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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. and no such thing as a presidental or even state governor pardon in georgia.. GA law says only by pardon board and ONLY 5 years after sentence has been served...that explains why trump is rightly scared to death of GA....while some sympathetic repub president could maybe pardon him of a ton of stuff he is out of luck in Georgia...so look for him to ratchet up the violeance threats against georgia jurors etc or maybe even posting huge rewards for any juror who votes to acquit him...desperate people do desperate things and we all know trump will try anything his tiny little mind can think up.... Somehow i don't think donnie boy would much like those GA jail cells. Grits anyone?
  2. One reporter today congratulated trump on the "triple crown of indictments" and soon he would be in the "final four" with perhaps more yet to come... and keep in mind that every one of the indictments and charges is from a dem witch hunt even though those testifying are almost exclusively trumpers....as we all know trump has done nothing wrong and all his actions and statements have been perfect....because he handed out the kool aide and told everyone that...and many of them incredibly still hang on his every lie and conspiracy and try to defend the indefensible....he is for sure the best con man perhaps ever.
  3. Every country around the world...pick a country almost any country and there seem to be an element that wants to move away from the idea of having elections and following the results peacefully...and millions of people rally to support these authoritian types....i do not think most of these people truly understand where this can and often does lead....they get all caught up in "their side" and we must win at any cost and if we do not win fairly we must figure a scheme to seize power....so yes it does sound like a lot of countries including the big one currently going through similar....
  4. I sent them one bank statement showing a one year CD balance that was substantial...they never said a word and got approved...
  5. yep that damn witch hunt again where the incompetent dems have convinced dozens of republicans mostly picked or hired by trump who voted for trump to tell lie after lie under oath about what they saw and heard first hand...knowing full well that their testimony may well also end up with them getting numerous death threats against them and their family....wow it is truly amazing how the dems pulled off this amazing witch hunt....hardly a single dem testifying, all trumpers....it is yugely bigley the bestest witch hunt in the history of the planet.... Go ahead and scream witch hunt all you want then have another bottle of kool aide.
  6. watch the netflix series about japanese hostess bars...the case of lucie blackman...entertaining and scary what happens https://www.netflix.com/title/81671836#:~:text=July 1%2C 2000.,Watch all you want.
  7. What a sham.....lets check the records of the 250 senators that the junta illegally appointed and see how many of them have clean records...i would be that their offenses would greatly exceed anything pita has done....start off with the fact that them even being senators is illegal. For people who seem to like authoritian govts this is a good lesson in what can happen when people seize power in spite of election results and then rig it so they stay in power for ever. Sad.
  8. yes i did misunderstand if that is the case...still seems a bit of being targeted to me but they don't care what i think
  9. I never charged for my services but maybe i got a little better rate when bringing back to my hotel for further "consultations".
  10. Years ago when the internet was an infant and there were internet shops everywhere i used to go to one in bkk near soi 11 to check /send emails almost daily. Got to know a lot of gals who also came there...then one day one of them asks me to help her send an email to some guy in sweden as her english was rough,,,,she more or less told me to tell him how she missed him and how she needed more $$ as she was not working just wait him and need $$ for family etc...so next thing i know i am sending an email that i wrote in rough thai like english to this guy...well it worked and next thing u know i had several gals asking me to do same with various boyfriends.. i got pretty good at it as i knew how to write thai girl sytle english pretty well.....if i recall a couple of them ultimately ended up back in my hotel room....will never forget thinking some fool in sweden or usa or uk etc has no clue that a farang is writing these emails.....i doubt it has changed all that much except now have translation apps, facebook, etc but i would be that there are still a lot of gals getting monthly deposits to "wait for him" from multiple guys......just another "funny" memory of thailand and how it all seemed to work.
  11. Maybe they can form a committee to see if they can possibly make the requirments for various visas more complicated and complex....that way more agents needed to help get around the crazy requirements providing more bribe $$ to mr bigs as the more complicated and onerous it is the more Rolexs and BMW's for the people who control it all.
  12. Wow not even ONE full share? So by definition a small portion of one share would seem to not fit the disqualification for holding "shares"....try and imagine IF the courts looked into all the behavior and holdings of the military bunch and all of them were disqualified for such tiny infractions...except with them i do not think it would be tiny.. Once again the mr bigs of Thailand are overthrowing the will of the voters in plain site but this time they didn't even have to roll the tanks as they have rigged the system with their appointed senators (not elected) and that pretty much lets them pick their favorite "son" of corruption ...and the wagon wheel keeps turning. Electoral candidates may be disqualified by law if found to hold shares of any media firms.
