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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. just great...lets cheer on the mob that was tried by a jury and many found guilty of violent attacks in an attempt to overthrow the election.....just great to throw out pardons for these fine patriots to further encourage more of their ilk to repeat the process again...just great to tell the same old big lie that the election was rigged when investigation after investigation mostly done by republicans has proven beyond doubt that there was no significant fraud....just great to claim in yet another lie that you called off the mob at 2 pm when the video was released after 4 pm and easily verified....just great to continue attacking his sexual assault victim only hours after being found guilty by a jury of defamation...just great to attack the person who dared to ask questions and tried to get you to answer them ....just all around a just great role model...if you prefer a pysco liar wannabe dictator as POTUS. i guess some peoples definition of "just great" is a bit different
  2. dna is dna... could come from sperm could come from saliva or whatever but if he never was in contact with the woman that what's the problem? simple sample no match game over. .trump is the one that said over and over only guilty people plead the fifth...no not a criminal case but presenting NO defense is pretty darn close to pleading the fifth.......his filmed deposition was a disaster (not my type but yes that is my wife?) and i would guess his attorney begged him not to show up and dig the hole even deeper in person in front of a jury....get out the checkbook donnie and be glad that it is only a civil trial....
  3. she presented a dress with someones dna on it and they requested trump provide a sample which if it never happened why would he not comply and it would have cleared him completely and lawsuit dropped...but trump refused to provide a sample...gee wonder if little donnie maybe did remember blowing a load in a dressing room long ago.....only guilty people take the fifth and only guilty people fear a dna test.....
  4. that is same as hard core proof to right wingers.... what part of a grand jury do trumpers not get? The trump DOJ and attorney general had four years to convene a grand jury and show them their evidence re hunter biden and ask the grand jury to indict....they did not do it because they knew that their "evidence" would not be concrete enough to indict and they would look like the fools that they are if no indictment was returned.. .how loud and how long have republs been screaming to lock hillary up? REALLY if you had all that evidence then why did you not go for an indictment during 2016 to 2020 when trump had his lapdogs serving as attorney general? Could it be that repubs love a good witch hunt against hillary and hunter but don't much like having to provide real evidence for an indictment?...you know like has been happening to trump....he is not indicted unless a referral with real evidence is sent to a grand jury and the grand jury....not a bunch of hot air republicans, decide if the evidence is compelling enough for a crime to be charged.....with trump the alleged crimes (often verified by trumps own words from his big mouth) are reviewed carefully not with Lock him up chants by a brain dead cheering crowd but only by evidence reviewed by a grand jury. a fifth grader can understand that allegations without a lot of real hard core evidence means NOTHING.
  5. How about a few changes that might actually encourage more tourists to stay longer in Thailand? Like 60 days visa free on arrival and if you stay 30 to 60 days you will GET 1000 THB on departure to thank you for extending your stay and spending a lot more than 1000 THB. Like reform immigration to eliminate having to hire an agent to bribe the immigration agent to get a visa if you want to be a snowbird spending 6 months a year in Thailand? i know zero chance of either happening as they might actually result in less hassles, ,more $$ spread around the country and less money available to bribes to various "officials".
  6. the alleged crimes were 2015 -2017....remind me who controlled the white house and the DOJ and Attorney General from 2016 to 2020 ? and did not apparently have enough credible evidence to convene a grand jury to indict? 3 to 5 years after the alleged crime, plenty of time to investigate all allegations.. Oh that's right it was the Trump, LOCK EM UP, gang. So much "evidence" they had but yet no indictment....now why would that be? Afraid that your evidence would get nowhere with a grand jury and you would be shown to be right wing hacks So here we go again with the same old allegations ....all of these repubs who are so incensed about possible crimes who seem to have no problem at all with the trump team alleged crimes that are being investigated and where appropriate referred to grand juries who decide if the evidence is credible and if it is probable that a crime was committed....this is how the system works....indictments are not determined by internet posts or some senators opinion.
