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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. I actually like Phuket. Its the people I can't stand????
  2. Well Jeepers, where did they find those creepers????
  3. Hit them where it hurts. Guilty by association.
  4. That is very carefully worded, but nevertheless holds a very distinct threat.
  5. Hi Sheryl. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I attended a hospital here a few weeks ago and the price quoted to shave some hard skin on the side of my foot was to say the least ridiculous. So, I asked my son to do it with a large rough foot sander. Unfortunately, he went at it far to vigorously and took the skin off the bottom of my foot, not the hard callous. Needless to say it is quite raw although not bleeding and makes it very difficult to walk. I have used Derma Huw cream and Reparil Gel but to no real effect. Any suggestions gratefully received.
  6. Anyone know of Podiatrist in Khon Kean? Different problem but its a Podiatrist that's required.
  7. I have to wonder how many palms were greased to get the result the Senate wanted?
  8. Little boys trying to play a mans game. If there was brain cell between them, they would argue over who's turn it is next.
  9. Some banks here can be a real pain in the neck sometimes. In many cases its the language barrier, or being fobbed off with any kind of excuse because either they can't be bothered or don't know. As to updating passports, my original passport number of over 20 years ago is still required for some transactions within the bank KTB, usually when requesting the Immi letter and/or a new passbook. Why a passbook is required is beyond me, as in the UK they went out with button boots/the old Post Office savings A/C. A bank statement of the past 12 months or more can be requested via the App. But,TIT.
  10. And some people cannot think and then become aggressive. I will make a note to ignore you in future and perhaps you just might go away!
  11. Only stupid people do that, so what are you suggesting??
  12. If using a Laptop at home for any length of time, I usually remove the battery and work off the mains with a UPS.
  13. Omeprazole is about as much use a boobs on a fish. Try Lansoprazole/Prevacid@15mg 30 minutes before your last meal of the day 6:30to7:00pm, BUT do not DRINK alcohol after this! The recommended time is before breakfast but this I find is wrong in that the reflux usually occurs at night. If 15mg doesn't work then move up to 30mg. Tomatoes, cucumber and other acidic veg and fruits are your worst enemy. Keep a bottle of the attached by the bed, it works wonders.
  14. £35/year for a local UK number plus £10 for calls. Most UK calls this way cost approx 1.4p per minute per call anywhere in the UK, 24/7
  15. I would second that, but it might cost me.
  16. Complain to Agoda not the hotel.
  17. I would say, 'Do you want to bet', but gambling is illegal at present!
  18. This is something Thailand will seriously regret in the not too distant future.
  19. Been there and seen that. It also B frustrating as they count out the cash one note at a time and then the odd coins. I really do miss that????
  20. No guarantee but try looking at glassescomplete.com. They are based in Manchester UK and in my personal experience they are excellent. If you can send a couple of photos with the prescription and details of requirements, they can advise.
  21. And so now it looks like another wonker in charge. I'd say you couldn't make it up, but these loons are quite capable of almost anything. If look are anything to go by, this one could match a Toc H lamp.
  22. I used a lawyer to write a Will for me sum years ago, giving all the necessary details of what I wanted. He told me it would take at least a week for him to complete. When I went back to sign I was almost on the point of rearranging his face, but held back. He had changed many of the details and made himself the beneficiary, hiding that quite cleverly, possibly hoping I wouldn't notice? I tore up the Will into little pieces and threw it into the air and walked out. There was no protest.
  23. There is no issue with a deceased witness. The Will was witnessed and accepted at the time of signing, Just the same as if said witness leaves the country and cannot be traced. There is no law which states a will must be written on a lawyers official paper, or at least not in Thailand. The Will can be written on the back of a fag packet, its the testators signature and those of the witnesses which is most important. The witnesses are signing as to the mental capacity of the testator as well as his signature.
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