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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. And who investigates how the DSI folk get their qualifications?
  2. It is a shame that it takes a high profile incident like this to make the officials think about doing their job. I do not know how old the building is, but chances are all that will happen is that the the titles will be revoked but the building will be allowed to stand. The owner will be unable to sell it though.
  3. More likely weed, especially with him being Indian.
  4. Good luck with the surgery. I am with you on the rest.
  5. It is a strange concept but it is not just Thais leaving somewhere empty rather than dropping the price. Friends rented out small one bed bungalows. In low season, they would put the price up. Their argument was that they were not getting their normal income, so they had to increase prices. They were westerners.
  6. What if she is the one paying the rent? (I very much doubt that it is 1 mil per month.)
  7. Fehr cannot do that. He is only a tenant (according to previous reports). It is down to the owner/developer.
  8. No reasons given. Methinks that there is a political agenda here.
  9. Will the interest rates on informal debt also be cut? That is where most real (poor) folk borrow money. Loan sharks are the biggest crooks.
  10. Average temp/humidity in Amsterdam v average temp/humidity in Bangkok??? Then we can consider the pollution in each city. Sorry Mr Deputy Governor Wisanu - never going to happen.
  11. How about Corruption Lack of democracy Corruption Wealth divide Lack of law being applied to the rich Oh never mind. The list is endless. (Did I mention corruption?)
  12. I do not defend the Swiss guy's actions, nor his wife's but they are not to blame for the fact that steps are on public land. That is down to the developer/management company. Two separate issues. Encroachment and GBH. As an aside, any man who hits a woman is a low life in my book.
  13. Way off topic but while you are there - Why are you not also complaining about Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya who killed a policeman whilst high on drugs and alcohol. Still free after twelve years.
  14. The only startling thing about this is that the Koh Tao police actually arrested someone for a drug offence. I thought that taking drugs there was compulsory.
  15. "Public anger boils over in protests in Phuket against Swiss man Mr Uli and private beaches" There are no private beaches in Thailand (by law). There can be private access to a beach.
  16. Certainly is. We are old and we all die sometime. Pensioners tend to die sooner than youngsters.
  17. OK - lots of cross purposes here. Cannabis was decriminalised for medicinal reasons. The threat to make it illegal is for the recreational use. All that I have read to date, says that medicinal cannabis will remain decriminalised. Vaping is not the same as inhalers. (and vaping is illegal). Yes, I admit that inhalers are good - I take two of them for my COPD but this article is about banning cannabis. There is lots of research currently that says that vaping is just as bad for you lungs as smoking.
  18. Doctors prescribe smoking cannabis? I do not think that they would do that. Sucking anything except air into your lungs is bad for you.
  19. Talk to your bank re a credit card. I am with Krungsri Bank and obtained a credit card when I had no credit history. I asked for a credit limit of 80,000 THB (I only really use it for flights) and they 'freeze' 120,000 baht in my account to cover it. Also, talk to some of the larger car rental companies. Most will do it - for a price. This search pulled up a few. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=one+year+car+rental+in+thailand&atb=v352-1&ia=web
  20. Have a pool and eat and drink outside. The little sods bathe and drink the pool water and eat any crumbs found on the floor. Then someone has to clean up all of their schitt. Also get wagtails and other birds.
  21. I am not sure if that is correct. I changed from retired to work permit about 20 years ago so the rules my have changed but I definitely did not leave the country. I even had a work permit whilst on a retirement visa for a short while. Labour office said 'You are retired from your own country. If we give you a WP and you pay taxes - nothing to do with immigration. Not their business'. The accountant sorted it all out at a later date.
  22. Here on Koh Samui where I run a small business, but I find the same thing wherever I travel. Smile and say hello and folk smile and say hello back. Sometimes they stop for a chat. I have an annual sabbatical in Chiang Mai. There the locals are a bit more reserved but still friendly. Just back from Hua Hin and same same - but not many locals. Mostly older western folk where I walked. Mind you, the young Thai ladies offering massages just around the corner from the hotel where I stayed were very friendly even though I declined their services.
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