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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. A lovely woman from the Countryside died. She found herself outside a beautiful garden with splashing fountains and bright flowers; but she was alone and the gate was locked. When St. Peter finally came by, the woman said to him, "This is surely a wonderful place It must be heaven. How do I get in?" "You have to spell a word," said the saint. "What word might that be?" "Love." said he. Well , she spelled it all right and was admitted through the Gates of Heaven. About a year later, St. Peter asked this woman if she would mind guarding the Gates a short while for him. While she was waiting, her husband arrived. "How've you been?" she asked. "Oh, not bad," he said. "I married the pretty nurse who took care of you, and then I won the lottery. I sold our little cottage and bought a lovely mansion. My wife and I traveled 'round the world. Today I was skiing and broke my neck and...and here I am. How do I get in?" "You have to spell a word." "What word?" "Czechoslovakia"
  2. Doing some family research, my Great Great Grandfather was on the Titanic. I suppose he still is.
  3. "It's important we remember the true meaning of Easter" says The Archbishop of Cadbury.
  4. Recent Studies Show That Over-Exaggerations Have Gone Up By Ten Billion Percent!
  5. I know it's a long shot -- but does anyone know what a trebuchet is?
  6. The first Transgender whale has been found. It's been called Maybe Dick.
  7. It has been said that a thousand monkeys banging on a thousand typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to social media, we know this is not true.
  8. The last time I played darts in the pub, first arrow treble 20, second arrow single 20 and final dart straight through Sister Margaret's eye. I got banned for shouting "One Nun Dead and Eighty!".
  9. Vladimir Putin dies and goes to hell. After a while he gets a 1 day pass for good behaviour. He walks into a Moscow bar orders a coke and asks the bartender Is Crimea ours? Yes it is. And the Donbas? Yes. And Kyiv? That too. Thanks. How much will that be? 5 Euros.
  10. I went around to my Grandads to take the dog out for a walk. As I was about to go out he shouted "Don`t forget poo bags" "Do I have to" I shouted back. "Yes" shouted Grandad. "Alright" I said -- "Come on Nana"
  11. Just bought a chest freezer for the wife, but could only afford a 3 foot one. Looks like I'll have to fold her in half.
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