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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. The perfect computer game for one or two members here...
  2. The first time I saw a universal remote control on sale, I thought to myself, ‘This changes everything.’
  3. I hired a local electrician. But when I found out how bad he is, I was shocked.
  4. I failed maths at school more times than I can count.
  5. People call me a hypochondriac. That really hurts!
  6. My wife and I decided that we don't want children. If anyone does, we can drop them off tomorrow.
  7. I've been going out with my current girlfriend for, um, let's see now... Oh, that's it. Sex.
  8. I went to a psychiatrist and he told me I have a preoccupation with vengence. Huh! We'll see about that.
  9. I just read a good book on a legendary ladyboy who had a speech impediment. It was called "Man or myth?"
  10. I went to join the local debating society, but they talked me out of it.
  11. I don't mind admitting that I'm a rather lazy person. I'm so lazy, that I
  12. I quit my job at the helium plant when my boss called me into his office. I refuse to be spoken to in that tone.
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