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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Wrong wrong wrong. The correct report is : Korat is now being lauded as a hub of art.
  2. Probably see them first on Tik Tok these days. The real thing comes later. No electricity in these villages back then so no televisions even. Only radios to listen to.
  3. Did that 40 years ago on a motorcycle. Roads were a bit rough and passed through villages that were former communist strongholds. Got some weird stares. So many buffalos around back then. Coming into Mukdahan ( sleepy nowhereville back then ) around sunset there were an incredible amount of buffalos coming in from the fields. Thousands of them. Almost all gone now and a white man is nothing to get exited about any more.
  4. Taken in several soi dogs and had three die. Brother in law disposed of first in forest, we disposed of a young puppy ( snake bite ) in another forest but our beloved fatty we couldn't part with so we buried him quite deep in the back garden. Wife cried buckets.
  5. Because in Thailand the water flows up into the mountains and not down to the sea. Duh.....everyone knows that.
  6. Talk about rinse and repeat ! Time to do a Stevie Wonder and move to Higher Ground.
  7. Since there are no GP surgery's in Thailand the first stop for medical advice is the nearest hospital which is where they find the doctors. So not really surprising that hospitals are busy. Having said that , as someone else has mentioned , if one person goes the whole clan will go, uncle Tom Cobley and all. Just something different to do to relieve the boredom of normal routines. Most common Thai phrases : ' Pai nai ? ' ....' Pai dooay '
  8. Truly , the end of an era. Gone but never forgotten. A sad day indeed.
  9. Just humour her. A set up like this will be safe enough.
  10. There are places that will do conversions to your specifications. Fatty Uncle has some kind of air conditioner stripped down and built into his van. Even has a shower cubicle.
  11. Cut into little squares and hung on a nail next to the toilet maybe ?
  12. I think you'll find the current population of Sweden is 10,236,129 https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/sweden-population/#:~:text=The current population of Sweden,the latest United Nations data.
  13. Well....they don't build up much of a sweat at work on the rare occasions they turn up.
  14. Those without the same names will undoubtedly have some other family connection. Brazen corrupt nepotism on a grand scale but nothing new for a non elected bunch of coup fluffers.
  15. Yup, you could walk around there wearing nothing but a jock strap but they would still want to check what you were carrying. Just don't walk around in that area unless necessary.
  16. Many Brits will be disappointed. I really wanted a non binary handicapped person of color with ethnic minority vegan parents as PM Gutted.
  17. Thailand, the hub of misunderstandings. Oh well, at least the owner had a bright and shiny sphincter for a while after all that groveling .
  18. Well , it would be. Human flesh in Veganville would be a bit of a non starter. Personally, I draw the line at a spit roast but each to his own.
  19. I sometimes fine chop my tomato then microwave it for 30 second. Result is a cross between a fresh tomato and a tinned one.
  20. When the going gets wet the wet get rowing !! Can't see the authorities fixing this annual problem any time soon , especially with climate change getting worse. Time to move to higher ground before property prices ' take a dip '.
  21. What a charade. All put on to try and show Prayuth and cronies are not above ' the law ' Whereas in reality , everyone knows they are. The envelopes keep coming , and that's what really counts.
  22. No no no ....a thousand times no. For heavens sake , this is Thailand and the correct thing to do , something that is long steeped in tradition , is wait for disaster to strike and THEN and only then , throw a lot of money at it ( opportunities for siphoning off cash ) . Shutting the door after the horse has bolted is set in stone here. This is the way forward ( as backward as it sounds to us ) I approached my local electricity authority with photographs of trees hanging dangerously over the wires strung between posts outside our house. It was only a matter of time before a strong wind blew them onto the cables and the whole soi would lose their electricity. ' But its ok right now ' they said So go home and if they fall we will fix it. Three weeks later ....big storm, down came branches and off went electricity. In fairness , they had it repaired 4 hours later but the ' prevention is better than a cure ' concept has not even made it to the conceptual stage here.
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