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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. This might certainly apply to all brethren English-speaking cultures and their world. The kinship and character is one and the same. Not an endearing or developed bunch.
  2. I would expect the official stance and policy to be changing soon. Mandated will be the call.
  3. The predictable hand wringing and debate is as annual as the flooding somewhere in the country. And all the angst passes and forgotten come the months thereafter. Out of sight, out of mind.
  4. Another skullduggery ship that passes in the night without notice. Been of this nature forever. Ho Hum....
  5. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that it was recently made mandatory. There are some debates whether children might be vaccinated or not, lower dose, wait for the tweaked variety made for youngsters, etc.... If anything, teachers and admin staff should be vaccinated for everyone's protection. That should've been a priority from the start. Until then, a protocol practiced [mask, distancing, etc] classroom might be prudent and advisable.
  6. Well.....the more I think about this proposed Nov. 1 lifting of the quarantine requirements leads me to believe that the COE and the said COVID insurance attachment will be nil and void as well......????? Kinda makes sense, doesn't it? ???? But then we're dealing with wishy-washy Thai officialdom, aren't we? BTW - I also gone through these procedures a couple of times already.
  7. Most don't care to imbibe real history, and it's truer perspectives, because it's just that - real. Much easier to absorb the repeated convention that fits nicely to their already predisposed agenda.
  8. The electronic dependency is fierce -
  9. Loei backwater is nice. Still, one of a handful of provinces that has a very very small Farang presence - and better for it.
  10. The saddest aspect of cases of this nature is that the offer of bail is available. I'm still astounding as to how such a sicko like this could be eligible for bail.
  11. Well.......so much for that promoted and lofty experiment. The science establishment might do themselves a favour and explore, study and research the ideals of therapeutics as applied to all things covid.
  12. Might this nature's time or the perplexing and false invention of what many consider to be time? Already lost if you envision "time" to be a commodity of some worth.
  13. Actually, less of a secretive mess if the OP took care of these things himself. If the great worry is one's personal standing email account that's used for ID here at AN, he needs to easily change his official ID. Create a bogus temporary email account [Gmail is easiest]. Log on here. Go to your settings where one can change email address, password, etc. Go through the procedure to change your email to the bogus account. Log in to your temp email account to confirm the change. Confirm/save the AN settings. Finally, delete the bogus email account. Problem resolved.
  14. I believe a good old fashioned civilising mission is in order. Barbarous uncouth tribal Oriental despotic cultures need to know their place.
  15. Most be your incredulous and properly and respectful formed wai, en lieu of the casual indifferent variety.... Speaks volumes. Farang wai Farang.
  16. Your assumptions that they don't leaves me to believe that you're not pay attention nor travel in real Thai circles.
  17. ......and compelled to bring it to the random attention of all within the settings of this public venue. Why?
  18. Yeah. This universal angst and whinging has grown substantially over the last couple of generations - a contemporary sense of cultural entitlement that might baffle some observers. The inability to adjust and acclimate harmoniously behooves their underlying intolerance. I believe this type might find misery and comparative challenges regardless of where they lay their hat - especially, as all applies to "foreign" lands. And they wonder why they're still considered and looked upon a foreigners and outsiders.
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