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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. My bet would be on booze or meth. Ganja generally ends up with a bag of potato chips listening to pink floyd and being happy, not running around naked showing your ass.
  2. Just like Vegas....win once and tell and brag about it to everyone who will listen but not a word about the 97 times they lost. In fact it is hard to imagine the casinos are able to survive with all those big winners.
  3. So is OP saying the railings are made of wood (rotten)....holy smokes that is dumb with thai termites and weather etc....should be all replaced with steel IMO.
  4. Sometimes to properly repair a balcony steel railing they have to jackhammer into the concrete and remove old rebar and redo entire thing....not so easy to do and in usa at least for sure it is common area as are all exterior walls etc....of course not sure in thailand but would be wise to find out for sure before start repair work as it may result in having to redo it all or getting fined etc.
  5. Who cares which dictator controls russia but if they could stop the ukraine war it would be a bargain..but i get that a deal with a different devil could go sideways but at least it would MAYBE end up better than Putin trying to take over countries.... The war in Ukraine cost the global economy "well over $1.6 trillion" last year, according to a study released Tuesday by the German Institute of Economics. According to the study, global production losses could amount to another $1 trillion or so in 2023.
  6. Maybe the west should offer wagner a few billion to take putin out and stop the ukraine invasion?
  7. Yes so let's be sure and let them vote and accurately COUNT them and not make it harder for them to vote and then lie about the results and try and fomet a coup if you don't agree with the results.
  8. when it fully sinks into trumps mind that he may well end up in a jail cell for a decade or so there is no end to what he might try to avoid it....as always it will be all about trump and if he thinks he can get the maga morons to do as they are told and it may help dear leader he will do it...Destantis certainly knows that to actually have a shot at a win in general election he would need the 30% of die hard maga votes so he would make a deal with the devil if that is what it takes to get them....plea deal days may be over already.
  9. Will not surprise me if trump gets convicted ,which seems likely, that he will try and make some kind of deal with Desantis to agree to encourage all his MAGA morons to back Desantis and in return Desantis would agree to pardon trump should he win. Problem is Desantis is also sinking in the polls as more people realize he is an empty suit and dictator wannabe..... donnie gonna try every trick in the book to attempt to stay out of jail. I truly hope that some of the trump enablers on the big lie and fact electors like Lyndsey Graham . Rudy, Hawley, etc also get indicted..in other words drain the swamp.
  10. Rotten and arrogant to the core supremes....how hard is it to avoid even the appearance of a conflict for these so called legal scholars to grasp. Law School 101.
  11. Got evidence re biden? then lay it on the table. Otherwise it is all a bunch of BS gossip, conspiracy theories, and right wing talking points for low IQ right wingers spreading rumours like a bunch of school children.
  12. Yet another big years long republican investigation that in spite of their best efforts turns up a big nothing burger for lack of evidence that would stand up in court. You can't get a grand jury to indict on conspiracy theories.rumours, deep state BS. You actually need real evidence. Otherwise if the grand jury fails to indict you end up looking like right wing fools.
  13. Just maybe more republican leaders will finally admit what they have privately known for years that their loyalty to Trump and their constant defense of him regardless of what he said or did was a mistake. They got conned by one of the greatest conmen ever seen. Just admit it. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives and you made a whopper in defending this incompetent lying excuse for a president. It takes a big person to admit their mistakes. Put on your big boy pants and own up to the fact that you have enabled much of the behavior and damage that trump has done to the USA. Even fox "news" seems to be changing their tune and showing you that the "emperor has no clothes".
  14. Well maybe you should provide your evidence of voter fraud to the authorities...you would be a hero on fox news and right wing outlets. The FACT is that there have been numerous investigations regarding all claims of voter fraud to include mailed ballots and NO evidence of significant fraud has been found. But feel free to believe that all the investigators , mostly republicans, who have searched high and low for over two years and found NOTHING are missing something that you can find "fairly easily".
  15. It seems to be very difficult for some to admit that they got conned for years. Whether too proud, too stupid, too ignorant, too stubborn to accept reality or just plain delusional. There are still millions who think he won the 2020 election not that they have a shred of evidence and in spite of 60 court cases tossed, recount after recount by mostly republican officials. No rational person could possibly believe that if there was any evidence of significant voter fraud that it would not have long ago been brought to light....yet they still cling to the BIG LIE because Trump told them so. If that is not delusional then I frankly don't know what else to call it.
  16. maybe pence can join them for a threesome then some bible study sessions and then they can hang him
  17. Well actually there are apparently still millions of "fact challenged" MAGAs that still think he won the election and who are too stubborn, proud, stupid, delusional, ignorant to to admit that they got conned by a con man.
  18. Best Defense Coming: Insanity Best Jail Cell roommate; Lyndsey Graham Best Defense Lawyer: Rudy Best Judge: Judge Judy
  19. Personally I find the most irritating loud talkers to be the Chinese who it seems love to more or less shout at each other and are oblivious to those around them. I have learned that the only solution is to move away from them as quickly as possible to retain my sanity as they sure don't know/care how loud they are in most any environment.
  20. Yes he is certainly a model ex POTUS....all those false charges and media lies did not indict him. A grand jury looks at the evidence and decides to indict or not indict. Then a jury will decide if guilty or not guilty. The biggest problem that trump has is his big flapping mouth where over and over and over he admits to having broken laws and all of that piles up as more evidence. It is highly likely that even more indictments are on the way and highly likely that he will be convicted of several crimes. Anyone with an ounce of objectivity that bothers to read the recent indictments would see that the evidence is substantial to say the least. You are correct that many are "scared" of him as many Americans would prefer not to have a POTUS who refuses to accept election results and screams the BIG lie over and over without being able to show even a shred of evidence....the fear is that his kool aide coup crew also refuses to face and admit the FACT that the election was not rigged to this day. Delusional.
  21. I think a lot of Thai gals on dating sites are familiar with the old PT Barnum quote: "There's a sucker born every minute".
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