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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. The airline could ask to see a ticket out of the country within 45 days of arrival. You can find temporary tickets online for around $14. Search for onward flights.
  2. Read the edit I did for my post while you were writing you post. The from the image.
  3. It has been in the news more than once since the 45 day visa exempt entries started and many people have gotten the 45 days when entering the country. This list of countries that qualify for visa a exempt entry show 45 days. Edit: https://thaiembdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/S__3809321.jpg
  4. Not home country related. Moved to the Indonesia Visa & Immigration forum.
  5. If you tell immigration that you want a re-entry permit the will have somebody do it for you.
  6. It can only be applied for at embassy or consulate.
  7. No amount of funds in the bank is shown on here on the embassy website after clicking the non-o visa on this page. http://www.thaiembassy.it/index.php/en/consular-services/visa-application Normally when the amount is not shown that means a minimum of 20k baht.
  8. It can depend upon the office where you submit the TM30 report. Many will not fine you for not doing it shortly after entering the country. The amount of the fine can vary from as little as 800 baht to 2000 baht.
  9. You can only apply for a one year extension of stay based upon working for a company at immigration. Then you would get a multiple re-entry permit to keep it valid when you enter the country.
  10. Only those on extensions of stay (re-entry permit )or that have a multiple entry visa are exempt from doing a TM30 report after entering the country.
  11. Yes The only exception would be if you wanted to travel during the 90 days.
  12. In the past the consulate in Penang was issuing multiple entry non-visa. I suggest you contact them about it. https://penang.thaiembassy.org/th/page/cate-6430-บริการต่างๆ-ของฝ่ายกงสุล?menu=5d75e28715e39c242c006211 Checked the website of the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City and only issue multiple entry non-b residents of Vietnam. The embassy in Phnom Penh only issues a single entry non-b visa.
  13. Most offices are using the TM30 report for a change of address instead of the TM28 form. The TM30 report will need to be done first.
  14. Not directly related to visas or extension. Moved to the Business and Banking forum.
  15. The departure and return dates really mean nothing. At some office you can leave them blank. Not sure why they even have them on the TM8 form.
  16. You read it wrong. He is asking about applying for a e visa and then using it to enter the county.
  17. No You only need to do one if you change your registered address.
  18. No problem if you have a ticket out of the country within 45 days.
  19. Accepted is equal to received. The denial will come later. You need to do your report in person if you are late doing the report. You have to do it no later than the report date.
  20. You can only pay in USD on the online payment system. The embassy wants the postage to be paid in baht due the fact they have to pay for it in baht. Not that difficult to get a draft at most banks. My wife did it for me and then mailed the envelope I had addressed already.
  21. That was changed over 2 year ago. The ycan be done up to 15 days before the report date to that day. "♦ Conditions for receiving notice of residence more than 90 days online - Submit a request in advance before the due date for the next report within 15 days." Source: https://tm47.immigration.go.th/manual/IndexForeign.html
  22. It would be the same as you opening the bank account and doing the application for a extension of stay. You would apply for a extension of stay for being a member of her family since she would have the one year extension of stay based upon retirement.
  23. They will want a 12 month statement Yes
  24. It was a old TM6 that was still in his passport.
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