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Everything posted by recom273

  1. I don't have a credit card - but that was an option - crypto / PP / CC @NativeBob Yup, I pay for domains by the year, hosting in 3 year packages, the servers are month to month because maybe I need a bit of flexibility, and its only a couple of hundred baht - the monthly charges are the ones that I am concerned with, and yeah, correct, I always pay with my debit card, paypal just process the payment to the company, this is what has messed me up. I have prepaid for a couple of months, but really I want to get the wife to pay the bills.
  2. I stopped using PP to receive payments years ago, their rip off charges are well behind other transfer companies like Payoneer and Wise, however, I need a PP account to pay for domain services, servers and VPS in Europe, the alternative is bitcoin wallet, which I don't have. Has anyone applied for the NDID for their Thai partner yet? The hosting companies aren't fussy who they take their money from but I need to get an account logged pretty soon, I have already had to do a lot of work over the past couple of months, making backups of backups should I not be able to process a payment, its a right pain in the ___ already.
  3. No - Same, but depending upon your router / switch / wifi AP you might notice faster speeds over ethernet. I guess @digbeth was referring to AIS mobile internet.
  4. I don’t particularly have an opinion on CNN or this tragedy .. but every time the wife switches on TV all I see is Thai TV news crews sticking their lenses into inappropriate situations. I remember watching the Swiss guy who shot the wife’s lover climbing over a wall (could be wrong on the details) - Thai news was in the guys house which was a crime scene, filming the police interview of the Swiss guy in his own house.
  5. But they didn’t .. both treaties weren’t ratified until a couple of years back.
  6. Not knocking it, it’s not bad value, but It doesn’t quite hit the mark. 3 mushrooms, some waffle kind of thing, somethings kind of resembling sausages and two slices of farmhouse briefly shown the toaster on the way out of the kitchen .. Mai Phan!
  7. A lot has changed in the way we view the web past 12-15 years - although the tech was there, it didn’t always work, my palm used to sync with yahoo - i vaguely remember MySpace being more popular at that time, and meeting girls on thailandfriends (TF) but communicating on ICQ, Skype or yahoo messenger. I was working in the UK but here for about half the year, smart tech was more prevalent here than on the London Underground. Do you remember phones with a TV tuner in them, lol .. they were popular with the taxi bike drivers.
  8. Maybe people think of smartphones as android / iPhone. If my memory isn’t too clouded, in the 2000s I had a palm titanium that was linked to my Sony Ericsson mobile phone via BT. Even 20 odd years ago, Thais were very early adopters of windows mobile phones. Panthip was full of windows phones. Way more than you would see in the UK. So although I visited before then, I don’t remember what people did before smartphones because there was always some kind of mobile computer here.
  9. I think this is the same location, it is / was around ratchatewi station. This is from 2008, shot on a Horizon Perfekt.
  10. You have never been? Yes, man, its well worth a trip. The road through Pattani and Yala is a bit of a trek, although not overly busy, you go through along the coast which is nice. Get to the roundabout to head towards Yala city, go around the outskirts - then you pass through villages, I stopped at a couple for a smoke breaks on the times I have been through, and it seems like Thai isnt their first language, they usually have to find a kid, my Bahasa is ok, but I guess they speak Yawi or dont understand whatever I speak to them in. Then if you check google maps, you can see from Than To, the area is just trees and hills - there is a waterfall there, head further and there is a sea of mist in a couple of places, one has viewing platform (but you need to go early in the morning), the road is really twisty, great fun, reservoir, if you take the right at the bridge the road gets even more twisty. When you hit Betong, the town is interesting - the biggest post box in Thailand, the community, the food - outside the town there are gardens, hot springs, the tunnels used by the communist insurgency - you can even check out the Jackie Chan Hotel - as all Malay border towns, there is a fair bit of night life, lots of hotels, karaoke, but its not so loud and in your face as Dannock. Well worth a weekend.
  11. Betong is a long way, it’s a great area to explore for a weekend, if you have a bike - there’s an awesome road, a few places to stop on the way. Betong town is an interesting place, one of the most isolated places in Southen Thailand. You got the tunnels, and gardens. Food is good, there’s a really Chinese influence. Then you can carry on to Perak in Malaysia which is beautiful. I guess HY to Padang is 1 hour, HY to Wang Prachan is about 1.5 hours - to walk the border at Padang is 30 mins - 10 mins at Wang Prachan. not so not so different. Anyway, not too sure of the situation at Padang Besar these days, all I know was that it begun to lose its appeal as a friendly and sleepy border entry.
  12. I was just watching the latest hook up video. I think the video recommended by @OneMoreFarang is excellent .. After watching the video, I ended up with a few Reolink RLC-810A @ around 6K THB - I will upgrade these cameras in time as the price drops on the higher spec'd reolink cameras, and move them to less critical roles. I think the 810A offer a balance between performance and cost. 5MP cameras, what do you want them to do? You can see from the YouTube video how cameras perform, if you want detailed captures of peoples faces or number plates, then the camera (1080P?) he's offering probably won't cut it. IMHO, from what I see, every cowboy and his brother is on CCTV a the moment, they have no real training on placement or networking knowledge, they are just installing Chinese kit with a high profit margin - when they aren't doing CCTV they are cleaning and fitting air-conditioning. You DVR whatever you have is your video recorder. He needs to check compatibility.
