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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Sure lets come up with some conspiracy theory about how some mysterious force is paying off scientists to lie about the global warming issue....i bet a google search could no doubt find some keyboard warrior claiming that bill gates pays off hundreds or thousands of scientists all over the world to manipulate the data....and if it is on the internet then it must be true...because we all know that people who post conspiracy theories are true experts.
  2. ..would i rather listen to scientists who have spent their entire lives studying the climate worldwide and have detailed measurements of increased co2 , oceans warming, glaciers melting, down to fractions of degrees and sea levels etc..scientists from all over the world. OR would i rather listen to internet posters and politicians who have no training no experience no detailed measurements or no ability to inerpret measurements, and often have trouble telling the difference between climate and weather...let me hold a snowball up to prove there is no global warming...there see proved it. sad state of affairs where everyone is an expert that know more than the experts because they read it on the internet or some policitican told them that "people are saying"
  3. pomchop

    Cleaning lady

    no not vt 2...don't want to say which one as it is a wonderful place to live and don't want to encourage more demand
  4. at least thais who whine about how little they are paid have a real problem...people who inheriet millions of dollars (hell i would be thrilled with a few thousand bucks) and grow up in the west as a white male have very little to whine about compared to a poor thai person....a lot of the expat whiners need to go work in the rice paddies of isaan for a years, live in a mosquito invested bamboo hut and live on rice with a 4th grade education and be expected to support their family forever...might convince them that they have it pretty damn good.
  5. a chicken in every pot...talk is cheap as the orange one proves everyday...did we get that check from mexico for the wall yet?...maybe it is lost in the mail along with the "concept of a plan" to provide better health care while he saved ObamaCare? WHAT you mean orange man LOST the 2020 election?
  6. pomchop

    Cleaning lady

    My view talay condo includes free once a week maid service which is a guy and gal team..they do a wonderful job...and my rent is still a bargain.
  7. The real silent majority in this election may well be lots of "republican" women who are married to taliban like maga morons that will smile and say "yes dear" then vote dem. Good for them.
  8. well said...i also laugh more in thailand in a week than i laugh in america in a month...if one bothers to notice the thai people love to joke around and laugh..for many it is all about sanuk..fun...if you bother to learn just a few thai words the benefits are wonderful...tell a thai old lady vendor she is very beautiful and watch her light up and giggle etc.
  9. Because there are lots of world class WHINERS who can't seem to find a positive thing to say about anything anytime anywhere. I am so sick of hearing Ameicans and dear leader whine over and over about how horrible america is and how unfair it all is...even the big liar/loser who whines nonstop about how horrible it all is and how rigged everything is against him....is in spite of being handed several hundred million on a silver platter. Thai people seem to me to be able to generally get on with their lives and play the cards they were dealt without all the excuses and non stop whining. Maybe many expats here might someday realize that the reality is for most that they have little to whine about...if you were born a white american male you were born on third base.
  10. Perhaps the OP should join the taliban where his views would be welcomed...oh but they might decide to also behead him because HE does not meet their high standards.
  11. comrade kamala? Let me guess your dear leader came up with that nonsense and all cult members repeat it over and over.....how clever.
  12. a man or a whining little boy that throws temper tantrums every day for decades about how very unfair he is treated...in spite of being born with a silver spoon and few hundred million bucks handed to him?
  13. so i can still do the van trip to cambodia then immediately come back to thailand and get stamped for another 60 days...usa citizen..is there a rule as to how many times per calendar year you can do this? thank you for information.
  14. so does this mean that the one day van runs to cambodia to get another 60 days when you re enter thailand is no more or that i have to now go to cambodia or vietnam etc and apply online there for an evisa to come back into thailand? Would you need to stay overnight in other country or is it quick online...?
  15. "Who moved my cheese?"...good book with stories of people and biz models that they thought would never end and then it does end....sit and piss and moan or adapt or die.
  16. well thanks for your input...who would have guessed there are hookers looking for customers on a sat night in pattaya
  17. well thanks for your input...who would have guessed there are hookers looking for customers on a sat night in pattaya
  18. no idea what sports but from what i saw it was mostly about drinking and chatting up gals...not even sure it was a mostly aussie crowd as seemed a bit of everything
  19. Billabong sure sold a ton of beers this past sat night with every seat full and tables covered with beer bottles...seemed to be more gals than usual and lots of guys drinking the two beer minimum deal and buying even more for gals. It was a good night of revenue for sure.
  20. he is right...billabong was packed last night about 9;30 or so when i was there....not sure why but very very busy and hard to find a seat...no heavy flooding ..it did rain around 5 or so but not after that
  21. maybe they caught him when he stopped to listen to a pink floyd song?
  22. yes those pesky FACTS don't go over well with maga cult members
  23. Praise from Republican governors Various Republican governors in the southeastern states hit by Hurricane Helene have praised the Biden administration’s response, sometimes naming Biden in particular. Republican South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said at a Tuesday press conference that federal assistance had “been superb,” noting that Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg had both called and told him to let them know whatever the state needed. McMaster added that the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Deanne Criswell, had also called. He said, “So we’re getting assistance, and we’re asking for everything we need.” Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said at a Monday press conference, “I’m incredibly appreciative of the rapid response and the cooperation from the federal team at FEMA.” He specifically thanked Biden, among others, in a press release the day prior. Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said at a Wednesday press conference that the response to his emergency declaration “was quick from the federal government,” adding there was “a fast turnaround, frankly,” in making the state eligible for some federal reimbursements. At a Tuesday press conference, Lee spoke of a “rush” of officials “from the federal to the state to the local, the local emergency management agencies, local county mayors with tears in their eyes out there serving their people. There is a great deal of hope when you see what is behind the effort, the coordinated effort, in this community to begin to rebuild.”
  24. The biggest lie: Equal justice for all.
  25. trump will as usual whine and claimed rigged...likely in jail for 2028.. repubs seem to be confused with Winning and Whining They never tire of the WHINING and no WINNING going on. I for one will be very glad to have a president that does not spend all his time WHINING about how unfair life is for him and grifting with his ebay of bibles and sneakers
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