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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I am so happy to be safe. No apps and no wifi on my phone
  2. My case was not that recent and did not require surgery, but may be useful. I left the UK more than 30 years ago. I was no longer a tax resident, but through my employer, I still paid NI contributions. When I retired at 65 I received the full pension - frozen, as I had told the pension people that I lived in Thailand. I still have a UK bank account (for the pension) and a UK address (MIL). I was in the UK and I needed a prescription for some medication that I had run out of plus some minor ailment. I tried to sign on with MIL's doctor using her address and my NI number - not interested. I could not even get an appointment to talk to anyone. They only make appointments for registered patients ??? I went to the local A&E department and they checked their records. I was still registered with the same doctor that I had 30 years ago. Unfortunately, he was 200 miles away! As I was not an emergency, they could not help me. They suggested trying a 'Walk In' surgery. Which I did. Told them that I lived in Thailand etc etc. No problem. Got the prescription and treatment. I tried to pay something and they said no. No charge.
  3. I would say that you register both places and do a TM 30 each time you move.
  4. I do not use HP. I paid cash for the wife's new car and cash for a second hand truck for the business. Got a discount both times. Oh - and cash for all of the second hand motorbikes that I have bought over the years.
  5. You have never paid for anything 'cash in hand'? It is usually cheaper. eg 'how much for the car' '3.6 mil'. 'How about 3.3 mil cash?' 'OK'
  6. So, Thailand's richest family are criminals. Aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice. Lock them all up and boycott Red Bull products.
  7. That may be true, but I am not so sure. I thought that the school's budget was based on how many kids attend. If the headcount drops - so does the budget. Meaning less money available for corrupt officials to cream off the top. I hope that I am wrong but.....
  8. I wonder if this boat with its illegal cargo will disappear one night?
  9. So, do you sleep fully dressed, car keys in your pocket and with a gun under your pillow?
  10. Personally, I have found the Thai police/legal system to be fair and reasonable. I have been involved in a number of court cases and a few local incidents with the police. Bangkok (murder case), Bangkok (libel) Hua Hin (vehicle accident), Samui (thefts and my wife's estate was intestate after she died). All resolved fairly. No bribes were paid on my side in any of the cases. With the murder case, the corruption started after the hitman and the paymaster were gaoled.
  11. The government is pizzing in the wind and just spouting hot air to try and look good. so 1 million different folk providing 'tailored' support?
  12. I was always told that Phuket and Samui have different climates and different tourist seasons. Rain in Phuket - sun (and drought?) in Samui and vice versa.
  13. Rubbish article. Most Thais (real ones that is) cannot afford condos - especially with the ongoing charges, Many live in wooden shacks for goodness sake. The headline should read 'Rich Thais want to keep prices low for their mia nois to live in'.
  14. No photograph of the lad? How are they going to recognise him if they find him? This story is incomplete. Either way, I hope that the lad is found safe and well.
  15. It is a real pain that the world these days makes change for changes sake. There are a number of items that I have needed to replace but the shop does not sell them any more. Now when I find them, I buy double the usual amount and hope that I do not die before I have worn them. Good luck on your hunt.
  16. Yes, I would class self-combusting transport as a setback. Or arson by competitors? Both carriages burning down at the same time?
  17. In the full article it explains that she was outside of the swimming zone.
  18. No. Thai media criticises Thais. Foreign media criticises foreigners. 'twas ever thus.
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