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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. So.....what does Jesus have to do with it? I'm confused.
  2. You shouldn't be surprised as to the outstanding number that consider things are different this time around......and "change" is the dreamy clarion that is heard everywhere - especially deluded foreign types. The old adage holds true: Same as it ever was.
  3. Come on in, Thakky... Things are on shaky ground these days and the young stud, Pita, requires assistance. I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms.
  4. Indeed... But I believe the special amulets go for triple that. You'll find the traders and con men outside every major market in your province.
  5. Most of the world was sucked into the COVID scam. The charge of being gullible is/was universal.
  6. Yeah. There is no difference between 'em all. None, whatsoever, has the well being of the commons in mind. Much too many aren't not able to recognize these things.
  7. Expect the usual August/September abundance - which might include high water/flooding.
  8. Indeed. Ever notice that social media ain't that social. ????
  9. Was he even asked by one of those supreme and crack Thai journalist? How did the initial inquiry come about? Or.....are they just looking for sensational copy - speculating?
  10. But remember what and who the Constitutional Court is made up by.... Not guaranteed with this cabal.
  11. Agreed. It appears that MV's pre-election strategy [for months] went array. They knew who they were up against.....therefore, all past/present checks and balances, i's dotted, t's crossed, etc needed the upmost looking after. A personal minor misjudgment was ignored and today has charmed it's way into the current action taken against them.
  12. Publicly denying when not being roundly accused as of yet? Hmmmm.... His truer colours are running.
  13. Perhaps. That is if they can receive a fair and unbiased hearing. Unfortunately, the cards are already stacked against 'em.
  14. That might prove to be difficult for Farang....
  15. Sure. Change. We'll have to wait and see if such a dreamy state will manifest. Some of us have real doubts. There's nothing more criminal than politicians and politics - anywhere.
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