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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Sure. There are never such made up issues within the realms of real local markets....where most of the population interacts. I suspect that many on here [backward Farang residents] have little experience with such everyday places - instead choosing to imbibe at the usual and predictable Western-style supermarkets and such, all of which things are truly outta touch. Ho hum.
  2. I believe the scientific or scholarly term you might be looking for is: diffusion.
  3. Yet, this is how the provinces are run - never mind the national scene.
  4. ....and not taking care very well, is he? For some time now. This, like many other non-issues, is yet another distraction.
  5. Oh yeah. Rest assured that they are certain that they can regain systematic infrastructure they still cling to - and still influential within particular power circles. That's why the subliminal call for a cleanse and reshifting of the dominant paradigm is so vital. That being said - I believe that the greater percentage of everyday Thais are ok with things the way they are or once were. They know they're not that controlled nor repressed in broader circumstances and in comparative [worldwide] note. It is what it is.
  6. Indeed....as there are numerous historic instances of this nature that we can sight.
  7. .....and largely manufactured for decades. Dumbing down is their specialty.
  8. The falsely placed and appointed Senators? Those Senators? Disregarding any such reflective standard for a moral compass.
  9. This simple inquiry might be extended towards many here who still haven't a clue.
  10. Charged and convicted in absentia...? Some might consider this to be make believe.
  11. The bottom line, though, has to be pondered - will there ever be any real and substantiated change for the better? Even amongst the coalition gang? Or will the usual surface compromise be an euphemism for old club rules. Meet the new boss - same as the old boss? Suspicions should still be instinctively high.
  12. Hopefully, a new era has dawned. After such gets a foothold, the cleansing of the fetid rot needs to be thorough......not just in rhetorical form.
  13. Hope these lovely traits and attitudes trickle down to the provincial and local level, as that's where the real everyday community politics is most important.
  14. I believe a lot of these unnecessary issues might be resolved if Thailand would simply nationalize their healthcare/medical systems across the board. Health care and well being towards the commons should be national budgetary priorities....
  15. Some can't help to comment or shed an opinion towards things that they have little comprehension of. Quite evident here - in droves.
  16. Well......from my perch, the overwhelming percentage of American society is made up of this trashy character.
  17. Folks of his class and status don't do time. The penalty will be a hefty fine.
  18. Perpetual criminals, grafters and scallywags. It's starts at the top.
  19. The Thai people would like their country back. I believe they've already spoken......and aren't gonna repeat themselves.
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