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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. It is a waste of time to try and deal in facts with someone who uses terms like trump "allegedly took documents" and that said documents were stored in a "safe" environment at mar largo after docs were found even in trumps desk drawer and Mar Lago is not exactly fort knox.....which of course makes no difference as the docs were never supposed to be there anyway and were not returned when asked repeatedly and lied to repeatedly until a subpoena was required to go get the docs that trump claimed and his lawyer swore in writing were not there......amazing how some just flat out defend the dear leader and disregard the "FACTS" that have been documented over and over.
  2. Let's also take a look at the big boys bank accounts and assets attained over the past ten years or so.....all of the bribes openly paid to immigration officials add up quite nicely. A one day visit to Jomtiem immigration by an undercover cop would notice a large number of agents receiving "special" treatment which I highly doubt is provided without brown bags involved.
  3. Geez....a HUGE difference is that Biden and Pence immediately returned all docs and co-operated as soon as the docs were found. Trump on the other hand delayed, lied repeatedly and refused to ever admit what he had done. It took a subpoena and a search to get the docs regardless of assurances from Trump that they were turned over. It's called obstruction of justice. Let's say three people went to a store and checked out but forgot to pay for some of the items in their basket. The store owner caught it all on video and notified the cops. The cops asked all three if they indeed had some items as claimed and they immediately searched and found they did have the items. Two of them immediately returned the items and had their attorneys search to make sure all items were turned over. The third had some of the items in his desk drawers and box after box full of items in storage. The third lied over and over saying first he didn't have the items then tried to claim that just by thinking he had paid for the items. lt took repeated visits by the cops where third man continued to lie until such time as a subpoena and a search found dozens of items. Only a kool aide clouded mind could fail to see the difference claiming they should all be treated the same. Is it even possible that trumpers can ever ever admit that the emperor has no clothes?
  4. I am hoping that this young man will really step up to the plate and ultimately be able to move Thailand forward by eliminating the coups, at least attempting to rein in the corruption that is rife in the police, immigration, military, judicial, and many levels of government. I hope he will select a tourism chief that actually has experience and the smarts and budget to understand that tourism is moving more and more into a digital world with most everything online to include most all immigration issues. I hope that he will order a top to bottom review of immigration to eliminate a lot of the duplication/confusion and down right stupid and confusing amount of immigration rules. I hope that a new tourism chief will understand that if you want more tourists that you have to put in place some tourist friendly policies, experiment with longer visas to attract digital nomads and snowbird six month a year type ex pats. I hope he will appoint some Thai Airways execs that actually know how to run an airline and make it completive rather than exist to provide first class treatment to their wealthy friends, generals, ceo's, families, etc. I hope that he will be able to improve the schools by making it easier to recruit and keep native language English and Chinese teachers even those who are willing to volunteer to teach for free (such as vetted retired expats). I hope that he will be able to divert funds away from the ultra rich to help the ultra poor have better lives. At first look he certainly seems to have the education and background to accomplish much especially if he is able to further increase his standing with a larger percentage of the Thai population behind him. It will not be easy and will not all happen in a year. Those are a few of the things that i "hope" will happen. I am sure everyone farang and Thai has their own lists of items that need to be dealt with in an intelligent way by intelligent people for the benefit of all Thailand and not just the ultra rich/well connected. A breath of fresh air blows into Thailand.
  5. Harvard is in USA last i heard ? Perfect English also a plus and probably hard to graduate Harvard without near perfect English.
  6. How sad that the media has given total nut jobs the ability to raise millions of $$ by promoting conspiracy theories, lies, hate rhetoric to a bunch of people who don't have the mental capability to see through the smoke...people who will believe nearly everything because they read it on the internet or saw it on the "news". Politics especially on the right wing side has turned into a contest to see who can command the most attention and subsequent $$ by playing to people's ignorance and stupidity by positioning themselves as the most "entertaining". Of course many of them are simply copying the trump model of constantly being controversial, spewing hate, nicknames, outright lies, scorn for the very people that he appointed. It's all a big game that follows the path of "reality TV", Jerry Springer, and similar brain dead TV shows to attract ratings and $$. MTG and George Santos are but two more in a long line of grifters but their "success" in becoming "famous" will no doubt encourage even more of their kind. How sad that voters think this is the best they can elect to represent themselves.
  7. i found many charming things there...the downtown clock tower, the night market, the river front park...but especially the slow pace and the charming simplicity of many of the residents, It was a wonderful experience for me for several years except the smoke months which are no fun anywhere.
