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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. From long years of personal observations, these same types will be miserable most anywhere that they settle. Has most to do with the general character of the individual, less the locale.
  2. Though, that's changing quite rapidly. Seen the fully vaccinated numbers lately?
  3. Parodies might not penetrate the trivial overreaction of many here. Nice attempt, though.
  4. Actually, it goes farther back than 2014. Several decades. Understanding contemporary Thai history might help.
  5. I still prefer the 1970s. Less Farang and even lesser Farang influence. The good old days. Civilised.
  6. That Zuckerberg fella. Kinda creepy looking, actually. Human-alien hybrid?
  7. ....and even more bizarre, making it publicly promoted and policy. These are the types of activities best kept to themselves. Goofy.
  8. Where are those lone assassins when ya need 'em the most.
  9. WOWSY!!!! Let me get this straight.......a whole B800? ???? I'm sure that will break most bankbooks. ???? Might have to take out a second mortgage to cover - ????????
  10. Yep. Suspicious alarm bells when things of this nature are overwhelming newsworthy and over concern is displayed. It's all about them. The puppet masters.
  11. Expecting Bill Gates to be purchasing FB as a hostile takeover move.
  12. He should be expecting a call from Germany to sort it all out.
  13. Cremate my <deleted> at the local Wat. Big magnificent tamboon. Huge gathering of people. The more cash offerings to the family and extended family, the better. It's all about death and profiteering. Afterward, a large wake-like drunken celebratory at the house. No one's turn away. Peace. I'll be back in the next life.
  14. Bhutan The Marquesas Madagascar Taiwan Vietnam I prefer not to have rhymes or reason as to my selections, as the initial OP and inquiry tends to be somewhat convoluted by the usual manner. The list [forgive me, it's 5] just is what it is. A small footnote: seems to be a running theme here of late regarding greener pastures elsewhere and getting the <deleted> outta Thailand. These related subject matters come in waves, historically, from TVF and ANF. Farang angst.
  15. That's known to be very common throughout the regional offices. Each locale make up their own regulations as they go, even when contradicting any such national policy.
  16. One year plus [in theory] to get their corrupted and stacked houses in order. The next manipulated coup will be much easier to pull off.
  17. Edward Snowden, among others, thinks so. Too many convenient dots to connect.
  18. Shouldn't be a deterrent, as they'll make up something or another to fit their respective agendas.
  19. All true. But as long as they're profitable, with an element of control, for him and his circle then it's all good.
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