  13. So did op ever answer the question as to what kind and how big a project he was talking about....if he wanted an estimate to repair a toilet i can see the guy wanting 2000 thb to come take a look....if he wanted an estimate to build a significant house add on then would seem to me a fee could be applied with the agreement that if contractor was hired to do the job the fee would be refunded...in other words don't waste his time on small jobs but if big job where contractor stands to get paid a lot then should be some flexibility... ..in Chiang Rai the guys would come take a look i would ask for price and they would tell me and then they got to work.....no idea if i told them no that they would have asked for looking/estimate fee?..but again that was CR and op maybe different location/rules.
  14. I was told the agent did it without them even being present but it was apparently an account in their name...i did suggest to them that gee i would want to be sure to change the password if the agent still has access to that account going forward or what is to stop agent from helping himself down the road if u have some $$ in the account.........not sure if u can even change the password if done by someone else....bit dodgy all around for my taste....
  15. Thanks good info ...i am in pattaya but hope to find about what u got...i have a big balcony with good sun so anxious to grow my own rather than buy unknown that may be covered in pesticide or who knows what....i bet i will also end up with way more than i can use as they do produce a lot of bud if properly looked after...
  16. Tip: Take some kind of light jacket or even a towel on the bus as sometimes the a/c will freeze u to death and the controls do nothing...i have also had one above me dripping cold water down so a towel was good to block that...only happened couplle of times out of many rides but pretty miserable if u get an unlucky seat beneath a bad a/c vent..
  17. oh yeah learned that long long ago and have grown a lot of plants in pots over the years...those damn males always wanted to spread their pollen and get my gals pregnant and producing seeds instead of more and more sticky flowers...but i do remember long ago being fooled by a few male plants but never again....i was like an angry dad protecting my little gals from those damn boys and would cut them down the second i saw them
  18. Typical BS trumper response...oh no someone who says right in the middle of indictment after indictment who has already called prosecutors and judges horrible names and is scared out of his little bitty mind that he is going to jail then posts ...if you come after me i am coming after you was in no way a threat to people who may well land him in jail... ...he was talking about a delivery of big macs that had not arrived yet...no wonder they believe all the other lies he tells on a constant basis....
  19. No but i do have a working brain enough to know when somebody tells you over and over who they are and if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck....don't trumpers ever get tired of making excuses for his acting like a school yard bully?
  20. no attitude other than just asking a simple question looking for a simple answer rather than being told i should know that i posted it in wrong place...if that offended anyone i am sorry.
  21. Ever notice how people that hire these agents to hand out bribes also often complain about corruption in Thailand?
  22. Like hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of articles posted online every day it is basically click bait where somebody who may or may not have ever set foot in thailand or know anything at all about whatever subject they write other than from what they read online.. .they apparently get a few cents per click....i love the ones that have some outrageous line like....Why you should never eat an apple...or How to retire in Thailand on $500 a month...and then u click through thirty pics etc and they never even mention an apple or thailand...i guess they get a few cents for every page u click on though...the answer is i rarely if ever click on these type stories as i am pretty sure it will be a load of BS... or the you tube videos with headlines like "trump shot and killed" and then u click on video and not a single word related to the BS headline..but i guess they fool a lot of people into clicking on the video and that counts as a view or whatever....bunch of snake oil salespeople
  23. they have not even picked the jury yet and trump is posting veiled threats to any and all if you come after me i am coming after you...he can't help himself i suppose that is some kind of joke?
  24. the guys that told me their story said they did not have 800 k in bank but agent put the money in got it printed out then immediately took the money out as it was the agent's money...sure sounds illegal to me...plus they had to leave their passport with the agent for a week or two and not sure i would want to do that...anyway...it has been going on for a while as far as i know and there is little doubt in my mind that the immigration offices are fully aware of it and get a cut of the agent fees to just do it...i do wonder if someday somebody might say ok we want to check with the bank to see activity in and out of the account and either fine or deport a ton of farangs who got approved this way...it would take a brave thai to do this though as i suspect the food chain of kickbacks goes way up the chain to a lot of wealthy powerful people...
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