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Everything posted by smedly

  1. I don't have access to all the information, all I know the numbers of excess deaths post covid which IMO warrants a look into and an explanation
  2. amazing that you are so ignorant concerning this issue, do some reading. I am not suggesting something sinister, the fact there are a significant number of excess deaths post covid merits an explanation and investigation which has so far not happened .......... why ? I am vaccinated twice so I have skin in the game
  3. no i don't, do your own research
  4. excess deaths still need an explanation which has not been forthcoming
  5. something has upset her
  6. well it doesn't make any sense - it really doesn't how about doing the sensible thing and then all retiring, just go
  7. stop ripping off tourists, it is that simple, grab has a fare structure, you don't like that do you ?
  8. it is when being discussed on here and responding to headline on here
  9. a hub that is actually accurate
  10. no surprise really, the election result was ignored - how is that even close to democracy, the fact remains that it isn't
  11. i hope the UK police lock him up - ## idiot
  12. tiny compared to tourist revenue
  13. not if MFP is ejected/disoleved - if that happens how can you have a functioning government when 40% of it is no longer there.....................they think they can continue with this farse ??? OMG
  14. oh but he is too ill ? ### ing joke
  15. as if drink driving wasn't enough lets intoduce another drug the cops fail to deal with, ### stupidly beyond understanding
  16. what about the serial killer on the loose ?
  17. is that they have to complain about ? how about drunk driving, speeding, mobile use, careless driving, and the carnage on thia roads
  18. pay up or hold an election the courts should disolve all the parties for election fraud
  19. parliament can't function with half the MP's kicked out, an election must take place this country is a farce
  20. hmmm, still should be a hefty fine if caught in possession or using
  21. now working perfectly
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