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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. So you were there and personally checked the bill and saw that it was "unjust"? Who knows what the truth is. It could easily be he was drunk and ordered drinks without asking or knowing how much they cost and then tried to play tough guy with the bouncers....he could have bought a bunch of lady drinks without knowing or tracking how many or how much they cost. He could have just been a dick that had a couple of drinks and tried to do a runner....or the bar could have added some padding to his bill. How many guys wandering around walking street at 3;30 am do you suppose are not at least party if not shxxtfaced drunk? Simple solution. Don't go into bars and run up tabs without knowing what the cost and numbers are and sure as hell don't get into a fight with a bunch of bouncers at 3;30 am.
  2. Trump and his minions were in office for 4 years and have been screaming lock her/him up even longer. And yet even with Trump in charge of DOJ and his lacky Attorney Generals in charge they never sought a single indictment against Hillary or Biden...Why would that be? Well DUH....just maybe that is because that try as they might they could not produce any hard core real evidence that could be put before a grand jury and convince said grand jury that the evidence was sufficient to warrant an indictment. And they knew damn well that screaming lock em up and blah blah conspiracy theories are not hard evidence and that they would have looked like right wing hacks and fools they are/were if a grand jury of regular people said no we don't vote to indict on such BS.
  3. Say thank you, eat the mangoes, and be happy you have a nice neighbor without trying to attach all kinds of hidden meanings to an act of kindness.
  4. an ex of mine was an issan gal...when i asked her why she liked taksin so much she said he paved the dirt road to her village while all the others only promised to do it before elections but never did....i suspect that story has been repeated many times during taksins days...oh my buddha how dare him spread some of the $$ around the country rather than concentrate even more to the Bangkok elites.
  5. We will see but so far i don't think jack smith is much the type to "blow smoke".....as for blowing smoke i think any rational person knows who is the king of BS in these matters.
  6. The party that loves to scream "lock em up" controlled the DOJ for four years with attorney generals who were trump flunkies and came up with not enough evidence of crime to present to a grand jury to vote for a single indictment now doesn't much like the idea that orange jesus has been indicted and may well get locked up. Why no indictments under trump? Uh duh could it be that real evidence has to be presented to a grand jury of regular citizens who has to review the evidence and agree that a crime was probable....but since they had no real evidence they knew that they would look like political hacks and fools if the grand jury refused to indict. Screaming lock em up or conspiracy theories does not count as evidence. Jack Smith did not indict Trump but he sure presented some serious real evidence, much of which was provided by trump himself, that after review a grand jury believed to be true and then did indict.
  7. Maybe that is why so many feel the need to have an ak-47 to show what a real man they are.
  8. How hard would it be to take a look at the assets acquired by most everyone (and their families) who came into contact with mr red bull and see how many of them now have increased assets a ton of $$, real estate. cars. etc. All the way from the very top level to all the judges, investigators, cops, etc. who have lied and done nothing for almost a decade. There is no other explanation for the fact that mr red bull managed to kill a cop while hopped up on cocaine and then manage to hide in plain site for nearly a decade. The total tab that mr red bull daddy has paid seems to keep running higher and higher to try and reach the statue of limitations at which time the payments likely stop but in the meantime there are a lot of "officials" who have become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams . A bounty of a million baht or so to anyone who provided a current location of mr red bull would likely have resulted in his whereabouts being provided years ago. Soon it appears we will have a new government but does anyone seriously think that suddenly all the people who have protected mr. red bull will be held accountable?
  9. Heresy.....Everything trump has ever done or not done or even thought about is PERFECT....just ask his MAGA bunch and they will tell you that plus he makes the best kool aide known to mankind. He also spelled indictment wrong but he may learn soon enough that it is not the same as indicated being the stable genius he claims to be.
  10. Can't we all just accept the "fact" that everything trump has ever done or will ever do is PERFECT...after all he has told us that over and over and over and over and everyone knows that donnie would never tell a lie and even if he did it would be the PERFECT lie.
