocent been so afraid of letting the evidence see the light of day.
  20. george demos....a republican candidate who lost bigly in NY.... he seems to also think rudy is a fine man so keep that in mind as you consider his opinion on the trial Demos' endorsements included: Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani Giuliani endorsed George Demos on March 7, 2014.[8][9] In a statement released by the Demos campaign, Giuliani called the candidate “a fiscal conservative who says what he believes and believes what he says.” Giuliani stated, “as a former prosecutor, he knows the good guys from the bad. He will rattle the cages of the establishment. He’ll make a difference. And George would never support Obamacare. His voice will be heard in the halls of Congress, and I predict, throughout America...I am impressed with George, his passion, his intellect, and his integrity. I am proud to endorse his candidacy and prouder still to call him a friend. George Demos is one of us. And it’s time for George Demos for Congress.
  21. So AN is now publishing articles by anonymous unnamed sources? What a joke. Since when does any legit organization publish a supposed news /opinion article without identifying the source? Don't like this particular case? Then quit delaying and get on to the jan 6 case , the docs case, along with a few others.
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