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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. The comment Grumpy one made is perfectly true. The only time it would ever be a one to one, would be if he were armed, 99% of the time.
  2. The answer to your last question is, Buddha.
  3. The packaging looks great, its the contents that has the problem.
  4. Don't generalise, he says! Ye gods, Brains and rocking horse comes to mind.🥳
  5. One shouldn't be afraid of Death, it can't do you any harm. Why worry about death no one gets out alive anyway.
  6. Elderly!!! The damned cheek!. Put your black pot of paint away and the brush or roller you use to spread it. I bought a new phone the other day and am having great fun getting to know how it works. Just to show how low you can get, I am well past 80, so do yourself a favour and think before spouting tripe.
  7. Said the lady when she went in the sea.....😉
  8. Yorkshireman: "Can tha mek us a gold statue of yon dog?" Jeweller: "Do you want it 18 carat?" Yorkshireman: “Nay, I want it chewin' a bone yer daft bu**er!"
  9. I was looking for a postal address. Not a lot going. Then I though, is it really worth it!!??
  10. And who would you have as the world president, Trump, Xi or Putin? just to name a few.
  11. Not so with TunnelBear. I have to log in each and every time I need to use it.
  12. You mean walking backwards for Christmas?
  13. Lets hope he doesn't make it here!
  14. Sadistic B'Stard. When the next bus comes along don't get on it, get under it. The world would then be a better place.
  15. The UK next year, if a labour government get elected
  16. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  17. Like everything in Thailand, nothing is consistent. Its like the tea from one cafe to another, they are never the same.
  18. Sport Rider's Revolut suggestion will work, but there is a 2.2% charge if you transfer into a Thai bank. IF the card is presented over the counter there is no charge and using an ATM only incurs the usual ATM charge. However, the 2.2% transfer 'could' work out cheaper than paying tax?
  19. And when inflation increases, as is inevitable, the people will be chasing even more daily rate increases. and round and round we go, add infinitum. Some really clever people who can't see the bleedin obvious.
  20. The real point is, will they be missed?
  21. You get more for your money????
  22. Yes you do, but you don't have to use FB if you don't want to.
  23. I would suggest you look a little closer at that, it really is not what you may think!
  24. Splitting hairs to make a point? One and the same thing as far as I am concerned, But as you please!
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