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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. The remake of the Evil Dead has triumphed at the US box office. Featuring extreme violence and multiple gory killings, the US is made up of fifty states.
  2. Sad news. The inventor of speed boats has died. The funeral is tomorrow, followed by the wake.
  3. Ireland is putting a Bounty on Putin's head. And if that doesn't work, they will put a Mars bar and a Twix as well.
  4. My daughter just phoned me and the conversation went like this... Her: "You know that Gladiator movie that I got you?" Me: "Yeah." Her: "Wind it forward one hour, 16 mins and 28 seconds." Me: "Right, I've done that" Her: "Okay, you see the gladiator at the front fighting the lion!" Me: "I can see that, yeah." Her: "Just behind him, there are two gladiators having a sword fight with each other!" Me: Okay, I see them." Her: "Well, behind them two, on the left hand side of the screen, there's a woman gladiator holding a spear." Me: "Yes! I can see her!" Her: Right..! Those are the Sandals I want for my birthday.
  5. Need cheering up? Start an argument with somebody when they have the hiccoughs!
  6. Breaking News Today in Las Vegas a man attempted to hijack a bus full of Japanese tourists. The police have 3756 photos of him.
  7. For every bloke who fails at life there is usually a woman somewhere with a free house.
  8. Went to the doctor today and told him I was tired all the time and could he give me something. He gave me a 20% off voucher for a new mattress.
  9. The Nepalese government are planning to charge people up to £10,000 to scale Everest. I think it's a bit steep.
  10. My son was baptised Times New Roman. I think the priest used the wrong font.
  11. Gymnasium in ancient Greek means "naked exercise" Try telling that to the receptionist at Fitness First.
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