  7. How sad it is to be so far down the rabbit hole that you twist yourself into a pretzel to try and defend a proven liar like carlson who privately admits he hates trump but then sucks up to his every word without having the gonads to tell trump to his face that he hates him. Tells you all you need to know about his integrity and lack of courage if you just listen to him and open your eyes to the fact that fox viewers are played for suckers by many of their "news/entertainment" stars. Fox's own attorneys admitted in court that nobody should take them seriously.
  8. don't confuse a fox viewer with the truth.....they applaud sources like fox that tell them the lies they long to hear...the big lie, conspiracy theories...anything to keep them riled up and tuned in for the next lie...... Fox "news": " We lied to you about a rigged election" Fox viewers: "We don't believe you"
  9. an arrest warrant issued by a judiciary picked by the coup generals....what a surprise....why didn't the also issue arrest warrants for overthrowing the govt with a coup?......too bad the same judiciary seems unable to demand/find the red bull punk....not a lot of creditability there...
  10. And remember most of the same people pushing and supporting "full investigations" are the ones that after exhaustive investigations into the so called massive voter fraud in 2020 refuse to this day to accept the results as they did not like to be proven to have bought a big lie hook line and sinker....they only accept results that they like regardless of the truth.
  11. What a crock. If you have any evidence of a crime by Biden then after he leaves office he can and should be indicted...trump was not indicted while in office as it was determined that a sitting POTUS can not be indicted. Meantime since leaving office little donnie is up to his eyeballs in indictments /trials and possibly many more indictments on the way. Thus far there has been nothing but a bunch of right wing hot air and accusations against Biden. If there was any real evidence then why didn't the trump DOJ and attorney general indict biden during the four years they had ? Answer: Because they did not have any significant evidence that would have resulted in an indictment by a grand jury that unlike trumpers require hard facts and not right wing BS. The DOJ and attorney general would have been shown to be right wing hacks if their evidence was insufficient to convince a grand jury that a crime had been committed.
  12. Appropriate that u have a pic of clarence thomas as your handle.....if you want to complain about massive deception and corruption you might want to start there as there is already a ton of unchallenged evidence that has been released detailing decades of hidden benefits given to thomas as well has his right wing wife, his family and who knows what else an investigation might uncover..... If there is evidence of a biden breaking the law why didn't trumps DOJ and Attorney General convene a grand jury to review the evidence and decide if an indictment was warranted? Let me guess...because they had no evidence that they felt would stand up to a grand jury's inspection and didn't want to appear to be fools if the grand jury failed to indict.....if comer has any real evidence then he should ask the DOJ to take a look and determine if a grand jury should be asked to review it. Throwing accusations around by republicans and right wing media is just so much hot air unless and until a grand jury says their is sufficient real evidence to indict. But repubs continue to beat the same old drum of hunter and hillary and others to include the BIG LIE that the 2020 election was rigged when it has been verified over and over that it is a LIE.....how many more lies do the republicans want to perpetuate and get their brain dead followers to buy hook line and sinker? If you have evidence then let's see it. If not then it is merely political BS. Comer sure likes to use the word "could" a lot in his accusations which SHOULD indicate that he is not at all sure about his accusations. I suppose I "could" win the lottery tonight or I "could" have been the boston strangler or I "could" have been a world class athlete but there is a big difference between COULD and DID that most rational people understand.
  13. Poor little donnie...everybody is always just making stuff up about him so they can get death threats from his MAGA moron followers..... Since Trump has "never even met " the accuser why not give a DNA sample to prove beyond doubt that it was not his dna on her dress which would have been exceptionally strong evidence of his innocence and likely have ended the entire accusation? Maybe it was because he knew it likely WAS his dna on her dress as he has stated and we have all heard him brag that he can just grab em by the pxxxy and do anything he wants?
  14. Actually we have grand jurys who review all evidence and determine if the evidence supports an indictment. Indictments are not determined by online posts or media reports. Paper trails, cancelled checks, first hand testimony collaborated by hard "receipts" can be compelling evidence when presented to grand jurys.
