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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. That's less than 100$/day. I don't know any expats that would work for that except a teacher.. When I worked in O&G the entry level was about 200$ /day. Chevron paid me 750$/day back in the day. I think most of those jobs dried up now. I know several expats here in TL who worked out of Thailand mostly in the middle east..myself included.The good old days.
  2. If a sub was stood end to end it would protrude the water by several meters..Put that in your pipe..
  3. I've been locked out of my Lazada acct. for a week. Unable to contact anyone..The phone hotline gives a recorded message and hangs up. Chat is also useless. Does anyone have an email contact? The one that worked before has been cancelled. This is my pet peave with them. Shopee responds right away and fixes issues pronto. customer@Lazada???
  4. 35,000 baht for the privilige of sitting on a seat that thousands of people before you have been farting on for years...where can I get one? 555
  5. Scholls has a product for wart removal available at some pharmacies. Works great...only a couple days for it to work.
  6. I retired from a pulp mill on the west coast of Canada. We switched over to the "compressed work week" way back in the 80s.The old timers didn't like it but eventually it was implemented and still doing it today. 4 days on 4 days off @ 12 hour shifts. The RCMP and nurses unions were doing the same. No extra staff required.Admittedly not much manual labor these days. I liked it because I didn't need to use my vaca time and saved it for Tland every winter. I had lots of seniority and benefits. With banked OT I could stay here for up to 10 weeks paid leave . PS: I still couldn't wait to get out and left as soon as I turned 55 to get a reduced pension and move here.
  7. A childhood buddy of mine probably had the same sort of life as your pals in the UK. We were both just about 18, he got a job at a GM car plant and retired there 40 years later.I joined the Navy and never looked back. I got out after 6 years and it opened a lot of doors. I got to work overseas and travel the world and am now pleasantly retired here in LOS. I doubt I'd change anything if I could..
  8. Henry, Don't forget about the charges of "leaving the scene of an accident" his bike was 150 meters away from the car. Book him Danno !
  9. 399>Correct, turdo just declared a 'State of Emergency " and cancelled several bank accounts of donators to the Truckers. Its the beginning of communism.. Klaus Schulz declared " ve haf penetrated haf de canadian cabinet. ouch. I left there in 2004 not knowing this would be happening. Am I going back you say? NEVAH.. As you say theres more freedom here, or at least the illusion of it.
  10. Yes Klaus Schulz said that they have "penetrated" most of the Canadian cabinet. That does not bode well for Canada's future.
  11. We have an old bbq cylinder.They said it was too old/expired to exchange but they filled it up no problem.I know it doesn't leak because I checked it myself with a Bic lighter.
  12. A few years ago I was working in the O&G industry in Iran( Asaluyeh). I was working at a huge 4 train gas treatment plant.One day I happened upon a team of Thai welders working on a project. . By saying "sawasdee krap" I got a big laugh out of them. They were on a 6 month contract with no break to go home.They all seemed quite happy..I sure hope the got paid well. BTW at that place in time it was real close to 50 c.
  13. Huh? Then how would one enter egress the boat if there are no hatches?
  14. Trudeau needs much more than a meetup. Oh wait, he's still in hiding!
  15. I qualified in submarines way back in 1972 (RCN) A quick Wiki search tells me that the mean depth of the Gulf is 58 meters (190 ft) The "Song" Class boats are 75 meters in length.So if it was placed end to end from the bottom it would protude about 17 meters (55 ft) above the surface. That is thought provoking. It's a diesel electric sub which means that it will have to surface regularly to re-charge its batteries.I don't think I would feel very safe operating here. The only good news maybe if it ever sank it would be fairly easy to escape to the surface.Free divers have cracked 214 meters. I'm thinking it would be better described as a submersible torpedo boat.
  16. Correct the 90 day is free if you do the visa with them.I donate 100 baht tip for their service when I pick up the PP
  17. Agree, I've used the stuff off/on for over 4 decades. I honestly have never been tempted to chop off "Big Stan" . I usually lock the scissors in a safe place in case the urge to prune something that important arises.
  18. Hello? It's starting to look like the rest of the world is backing off on those draconian rules. That's probably why the tourists don't understand why they have to wear masks. Let's be realistic, the rule about having to wear a mask when alone in a car or riding a moto is over reach.
  19. I live here but don't go to the bars much anymore.Which area would an old dude snoop around? I won't tell anyone promise.
  20. Concur...my friend has had a bad time with leaf miners..he grows indoors to eliminate that and he doesn't have a spot outside of prying eyes and the odor can be detected easily. Indoors works best for him.
  21. Easy...do your homework and find which variety grows well in this climate and latitude and order online. Problem is that photo periods require different night/day hours and here near the equator it's almost always 12 hrs of each. You have to veg the plant indoors and then flower outside. Maybe some more knowledgable perps can chime in .I think photo's need 18-6 sun in veg then 12-12 flowering. I grow autoflowers..no prob.Good luck.
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