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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I know. It has to be asked. I'm sure you'll never get a reasonable. I might add that so called "alternative" proteins that the West still finds to be fashionable [even political] have been around and used for ages.
  2. Ho Hum... Don't have to be too intelligent to understand the likes of Google and how they operate. ....and the dumbing down continues.
  3. I certainly wouldn't bother doing anything until the 1 Nov. Contact a Thai Embassy/Consulate after that date for real updates and changed policies. Not gonna received any confirmed or detailed info from officialdom or the media - as they've all been wishy-washy from the start. The only thing that is known: As of 1 Oct quarantine [and all the frills] has been reduced to 7 days. As of 1 Nov quarantine [and all the BS] is lifted. Maybe.
  4. I expect that won't be too long. This glitch was just a warning. The next one will permanent - FB and all their social media kin. Good Riddance!!
  5. Independent from what? Guaranteed such arbiters aren't "independent". .....and the dumbing down continues.
  6. No..... I've removed myself from the very deep Google family associations some time back. There are even alternative Thai searches available if you know where to go.
  7. Indirectly, part and parcel of the black economy - akin to a criminal sybdicate.
  8. The anonymous community of hackers own most of us. And we make it possible because of our vacant lifestyles.
  9. Enjoyed a couple of canine Bar-B-Qs with locals. ......and enjoyed it.
  10. Yes it is. It's rising rapidly every week. Finally got their act together after a rough start. Positives override all the projected doom and gloom among the Negative Nellies.
  11. Dumbing down conditioning..... Been of this nature forever in that part of the world.
  12. There are the locals to interact with. They don't bite. And much much more engaging than Farang. Anti social hermit with no social skills defined as not wishing to have anything to do with Farang. Indeed. Whimsical.
  13. The only true spelling and pronunciation will be of a Thai script. Any such Euro-romanized smug transliteration has little or nothing to do with anything, even though those who identify with it might convince you otherwise.
  14. Or any leaders, for that matter. An affliction that can be found worldwide. And some might cringe as to why we refer to these charlatans as leaders, much less to be admired.
  15. Some more astute observers might suggest it's: Isaan Semantics is a game.
  16. Kinda disgusting. And on a public venue, as well.
  17. The planet ain't crappy, per se. These accolades should be reserved for the particular creates that stand up right. Crappy. That's being nice.
  18. The avoidance of their company is preferable as you know what they're about - nothing special. I, too, couldn't be bothered. Less of a trend, but an intuitive character trait.
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