  11. you mean like the fantasy land of stolen elections and the call was perfect and everything i do is perfect and i have the absolute right to keep stolen classified docs and i really care about all my individual cult members and loyal morons and i am a great Christian and a very tough guy and i had bone spurs to avoid draft but can't remember which foot though i am really smart and i don't need anybody's money as i am really really rich and be sure and sign up for trump university and on and on and on....got it
  12. yep georgia seems pretty cut and dried....i would also like to see Lyndsey graham and a few others get charged in that one. .maybe Lyndsey and donnie can share a cell...
  13. actually we have no idea of what evidence jack smith may have for a NJ indictment as smith, unlike trump, keeps his cards close to his vest....separate crimes can be charged in separate venues as far as i know...and as said there is also the jan 6 mess along with the Georgia mess...i frankly doubt that trump would be able to run out the clock on all the possible indictments as sooner or later a judge will put his foot down on delays....and no matter what trump would still have to WIN potus again even if he is able to drag it all out which is frankly very doubtful....any way u slice it trump has a world of potential legal problems and i am betting that at least one of them will result in a conviction and jail time.....
  14. dogs can be positioned in a matter of minutes with a few chunks of poisoned meat thrown over the wall...a false sense of security
  15. yeah lets talk about abuse of power when the military stages a coup in the middle of the night while the ELECTED taksin is out of the country......lot of power in tanks and lots of $$ to the coup leaders when they took over the trough.
  16. go spend a day at jomtiem immigration and watch the agents that are there everyday or visit the agents offices who openly offer to circumvent the rules in return for a nice payment for them to bribe the immigration officials....it would take less than a week to track down the offenders IF IF anybody really wanted to stop it....but u can bet that those whose job it is to stop it are also getting their cuts....
  17. and no matter how hard the legal system in thailand tries still can't seem to track down mr red bull via interpol or any other means....and zero consequences for those who have protected him for almost a decade....some big fat envelopes and new london and southern france villas also likely involved...it's nice to be filthy rich and not have the laws apply to you and have a government that thinks it is just fine..
  18. So charge him in NJ for the crimes committed at his NJ golf club and get a real judge and a non kool aid jury....add in jan 6 charges to be tried in DC and georgia charges tried in georgia.....note that smith did not add the NJ crimes in the florida indictment as he may well be saving that for a NJ charge or ten and once again thanks to trumps big flapping mouth he has admitted having the docs in NJ as well as showing them off...all on tape in his own words... sadly once again the republican judges like clarence thomas and cannon have NO CLUE (or morals) that they should recuse themselves when they have conflicts ....rule one of judges is ....avoid even the appearance of conflicts......don't underestimate jack smith....Barr for once got it right...trump is toast and he knows his only hope is delay delay delay plus even with that he would still have to get re elected and then try and pardon himself neither of which is likely....
  19. yeah boy really pulling for a criminal with piles of evidence of committed crimes to get off scot free and maybe try and stage another coup ...i will place my bets on jack smith but go ahead and have another shot of kool aide and pull for the biggest loser...
  20. It appears from what i have seen thus far that Jack Smith has enough "smoking guns" to fight trumpers threatened civil war.....and note that even if the Florida nitwit trumper judge stalls and delays and tries to get trump off the hook that Jack Smith may well also indict him in NJ as there were also crimes there and if that happens then a NJ judge and jury might not be inclined to roll over for the orange jesus...not to mention Jan 6 washington dc indictments along with likely coming Georgia indictments...Trump has bullied and bought his way out of legal problems his entire life but he is in a different league now where BS walks and facts talk. Fortunately for prosecutors trump can't shut his big flappy mouth and keeps confessing and digging the hole even deeper....keep it up donnie boy and lets see how it works out for you in court. Go sit in prison for a few decades and whine to fellow inmates about how everyone is always picking on little donnie and see how much sympathy they give trump.
  21. How about at least start with a SNOWBIRD plan to attract people for six months a year by allowing an online six month visa without all the BS of doing immigration visits, leaving the country etc etc....there are a LOT of snowbirds worldwide who are looking for a nice warm place to spend about six months a year. Thailand is a perfect logical choice for many of these people. Keep the requirements simple , promote it and i suspect there would be a LOT more people who would spend 5 or 6 months a year in Thailand. Those that want to eventually retire full time I suspect is a smaller more complicated market than the snowbirds.
