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Everything posted by bojo

  1. Great to hear good news tales................................. Together with improvised side car vaccine services being initiated and promoted on facebook, it won't be long before most elderly folk, who they were mainly helping and making aware of the service, are double jabbed...........Good effort by the authorities..........................................
  2. When two tribes meet, there's often gonna be different signals flying about Yes unusual setting etc, true..................but IMO, I don't think folks abroad really wanna get into the political divide and are probably relieved to 'not give away their side'........................................I think that your interpretation of others' body language suits your theory only but not necessarily the general consensus of most American's abroad. After all, they've escaped the madding crowd to a more tranquil place, why would they want to get back into the fire.......................
  3. Most, who follow international news are acutely aware of that and just in comparison, but from different sides of the Atlantic..the UK has never been sooooh divided IMO since Brexit and it still lingers/brews as one can even see on this forum at times.......................Personally I blame it on the media and perhaps that's what I'm getting at when one is removed from one's home country.....................................................You can be and most I believe are, far removed from what is going on back home and IMO, with all the divison, that's gotta be a good thing................................
  4. Sure, but it's a tough remit and quite niche, not least in that it appears to be aimed at Americans............................. From outsiders there will be very little reaction/implications IMO, but from fellow Americans in Thailand, I would imagine that any potential friction between divided fellow citizen's opinions would be diluted due to promimity to home and 'Living in the Land of Smiles' attitude and lifestyle, makes most things far less conflicting.............................
  5. Some slogan that.........................almost as long as a Pepsi advert...!.....................
  6. Quite possibly a reactionary typo.....................unless there's something we should know...........
  7. Personally, I've never heard about this 'fearful myth' or could be 'two wrongs don't make a right'
  8. Interestingly, what is it in OZ dollars monthly?
  9. Of all the places that foreigners might consider retiring to in Thailand; IMO if you had to select one place that would suit most foreign retirees on a 50K budget for example, then Pattaya would be that place.......................................... Personally, I think it's a good choice and if you're savvy, open minded, able to adapt, you can currently have a good life there for 50K Baht......................................................... Not so sure about the future though and the same goes for the whole of Thailand really. Most Western expat's pensions have generally stretched a long way over the years but their buying power is diminishing fast so make sure you plan for that...............................
  10. just watching locals spoon sugar into their noodle soup always amazes me, no matter how many times I observe, I always think 'surely they're gonna stop', but they keep going.............it never ceases to amaze
  11. Correct......................but at least he made a stand................good on him I say...................wished I had the gall....................
  12. OK, interesting that, personally I don't have my ears to the ground..........however, I do vividly rememeber acute Thaksin bashing by forum members here for what seemed like ages in the noughties............................
  13. What's the purpose of your intended action? If you used those words with me, I would immediately assume you're selling expat insurance or a property agent looking for a sale for example, taking your attire into account that is............................................................. If you didn't appear as a threat, I would reluctantly engage with you, with a 'go on what do you want' attitude..............but if you changed your intro to just 'hello/hi' with a smile and open demeanor, I think you would get a much better engagement with most......................
  14. Can we meet in the middle.....call it 160...........!!
  15. You're not wrong there!!...................you mean something like the feeling a traffic warden probably gets on ticket issue.................
  16. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/royal-d-electrolyte-beverage-644654808 this could be your benchmark.........................
  17. .......................and at a cost....had some money sent, albeit a small amount from mum in Thailand to daughter in UK using Krungsri...............11400B less charges and commissions and fees etc etc..net hopefully gonna be received 10000b, no idea of the exchange rate either, lap of the gods there.....
  18. Key, of course, but nice to have people's take on it.........................
  19. That surprises me no end and I gotta be honest, I find that rather hard to believe................If true, that's good news for the classroom as lessons are usually between 30 and 40 mins depending....................
  20. Use it sparingly and/or targeted for effect......................
  21. It's quite a difficult thread to answer as so many are already catered for. One might have a favourite cuisine, but for the mainstream, sales may well fall flat due to lack of popular interest..................................... With Thailand's coastal waters providing an abundance of seafood and rice being one of it's main staples; Cajun and Creole cooking would be well catered for, but it's a real niche cuisine outside of it's conceived origins, I can't recall seeing restaurants worldwide specialising in it...Po'boys however, would go down a storm in lieu of late night burger or kebab............................
  22. Would someone on here be able to give an accurate summary and timeline of which countries overseas tourists visited Pattaya since it's inception as a tourist destination starting with potentially the Americans in Vietnam/American war days through to today? ................
  23. Jeez, that's some analogy.....can't see David Attenborough telling it like that!!!
  24. Somphet was by far and away the worst service and rudest staff I have encountered in CM. Used to love their chicken in gravy style dishes with crispy bai makroud, quite remarkable, but haven't been in years now............................
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