  8. Go live there and you may find out...or not.
  9. interesting article...did not realize that Pita is a harvard grad, a single dad, and seems to wan to stop the coup train....fingers crossed he can clean up a lot of the messes over time https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/thailand-elections-pita-limjaroenrat-likely-prime-minister-single-dad-harvard-graduate-political-rockstar-move-forward-party-12596182.html
  10. The reason it is done "quietly" is that even in Tn polls show that the majority of people want stricter gun controls but the repubs don't give a crap about what the people want as the suck up to the NRA and gun lobbyists. Thoughts and prayers don't stop bullets. Thoughts and prayers don't stop mentality sick people from buying and using guns to kill kids and anyone else they choose. Thoughts and prayers is code for "we are spineless wimps" scared to death that we might upset our right wing base.
  11. So glad to see the anti "woke" republicans spending time and effort to deal with such hugely important matters like a disney movie....i guess they have solved all the really important stuff like child poverty, hunger, unemployment, income inequality, gerrymandering, corruption, roads, sewers. bridges, domestic abuse, teen pregnancies, judicial misbehavior, gun violence, crime, overcrowded prisons, and the myriad of other problems in florida and other states so now they can spend days watching disney movies and deciding which ones are ok..... yeah boy that is really what voters want elected officials to spend their time doing....the more stupid and outrageous the "cause" the more TV and social media attention they get....
  12. maybe trump would just buy greenland and a few other countries like france, poland, new zealand and give them to his pal putin to "end the war"....hell why not throw in california.... end in a day? how nuke everyone? absurd statement by a fool believed only by brain dead trumpers.
  13. "soared" then back to earth? 1 United States Dollar equals 33.96 Thai Baht May 16, 1:53 PM UTC · Disclaimer
  14. Anyone ever try to guesstimate the amount of "fees" collected for jomtiem immigration agents over a year? Seems a $1000-1500 usd fee is fairly common to get one year visa/bank account/handled. And from reading threads and hearing farangs talk/brag/complain about how much they paid there are lots of customers around. So do the agents give half or more of their "fee" to the immigration officers who grease the wheels? Is it a flat fee per visa? Do the gals who actually sit and do the paper work get a cut or is only the big bosses who reap the rewards? i bet there are a lot of bmw's and mercedes and rolex watches owned by a lot of immigration officers and agents....if Thai govt actually wanted to clean it up i suspect about a one week investigation would identify the agents and the recipients of the funds....and yet it goes on in the open day after day after day.
  15. So gas up the tanks, call the generals together and form a coup to "take back" the country from the voters and install a few new generals and back to business as usual. How dare the Thai people not support the generals who have proven to be so honest and caring and never ever any hint of corruption....SARCASM.. Let's appoint a real judiciary and take a look at some of the good generals bank accounts/assets and compare them to the pre coup days......and also take a look at deposits into various accounts by mr red bull.
  16. With the added caution of "this conversation was taped"......that should be enough to worry republicans but of course they will twist themselves into pretzels to say that the conversation doesn't say what it clearly says.....roll the tapes.
  17. Repubs will believe rumours and accusations from unknown unseen "spy" informants regarding biden but they will not believe hard evidence and audio and videos by dear leader who over and over incriminates himself all by himself because he can't shut his big flapping mouth....
  18. Cue the conspiracy nut jobs. The informants are being held at graceland by elvis and a group of aliens and a gaggle of Salem witches....tune in to right wing podcasts for more details as soon as they can make them up.
  19. easy enough to google charles schwab checking and read the details rather than speculate... .....i am not aware of any hidden charges.
  20. Charles Schwab checking account reimburses all fees...but be careful as it is for US residents and if you are in thailand for long periods they may not continue the no fees policy.
  21. it was 220 thb in pattaya in april at all the atm's i used
  22. yes trump and repubs have done such a great job in reducing the deficit of course they should be giving everyone advice about how to reduce spending as they have done such a great job with the deficit compared to dems .....sarcasm Now they demand dems reduce spending as that might help to pay for the massive tax cuts that they gave to the richest of the rich.....so repub policies help the rich get richer and then they demand dems cut spending to pay for their stupid policies that a review of the actual numbers clearly demonstrate the rep policies consistently increase the deficit.... https://towardsdatascience.com/which-party-adds-more-to-deficits-a6422c6b00d7
  23. you might want to see which party has sent the debt sky high over the last few decades...repubs giving massive tax breaks to the richest yielded much less tax revenues despite the usual tired trickle down promise that never happens
  24. 3.3 million or less than 1% of the population watched the cnn trump lie fest....that's about the same number that watched tucker carlson before he got canned...and perhaps many of the same 3 million that just love to listen to liars who throw out tons of BS that can be fact checked and proven to be beyond doubt a LIE....drink the kool aide and buy one of $47 tee shirts to give the guy who is incredibly very very very rich and doesn't need anybody's money more money....suckers? another infomercial free of charge to the chief grifter......
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