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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. FYI my Thai wife has a policy with Aetna Thailand for the last 2 years. (Allianz Ayudhya) No claims so no issues.555
  2. I have the Thai version of Aetna. Recently taken over by Allianz Ayudhya Thailand. Used to be BUPA Thailand.
  3. As a matter of fact I did that for a few years.I had a couple regular p4p "friends" who I got along with well and I liked and trusted.It was a good situation for me as I was working offshore mostly. Obviously they were working girls but I was fine with that.I didn't have to fix mamas roof or the sick buffalo routine.
  4. Similar to an open book exam. Heres the question and heres the answer.All set up as you say.Playing the sympathy card to the masses some of whom pray to buddah each day for his speedy recovery. From what exactly?
  5. Thats exactly my situation. My house is paid for here but if I left my family to live in say Cambo I'd have to pay rent there plus all the extras, electricity,visa for example. Maybe the tax bill won't be much different.Thats assuming if they even go through with this BS.
  6. Thats exactly the same response I tell myself when confronted for a bribe. Unfortunately they have that much control over your life by their position all they have to do is make up some lame excuse to retain your passport/papers and waste untold hours trying to reason with someone who has selective English skills that most of us relent and and give the beggars a few cents and suddenly the problem dissapears .I hate it very much.
  7. I Agree.If I were Mr Acha I wouldn't be attending any dinner parties an any Kamans villa and I'd have a quick look at the brake lines on my auto. BUT he may be having siucidal thoughts. Maybe his wife will hide his gun.
  8. "O&G workers for example, working in tax free places and having their wages paid direct to Thailand" I was one of those a few years back. Income from the ME was never taxed, the good old days. I'm happy I've been retired for several years and out of the loop. Fun while it lasted though.
  9. I,m thinking Big pun" has been demoted. Why is the 2nd highest ranking copper in the country doing inspections of embassies? Couldn't a lowly Colonel be relegated to do this? How's the investigation going with Big Nok and the cop who was slaughtered in front of 25 BIB? I guess he was getting a little too close to finding out the truth. Corruption here runs deeper than the Marianna Trench.
  10. Yes I do have a Thai bank account.My point is if I use my foreign bank debit/credit card to withdraw cash out of a Thai ATM how can they know my visa status? Maybe I'm missing something here.
  11. I ordered take away from Mac,s for the 1st time this year the other day.The sausage mac muffin sangy was reduced in size by about 25% but priced the same. A good example of shrink-inflation. Its nothing new but its still notable.
  12. Soi Yamoto. I stumbled into that place probably 10 years ago.It had a gogo stage and was dark inside. As I recall some of them wore bikinis that could barley constrain their pride and joy. A few would have made a b___k man envious.
  13. I call myself a dividend hound.I never made a ton of $ buying dividend stocks but never lost a penny. I used to use the DRIP scheme to great advantage. I'm out of the game now but in my case it was a winning formula. I'd recommend this strategy to anyone. Even the Thai REIT "CPNRF" paid a good divy for years.
  14. I remeber once when I lived in Issarn the 2 next door girls about 15 yo came over do do some chores around the house and the mom came with them and closely watched them and me the whole time. Now I know why.
  15. Correct.He knows the cops for sure because he lives there.He's being protected.She doesn't stand a chance for justice. This doesn't pass the sniff test.
  16. I also agree with you.If at home in a familiar place ok, but not in a foreign country.
  17. Same here,I gave my family Dr (Thai) a copy of my living will aka DNR Form...she told me she wished more elders would do that. I'm almost 73. IMHO its not how long you live but the quality of life. I won't want to have to be taken to a hospital 3 times a week for dialysis for example or having to wear a pamper every day like a baby. I've had more than my share of illnesses, operations etc. and enough already. My family has been taken care of so I can rest in peace.My only regret is that I wish I had quit drinking much sooner than last year. Any time there was a bad event or f up in my life it was all attributed to excessive alcohol.(curse of the working class) is a quote from someone?
  18. Back in the day when me and some buddies were taking about longevity and retirement one said, just take out a tape measure and run it out to 72 and see where you're at. OMG I'm 73 in December!
  19. No no she's uni educated in Kentucky I think.She wrote the prose herself on the back of a napkin while dining at Tiffany's.
  20. Her handler(Tony) is getting her to dip her toe in the water so to speak so the pepes will remember her for when the blanket amnesty is announced. She and bro will be welcomed back with open arms. I say this with a heavy heart.555
  21. USA,Canada,Mexico,Tahiti,Moorea,Many Caribbean islands,UK,Norway,Holland,Iran,Iraq,Egypt,Libya,Malaysia,Cambodia,Laos,Philippines,Vietnam,China,Australia,New Zealand.I may have forgot a couple and the ME sh_t h__les were for work.
  22. A trick I learnt in Issarn is to keep a large garbage bin (new) full of water in the shower/bathroom. Cover it with a lid and its ready to use for a splash shower or to flush the toilet when power is out. Of course you already knew that. For the computer and a fan a simple set up of a solar panel and auto battery will to for a few hour outage.A few other parts will include a regulator etc YT has tone of examples for DIY and not too expensive.
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