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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Oh hell , here comes another sleepless night for me.
  2. Should have produced some money like all the other Johns that ' manifest ' the required sum before or after the dirty deed.
  3. Missed photo opportunity of him sitting in Prayuts chair with his feet up on the table and his arms folded behind his head.
  4. My meaning is not that German is hard but that Thai is easier. No articles , the ,an ,a. Nouns are gender neutral so no die der das plus Thai grammer is pretty stripped down and easy to understand. And yes, many German words are similar to English. I happened to browse a German porn mag once and recognized familiar words like arshfricker and spermflage without any problem.
  5. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
  6. I was naively wandering around downtown Taipei during a monsoon when a big sign blew off somewhere and smashed to the ground where I had just walked. I decided to take cover and dashed into an open karaoke place up some narrow stairs. I was the only patron and spent a pleasant hour talking to the hostess who was a student. I hooked up next day with her and her friend and they gave me a guided tour of the city and the fantastic national museum.
  7. Gotta love the irony. Here he is , just another day at the office :
  8. Really depend on what you like. Whether you like historical places, quiet places or very crowded and busy places. I would second Vietnam as an interesting place to visit. Lots to see and do in and around Ho Chi Minh City Personally , I liked Malacca and Penang , because they are both steeped in history. But if old buildings is not your thing Vietnam has a nice mix of old and new. Japan is a bit overwhelming unless you like a really buzzing place. Another favorite of mine is Taiwan. You can spend a couple of days in Taipei then take a coach trip around the island seeing the Taroko gorge and the central highland with their fruit farms. I liked the Taiwanese. Nothing like as brash as Hong Kongers and very genuine and friendly. Not so many tourists as well which is a plus.
  9. I've always found it useful. Don't need to drag the wife around translating for me. Can talk on the phone if I have a query with utilities etc. Besides which , it is a dead easy language to learn compared to German or Manderin. Since this is Thailand there is no denying that it is useful here. To argue otherwise is just churlish. If you don't want to learn it fine ....your business and if you are comfortable with it great. As for the argument that Thais are less intelligent than expats !! Well the way the money flows here I don't think that statement holds water.
  10. Who would have thought eh ? These tragedies are going to keep on happening until the people learn to respect laws and laws are enforced. We all know how long that is going to take. ????
  11. More likely signing off on a pay rise for himself having lost a few bonus payments he was getting as PM.
  12. Translation : It is already set in stone. Prayuths bosum buddies out ....... Prawits cronies in. Entry to these posts courtesy of gift watch in appreciation.
  13. Just carry on with the self harming ..... up your game while you're at it.
  14. Where's Tina Turner when you want her : All the politicians come in these places And they are all the same You don't look at their faces And you don't ask their names You don't think of them as human You don't think of them at all You keep your mind on the money Keeping your eyes on the wall
  15. For a nice salary of course, which is the main purpose.
  16. His first day of actual ' work ' at the defense ministry in a post he has been paid a hefty salary for since he grabbed power. You're the man ! Great wheeze.
  17. Reminds me of a popular song when I was a kid : Oh, dear, what can the matter beThree old ladies locked in the lavatoryThey were there from Monday to SaturdayNobody knew they were there. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/three-old-ladies-stuck-in-the-lavatory
  18. Bought 4 secondhand cars from dealers , never had any problems. Of course, had to change batteries and tyres when they wore out plus one or two small issues but that's about it. It does help if you know quite a lot about cars and what to look for in a secondhand car. If the dealer selling the car won't let me take it for a decent test drive , typically about 10 k where i can go through the gears and test it at higher speed then I pass that dealer by. Cheapest I have paid for a car from a dealer was 59,000 for an old Nissan Sunny. Great little car but wife said we lost face taking it anywhere nice. Latest car is a Toyota Vios which I bought 5 years ago for 159,000. Been super reliable and was in excellent condition with a set of brand new Michelins on it when purchased.
  19. Must take forever to bake !!! https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dutch oven
  20. I think so. No expert but I only proof in bowl for 30 minutes then again for 30 minutes once in baking tin. Don't get any drop unless i accidently touch it pre bake
  21. All sounds like a Johnny Cab to me. Plenty of scope for misunderstandings.
  22. Haste la vista baby ( and skip the ' I'll be back ' ) Goodbyeeee, goodbyeee, wipe the tear Prayuth dear from your eyeee
  23. I sell online and post letters every day. Never put name and address on envelopes. The only time this might be required ( of me ) is if I send something registered. In this case a small green customs declaration slip is filled in and stuck to the letter and I am given a tracking number. Obviously , items with a tracking number cost more to post.
  24. Seems to be getting more violent everywhere not just Thailand. Either that or it's just getting reported more.
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