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Everything posted by userabcd

  1. That is your general perception. In reality most are paying taxes or using tax laws to avoid paying excess tax. People seem to have their beady eyes focused firmly on the other peoples "haves" wealth, but forget that the money is tied up in the companies stocks, building, reinvesting and research in the company. They buy things, pay people and that is where some tax is recovered recovered by govt. Now with CRS and FATCA reporting it is presumed that most peoples finances are known by banks and govt.
  2. Thought this stuff was only approved for medicinal use. By the looks of it, it seems to be out of control and many are twisting the purpose for which it was legalized to get high.
  3. If the actors paid tax in Thailand for their work then in most cases the DTA would apply and the actor could claim a rebate in their home country on taxes for that income already paid. In most countries though, if the taxes were not paid in Thailand and they were still considered resident of their home countries, then they would be liable to pay taxes in their home country.
  4. Quite rightly so, arrest and jail them, all those nonchalantly bragging how they do not pay for their traffic offences as if the law does not apply to them.
  5. Basically there are just too many humans on earth consuming finite resources. From worldwatch "Water is vital. Biologically, an adult human needs less than one gallon of water daily. In 2010, the U.S. used 355 billion gallons of freshwater, over 1,000 gallons (4,000 liters) per person per day. Half was used to generate electricity, one-third for irrigation, and roughly one-tenth for household use: flushing toilets, washing clothes and dishes, and watering lawns. If 7.5 billion people consumed water at American levels, world usage would top 10,000 cubic kilometers per year. Total world supply—freshwater lakes and rivers—is about 91,000 cubic kilometers. World Health Organization figures show 2.1 billion people lack ready access to safe drinking water, and 4.5 billion lack managed sanitation. Even in industrialized countries, water sources can be contaminated with pathogens, fertilizer and insecticide runoff, and heavy metals and fracking effluent." Imagine the vast amounts of energy being wasted by humans serving no purpose while reading and posting stuff on websites.
  6. Best to transfer mon to thurs ie work days which are always quoted by business and govt and excluding the public holidays both in Thailand and abroad. Theoretically if you tf on Fri and receive on mon it is 1 working day. "Technology is a making my life more hard, not more easy" ...and more invasive.
  7. 09h00 thai time and 03h00 UK time is the same day.
  8. "Old Thread on aseannow THREE TYPES OF FOREIGN INDIVIDUALS CAN BUY CONDOS IN THAILAND Under the Condominium Act of 1979 (amended in 2008), there are five categories of “aliens” that can own a condominium in Thailand. The three that reference foreign individuals are: Foreigners living in Thailand with Permanent Residence status; Foreigners living in Thailand with a work permit and visa sponsored by a Board of Investment promoted company; or Foreigners who pay with funds: transferred into Thailand from overseas; from a Thai-baht account where the account owner resides outside of Thailand; or from a foreign currency-based deposit account. In simple English, for buying a condo in Thailand, you must either a) hold a permanent resident permit or, b) work for a BOI company and hold a valid work permit/visa, or c) intend to legally bring in or have brought in foreign currency into the country to be used for the purchase of a condo (and properly notated as such). This is important because in order to register ownership with the Land Department in your name, you will have to provide proof of your status under a, b, or c."
  9. Yes, but the real details of free shipping can be found out when one places the order then there is a min spend to obtain the so called "free shipping" It seems to be a marketing trick anyway, logically there is no free shipping, it would either be built into the product price or one would have to pay separately for it.
  10. "Thailand joined the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in 2017 as a commitment to align its reporting standard with the globally recognized CRS. It is expected the nation will fully commence CRS by 1 January 2022 to carry out its first AEOI scheduled for 2023."
  11. Yes and any slight delay in the transfer generates a new post and flurry of new comments how long their transfer took.
  12. " Hi I'm thinking of coming to live in Thailand. I was told I needed to bring my correspondence from my home country tax office. Is this true? Many Thanks Leman" Who told you? What correspondence were you told to bring with you? CRS is an automatic reporting and sharing of financial account information by banks and financial institutions of a foreigner account holder (What is shared: name, place of birth, nationality, all countries where one considers themselves to be resident, tax numbers or reason why no tax number (s), account details, income/deposits into account during the year and balance at a specific time of the year) with the tax offices where one is resident This information is automatically shared with that foreigners home country tax offices. CRS will be implemented in Thailand in the near future.
  13. Just wait a little more, I had a similar situation last week but it eventually arrived. Took overall 3.5 weeks from China for a small item.
  14. Nothing particular, just all the tax questions are better answered by tax professionals.
  15. Provided you have met all the conditions and claimed tax relief from HMRC.
  16. You need to first see if you had to pay CG tax in the UK. The UK would have first taxing rights on such income.
  17. Sherrings website gives some guidance about personal tax in Thailand https://sherrings.com/interest-income-personal-tax-thailand.html
  18. What does not sound right? Those are according to Thailand RD tax rules. 15% tax on any interest earned on deposits from Thai banks.
  19. Yes thanks, I corrected my post, I meant money transfers to Thailand.
  20. "Will I be taxed on savings that I transfer from a UK account into a Thai account?" If it is pure savings from income that has already been taxed then there would be no tax to pay when it is transferred from the UK when it is deposited in an account in Thailand. Any basic research and reading on accounting websites and the the Thai tax dept website would clarify this. Savings in a bank account in Thailand generate interest and the income (interest) is taxed automatically by the bank. For CRS and FATCA, these are obligatory forms the banks need to have to share financial information with the tax authorities. If you do not fill them in stating where you are tax resident with tax numbers and sign them then the banks will pass your information about your account details and personal information to the tax authorities.
  21. Like this one found and reported on few weeks ago. "Linux Malware Deemed ‘Nearly Impossible’ to Detect"
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