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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. So should i expect a reply tomorrow. Was asking about using excisting passport while waiting for new one.
  2. Might pay to call the embassy as you will need an appointment. I just sent them an email 10 minutes a go with questions and got a no help reply. Will call them tomorrow.
  3. I have a little electric saw Eurox eu740. Works well with my 1 kva generator. I kinda of like the blade that fits on an angle grinder,may try one of them next. From the other thread about oil. Back in July i bought three extra chains. Same brand as the saw and 11.5 inch on the packet and assured to fit by the salesman. Fil just told me yesterday they don't fit,to short.???? The fun will begin on Monday when i head back to the shop in search of the right ones. Went back to the shop yesterday and had no refund or luck. Down the road called into another store and managed to find the right ones. Marketing at its best,the original chain i got had for 11.5 inch bar on the packet. That chain had 43 links.(to short) The new chain which actually had my saw model on the packet has 45 links.(still 11.5 inch bar) The next dilemma in the future now i know what i need is if they don't replace the packets with my saw model number on,i will have to buy chains just to open the packets to see how many links they have as they won't let you open to check. Anyway something to keep in mind if your buying a cheaper chainsaw.
  4. 50K/month is our starting point. By the years end the mrs always runs out so in reality it is more like 60K. .
  5. We recharge our 15 kg cooking gas bottle at a local service station. They will only put 500 baht worth into the bottle.(not full) Not sure whether that is because they should not be filling it(different price for cooking gas v car gas)or it is more convenient for the attendant in busy times. Up country.
  6. One of the national parks at the back of our place gets 70,000 bangkokians a year.
  7. Some area's are only going to get more popular with all the flooding going on. Hopefully not to popular.
  8. What got me was how much the wings flex. Very enjoyable flight on a 380 although didn't take advantage of the bar.
  9. The search function is horrible. Unless you google asean now search subject which newbies wouldn't know.
  10. Thai visa used to have Moderators with knowledge in all the sub forums. It's sad to see a lot of newbies posting questions that never go answered.
  11. The oil is the least of my problem. Back in July i bought three extra chains. Same brand as the saw and 11.5 inch on the packet and assured to fit by the salesman. Fil just told me yesterday they don't fit,to short.???? Wondered why he was taking so long as stopping to sharpen original one all the time. The fun will begin on Monday when i head back to the shop in search of the right ones.
  12. My little electric chainsaw oil chamber leaks so we just use whatever 2nd hand oil we have. It's usually hydraulic oil from the tractor pto leak bucket.
  13. Djayz,do you have any local drone operators.
  14. The clear message in all of this is - The American system is broken. Lack of looney bins,prisons and immigration procedures. As is with most western countries.
  15. With the rain seemly passed for the year it's time to tidy the place up. Ended up with 1470mm(58 inches) for the year to date which is one of our wettest on record. Started putting water on the rice today for the 1st time this year to help fill the heads. Tried to syphon from top dam but my technique needs fine tuning so set the pump up,as usual check valve leaking so had to replace the seal with some tyre tube. Fil has been on the wipper snipper finding a few fence lines while i set up the slasher on the tractor,his next job is cutting over hanging tree branches on the boundary so the cane trucks don't get angry when they pass. For me i will be on the slasher knocking down weeds a few hours a day in between watching the cricket.
  16. Came in 2005 to live,33 with $75,000 in my pocket. Thought could live forever on that. Reality check very quickly,assembled 100 rai of land. Got lucky with employment here which lead to bigger things over the years. Married with two children. Since covid have done 12 days work so consider myself a self funded retiree. Easy life when you don't work for the banks. The one disavantage of coming here younger is my wife is only eleven years younger.????
  17. This is my hot spring,heats up to 42 degrees. Use it most years for a period. The cold is here and will be filled tomorrow.
  18. Something needs to be done. Took my son to join soccer training last night in our village. Coach told us to go home,to many drug fueled kids turning up causing trouble. Our local police station closed about 12 years a go,sad as the police used to interact with the kids to keep the village clean.
  19. The other thing is most of the bottom melbourne teams are based at Etihad stadium so no real home ground advantage either.
  20. All you need is the "one health pass" Alex. Go to the website and fill it in a day before travelling. I saw a lot of people holding up the check -in in bangers getting help to fill it out on their phones. For the non tech savy like myself i did it on the computer and printed out a hard copy which to me was easier and accepted. Back to the sherrin.
  21. I understand as in the same boat growing cash crops. I bought an oilpress to value add and make oil from some grains i grow. It gives me something different to sell at the local markets at a higher price than the seed itself but that is where it stops. Once you start looking at FDA approval to sell commercially you are playing with the big boys which would require having marketeers. All you can really do is cut back on labour costs in these lean times and ride it out. . .
  22. It is the right idea,value adding. How much extra do you want to pour in. Hire a uni/ag graduate for a few months and see where it takes you. Could be money well spent.
  23. Wow been away a couple of weeks doing a job in the Philippines. Makes you appreciate Thailand's supreme internet compared to the islands there. Ratten getting the heave ho from the Saints was a surprise,didn't see that coming. Happy with the way the Roo's are cleaning up their list,would of liked a couple more players in the trade period. Not to be but should get a couple of quality youngsters with pick 2 and 3 in the draft. And might be a smokey or 2 in club delistings that fit the mold. Will wait with interest.
  24. Maybe it's long term vision,as they say they don't make land anymore. If your major western customers are going green and when there set up they just cut off business your left in a hole. The annexing of the four provinces provides compensation for this. A power station to supply the area. Agricultural land to supply food. Remodeling landscape to encourage people to holiday at home. Industrial manufacturing. The problem is Ukraine is getting the rough end of the stick through no fault of their own,
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