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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Just given me an idea. Somebody should invent a system where you have various denominations of paper credits ( flat for easy storage ) that are widely accepted and easy to use for payment of small things. This system would be great as it would do away with the need for always using smartphones etc. A bit of a way out sci fi idea but maybe 20 years from now who knows.
  2. Well.....probably will never happen. Ukraine was a surprise. 1 year ago nobody thought we would be where we are today in Europe. Taiwan is different. They have been preparing for a Chinese invasion for decades. They have everything in place to make any invasion an almost impossible task. They can not be taken by surprise and will be fully mobilized before any Chine soldier gets a sniff of the beaches. It is just not at all likely to happen. In addition to this the CCP must know that it would totally wreck their export driven economy which in turn would lead to massive domestic unrest. Sanctions against China would bite fast and deep. Just not going to happen.
  3. Now widely reported. This from AP / Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-announces-partial-mobilization-russians-061436353.html Clearly Putin has painted himself into a corner which is what makes him dangerous. However . even partial military call up will really set alarm bells ringing in the Russian population which so far has managed to carry on almost as normal despite what is happening in Ukraine. The world best hope is that powerful people just outside his inner circle will decide that enough is enough and remove him from office before he gets a lot of people killed .
  4. Papas got a brand new bag ! ( and watch , car etc )
  5. Manchester has a small China town with lots of oriental food stores. Also several good buffet / all you can eat Chinese restaurants. My wife liked it there and parking , compared to London , is pretty easy.
  6. I wasn't criticizing the company. I was merely pointing out that on a small bus you are going to be confined with other people in a small space and a little consideration from other passengers would have been appreciated. But as you say , as far as I know no company uses big buses now. If I had to do the trip I would hire a car for the day or car with driver.
  7. Mini bus only. I turned up there once but when I saw the other passengers i went home and drove myself the next day. One woman had smothered herself in Tiger Balm, ....could smell her 3 meters away. Two guys had bought KFC to eat on the way. three Filipinos were chain smoking while we waited for the driver. An attractive woman had Channel behind her ears ....whole bottle I think. I just didn't think my nose could stand being confined in a small space with them for 7 hours.
  8. Noted. Not really. Just taking the pith.
  9. It used to be : Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the Midday sun. A ditty with which I concur. However, if you must go out then lather up with a strong sunscreen and try to keep the skin protected with lightweight clothing. I ignored my own good advice until finally after having skin cancer dealt with on several occasions , I am now extremely careful about the sun. It can kill you if you live here but ignore sensible precautions.
  10. Our Frangipani tree is the same. Caused by the excessive humidity right now. But Frangipani trees are very robust and will put out new leaves to replace those lost and continue doing so until the cool season improves the humidity levels. Only thing you can do is collect up and dispose of the infected leaves asap to retard the growth of the fungal spores ( can't stop totally but helps a bit.)
  11. I've had good luck and bad luck over the years. Worst was about 26. https://fxtop.com/en/historical-currency-converter.php?C1=GBP&C2=THB&DD=18&MM=10&YYYY=1984&A=100&B=1
  12. I always thought I had the crown jewels.
  13. Doing nothing is a lot easier than doing something for people who live in the here and now. Buddhist training manifested into today's world. I saw this fine example of me me me mai pen rai at local Big C today : 1 truck = 3 spaces
  14. You are probably right. The morally correct thing to would be to sell the inheritance and give the proceeds to the people. Ok , this life changing windfall might only be enough for a pint at a pub ( likely not ) but principals are what counts.
  15. I had a 7th floor apartment in Sukhumvit 63 once. The tap water there was terrible.....very heavy , so that when you took a shower the water collected in large drops all over your body, much larger than the usual. Also, it used to leave my hair feeling dry and sticky and gave me dandruff. The ultimate solution was to move but a a temporary fix I only washed my hair in bottled water ( of the 5 liter type ) After a few weeks my hair at least improved and the dandruff went away. Water softeners are another solution but they have to be plumbed in. Too much hassle for a rented property.
  16. I can't help thinking that excess use of sandbags is part of the problem since after the flooding they are rarely collected up , split open , and the contents finally end up blocking drains somewhere. The absolute zenith I have seen in dumb behavior is builders on a work site pouring unused , almost liquid cement , down a storm drain as part of their ' gep nghn ' cleanup. Many people living there saw this but nobody dares to say anything ' just in case ' the guilty people are psychopaths are return later ' tooled up'.
  17. The carnage goes on and on. You could leave Thailand tomorrow , return in 10 years time , turn to the news and read of exactly the same thing happening somewhere. The coin never drops.
  18. 30 degree proof Lao Khao small bottle currently going for 34 baht at my local Tescos. Hammered for a lot less than a quid. 40 degree stuff only 36 !! Even my brother in law was gob smacked. ( the regular 40 degree generally costs 60 )
  19. Dezlez dont need no google. He's a walking encyclopedia Britannica.
  20. Oh man , that stuff will totally waste you dude. Avoid at all cost unless you want to end up in the nearest mental hospital. I know , posting from one right now. Guards are nasty but the babes are chill after their meds. Sort of lose win scenario.
  21. You must be the only surviving Roman ! My wise father used to say : Cheapest is more expensive in the end.
  22. Oh its all still there , pressed down under the mud. Dig down 6 inches or so and you will find the gravel. If you lay gravel on mud, then it rains and then everyone drives on it, this is what happens. Ask any Roman, they will tell you so.
  23. Denim

    Old City

    Hipsters are people that try too hard to be different (and genuinely do think that they're being different), by rejecting anything they deem to be too popular.Ironically, so many other people also try too hard to be different that they all wind up being the exact same, so hipsters arent actually different at all, theyre just people that are snobbier and more annoying about their taste in "alternative" things, which are all popular now thanks to the other hipsters.Hipsters pride themselves on liking things that no one else likes, and normally only really like them because they think no one else likes them and that theyre being unique. This is being delusional because all the other hipsters also like the same things. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hipster AKA tw*ts
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