  22. I grew up in the south. In those days if a loud mouth orange haired yankee had shown up in the south he would have gotten the crap beat out of himself by all the good ole boys. The preachers would have railed on and on against the thrice divorced, bankrupting, gold plated, grifter king who grabbed em by the pxxxsy, called POW's losers, made fun of crippled people, scoffed at the meek, encouraged and praised violence and constantly bragged about how perfect he was and couldn't think of anything he had ever done wrong. The only trait that I can see that Trump shared with the southern evangelical bible thumping good ole boys is racism and hate for any immigrants that don't look like them (and perhaps a desire to also "grab em by the pxxxsy and lust after their own women kinfolk) I would like to think that by now a few of the southern boys are starting to realize they have been conned by a fast talking yankee that has used them over and over to give him $$ and cheer his lies. Of course we are generally not talking the most educated sharpest tools in the tool box and many of them are the type to never admit they were wrong or got conned even though many of them know deep inside that is what happened, Their hatred for Hillary as an "elite" new yorker and their belief in most of the lies and conspiracy theories pushed by fox "news" coupled with a deep held racism convinced many that trump was the "savior" they had been waiting for who would drain the swamp and take America back to the good ole days. Now of course many buy into the "witch hunt" theory that little donnie constantly pushes and still send the man who bragged he is "very , very, very rich" and would never need anyone else $$ . Many will still send their hard earned wages, welfare and social security to him just as they have done for decades to all the evangelicals on TV that fly around in private jets and live in mansions. It seems some people just love to be lied to and made fools of by fast slick dog talkers. BUT as a southerner I do see a lot of cracks forming in his red neck/evangelical coalition and notice that the trump flags and signs and Maga hats that were once everywhere are now few and far between. Naturally if/when trump is tried and convicted of a litany of crimes many will still scream witch hunt but I also think that a lot of them have had about enough of the orange new yorker though they are embarrassed to admit they got conned. We shall see but without the southern electoral block of votes trump has zero chance of becoming POTUS again. Zero.
  23. And the only POTUS in recent memory or maybe ever who has not accepted his defeat at the polls after all recounts and court cases and investigations is Trump. Refused to concede to Biden, refused to meet him at white house for traditional handshake.....a poor loser whose massive ego to this day continues to tell the BIG LIE with no credible evidence provided of significant voter fraud. During the Gore Bush mess at least Gore had the class to concede when all his recounts and appeals failed....and that election was actually very close unlike the not even close electoral count that Biden won by...incidentally the exact same electoral vote that when trump had those numbers he bragged he won in a landslide. A spoiled little rich boy that always got his way and then he didn't. No better than a 2 year old throwing a tantrum because he did not get the ice cream cone he wanted. Trumps term ended on Jan 20 and in spite of what he blabbers on and on about he is not now and has not been president since Jan 20....as for the VP even spineless Pence knew they had lost and that he had zero legal right to try and overthrow the election in spite of trumps demands and all those fine law abiding "patriots " attempt to storm the capitol to stop the vote and hang mike pence if they had the chance. Yep that trump is a real class act and a grifter extraordinaire.
  24. health insurance is a problem as many have pointed out...even if you can get it the policy will likely have so many exclusions as to be worthless for anything major. There is really no simple way around that. What I do is go for complete physical in usa a month before flying to Thailand in USA where my Medicare/supplement covers it....of course there are o real guarantees that a physical can predict you will have no major events but at least you "might" get an indication for problems before flying to Thailand.....if looks ok then i would get another physical every 3 to 6 months in Thailand which are usually cheap ....and IF i see anything that appears to be moving into danger zone get on a plane and get back to USA asap where i have insurance and get it dealt with... It is certainly not a perfect solution but it is the best I have been able to come up with. A major event like a heart attack etc in Thailand with no or very limited and expensive insurance is something you may want to be proactive to at least try and avoid is IMO a good idea...be aware of your odds....but as we all know there is no guarantee that a physical will be able to magically predict no problems not to mention being in an accident. The rest regarding budget of your eating at home, not many beers, no or few gals is the least of your worries. Better that you budget for return trips to where you hopefully have insurance for check ups as well as frequent check ups in Thailand Good Luck.
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