  13. I used it for 15+ years, in the end it wasn't the same sleepy border post that it used to be and I stopped using it. I started to use the one in the national park at Satun, however, without transport it may be a bit far for you, but if your guests are happy to take you to the Sunday morning market, you could make it an interesting morning. The border posts are only 50m or so apart, border staff pleasant enough.
  14. Just started watching Bloodlands S02 .. like wt? I liked the last season it was about the IRA and Goliath, so where does the gold come in .. I will give it one more chance. Disappointing.
  15. Have you checked Law & Order: Organized Crime There was a new season premiere last night? I kind of like the continual soundtrack, It reminds me of the time when Law and order was shown back to back on the only English Channel on our condo cable TV.
  16. They tried that tourist tax at Chong Mek, on arrival, a few years back, then the following year they removed it.
  17. yup BBC no problem - rather fast load times actually
  18. no, no problem with BBC - iplayer, I would always use a VPN, but I just switched it off and no problem accessing the pages, obviously not access to content.
  19. Im really confused - I ordered a jacket from Shopee .. just a fake under armor windbreaker, 500B .. no biggie. I took a bit of time to get a tape measure out and follow the size guidelines. It took 4 weeks to arrive, which I was unaware of at the time, obviously some drop ship vendor. It came today - the thing is kind of small, but wearable, but the end of the sleeves are halfway up my arm. I never use shopee, but I couldn't find this obvious fake on lazada. Generally, Lazada vendors are pretty good, if its not delivered within a week, you will get a refund. There is even an option to return the item because the measurements on the ad were incorrect, I think. So, immediately I want to return the jacket, there is no return button? I contact Shopee, they say its out of warrantee? huh? it only arrived today. I had to contact the seller who said something incomprehensible, something about my arms and a silly sticker, saying thank you in Thai. Wt f? AFAIK there is not English option to text-chat - if something goes wrong, you are shafted. How can shopee operate in this manner? I spend a scary amount with Lazada, and generally its a good experience, until it isnt, but never as bad as this shopee experience.
  20. I always fancied keeping some poultry, now I live in the village I made some moves. I started with the idea of Bantams and the locals laughed at me when I said I wanted to eat the eggs. They keep them for good luck? How can a micro chicken bring good luck? I have a really annoying neighbor, so I thought it would be fun to get Guineas, they sound great! I have built an oversized high coop, ordered 4 juveniles; solar lighting, water and feeders installed. Im prepared to keep them in for 8+ weeks. The only thing that's specific to Thailand that i'm unsure of is feed. I gather they eat chicken pellets? is that good enough? I should feed them cereal - like ..? millet, corn, sunflower seeds? where to source. Also, do they sell some kind of grit here to mix in with the feed? does anyone have a Thai name or do I ask for "hin lek lek" Anything else I should know.
  21. How do you do that? Do you set it up with PEA or Kasikorn? Do they just draw the money a couple of days after they read the meter. I don’t think I need to worry about the money going from my account, but I always forget to pay, the missus nags me, and I still don’t do it. Eventually I do, but it’s always close or past the pay by date. A standing order would be much better.
  22. Yes, sorry, the pihole doesn't block them because they have hard coded DNS - Its only about 6 yeelight lightbulbs. I don't use the cloud control, but I can see them reporting back. I presume that they are reporting their status, i'm not so tinfoil hat as to worry about data farming, but I do worry about surveillance, it's a pretty sure thing that all your cloud stored video data is being analyzed by AI. Maybe one day, I will move all IOT onto a different VLAN, but at the moment, I could do without the headaches.
  23. Yes, I use a single unified open source system that doesn't collect data (AFIK), if possible I try to flash with FOS software that doesn't report usage. I don't use any cloud based platforms / devices (with the exception of a smart rice cooker). If my internet goes down, my devices still work (apart from the rice cooker) - but its a bit pointless, generally, if the internet goes down, there's no electricity anyway. Some items I have LAN control but with proprietary software, I try to block them calling home but its difficult due to hardcoded DNS - I presume they are just reporting usage. External cameras are on a closed network that is accessed remotely via standalone software, again not cloud. Internal cameras are on a separate system, with no external access and no NVR. just live feed. I don't use a router / firewall supplied by HuaWei to your ISP. You can go as far as putting all your IOT devices on a separate VLAN and then close that to the outside world if you are that worried. I don't, maybe one day I will, but at the moment I have some pretty sweet automations I don't want to mess up. I don't really worry that a device is going to allow a backdoor into my pirated porn collection, but I think it doesn't hurt to learn how to protect ourselves.
  24. I just had a denture made for two front teeth at KK Uni dental hospital - I think it was around 3000B all-in Inc x-rays, moulding and checkup. Took two weeks, from the first check up. It was a bit weird at first but hardly notice it now, may be worth a look if you want a temporary fix and then you can talk about implants or whatever while you are there.
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