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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Indeed. There is quite an array of indy alternative media that somewhat challenge and question the standard and convoluted convention.......you just have to search around.
  2. Yep. More than likely. This story reads like most - sensationalized, exaggerated and fear promoting.
  3. Also....during Thaksin's era, the renewal of secret disappearance practices increased 10 fold - towards drug associated, "activists" of every description and those considered troublemakers regardless of their politics. Secret police and political henchmen had become glamourised again. These activities hark back to the late 50s and well into the 60s/70s under the likes of Phibun, Thanarat and Kittikachorn.
  4. Yet, what if your/our beloved Pita and the MF folks are more akin to wolves in sheep's clothing [sort to speak]? They haven't done anything yet - just dreamy talk is all. I wish them the best as well, but still instinctively cautious and cynical. Remember. Thai politics.
  5. To be sure.....always diddling with the already overloaded bureaucracy/cost of "resident" visas. Just another justification to muck with the the programs further. More intelligent and wiser old hands have never felt the need to play the game with the non-O types * very life restrictive. There are a couple of alternative avenues for foreign residents to take advantage, as they've been in place forever. Know quite a few of these selective types that aren't harnessed with the dreaded retirement, marriage, family or business long term visas.
  6. This academic fellow must not get out much or lesser observant, as local/community distilled spirits [wide variety] have been "secretly" produced throughout the provinces for ages - be it legal or not. Besides all this, not the governments place to suggest [and repressively regulate or make unlawful] what the communities do for themselves. Butt out.
  7. While your at it, you might consider taking in a mating pair of ducks - free range duck eggs are much richer and tastier. And......like chooks, they acquire a hard-wired homing range - with or without pens.
  8. I would trust that any prospective retirees will do some heady research and not buy into the glossy promotions before choosing Thailand as a preferable retirement locale....
  9. Great for Farang? Remember who set/originated these contemporary convoluted and machiavellian visa protocol and mechanisms. You must not be aware of how it was pre-Thaksin.
  10. Simply put, we shouldn't become too hopeful of any positive outcome in the coming days/weeks. The best that interested folks might consider is that PT will be handed the reins.......which is akin to doing business with the dinosaur cabal. What could be a blessing is that MF gains knowledge from this experience.
  11. In a pinch, one could always give 'em a ring and hopefully be directed to the appropriate individual. 02.205.4000 https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/
  12. I'm sure these types have never experienced a real Thai morning markets.....so all moot, ain't it.
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