  15. And yet there are still millions of republicans who think he is the very best candidate that Republicans have to run for POTUS. There are a few Republicans that might make actually be a good POTUS and return the republican party to some sense of sanity but it seems that dear leader still has a lot of voters gulping the kool aide and sending the "i;m very very very rich" grifter more $$. Go ahead and nominate the biggest loser yet again and see how that works out in 2024.
  16. But of course not a peep out of republicans re a pile of evidence already released that Clarence Thomas has been on the take for decades....maybe they should be calling for all remaining evidence to be released and a grand jury convened to indict this embarrassment to the supreme court? If there is real hard core evidence of a crime by anyone of either party then by all means indict them....so far it appears there are accusations and a lot of fox "news" noise that are designed to fire up the MAGA base and allow them to continue to deflect from dear leaders long list of legal troubles and more indictments likely soon to come..but but but what about Hunter Biden...and who can forget the years long republican attack on hillary with lock her up cheers led by trump and fox....unlike trump, hillary sat through days of televised interrogations by hostile republicans and answered question after question..... republicans controlled the DOJ and Attorney General for four years and there were no charges filed against hillary or hunter biden in spite of accusations....could it just possibly be there were no charges filed because they had no solid evidence of a crime and didn't want to look like fools if a Grand Jury refused to indict on little or no real evidence.....accusations are not evidence.
  17. Witnesses at Tahitian Queen Agogo told the police that the British man was drinking at the bar last night when he suddenly took off all his clothes and paraded around the bar stark naked. Then, the Brit started attacking people before picking up a beer bottle and smacking it off the Australian tourist’s head. so he attacked more than one person....and lots of comments on here seem to think it was a real knee slapper funny...probably not quite so funny if you got smacked in the head with a beer bottle by some drunken fool ...
  18. Trump said he has "one of the great memories of all time.".....,,, But can't remember which foot hurt so much that he couldn't serve in military....he learned to lie early and has been doing it all his life...yet there are millions who still enjoy being made fools of by believing lie after lie as the lies got bigger and bigger to include the same ole BIG LIE he still tells about rigged election.
  19. Sure managed to pxss away a lot of $$ which i would surmise was not his own but probably loans based on inflated valuations as par for the trump course. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2022/01/05/trump-has-now-lost-more-than-100-million-at-his-european-golf-resorts/?sh=1c667d413463
  20. When will trumpers ever tire of all that winning from the big loser? Please stay in europe donnie...maybe there are some new rubes there that will buy all your grift and give you some $$ ...oh wait i forgot you are really really really rich so don't need anyone's money.
  21. if only he were as concerned about thomas and his totally crooked behavior along with the other crooked justices who flat out lied at their confirmation hearings as to their position re roe v wade.... If ever there should be an investigation into the court if not now when? Shameful behavior and lack of morals as they are obviously above ALL laws. But of course repubs are too busy banging the what about hunter's laptop drum to even consider an investigation of the court since it appears the most corrupt were all shoved through by republicans..
  22. The only guy I know who bought two bars in Pattaya ended up hanging himself when it all quickly went south and he ended up losing everything....something to think about.
  23. Next up: Figure out how you plan to deal with a ton of Russian overstays and visa games....or will you just let them bribe agents to bribe immigration to get bogus visas?
  24. I guess Trump figures that pence is such a puxxxy that he can just grab him as he wants....so far he was correct as pence truly is/was a puxxxy to pretend to be a great big christian and yet approve and sit quietly nodding yes as trump broke every rule that the bible had without a word....now it is finally time for pence to grow some semblance of a backbone and tell all of what he saw and heard....who knows if he will or if he will try and evade the questions and continue to protect the man that almost got him hanged. What kind of person would put up with what pence did for four + years? Not exactly a profile in courage. Trump worst president ever and pence worst VP ever...what a team.
  25. Which would you rather spend an hour with? A dog or Trump. one will accept you as you are regardless of your color, your looks, your wealth, your age, etc. one will be friendly, always excited to see or be near you and want to be your friend and will be loyal to you no matter what. The other is a former POTUS.
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