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Everything posted by seedy

  1. It is so easy to make. Flour. Water. Baking soda. Add anything else you choose - raisins, fruit, the mind boggles. Google Bannock for thousands of recipes. Originally a Scots dish, but back in the days of the Hudson Bay Co. it spread all over N. America as far south as the Rio Grande. Anywhere those pesky white people ventured.
  2. Nissan - IM not so HO - have lost the plot. We own a Teana V6 torque converter auto and it has been a great car. Quick, reliable, full leather, Oh No ... it has a SUNROOF ... with no leaks and no excessive heat into the cabin. The newer models - well, CVT is the biggest failure, but they make an EV, which has a gasoline engine driving a generator which powers an inverter which turns the wheels. Has next to no range on batteries alone. It gives what Nissan claims is "The EV experience" That about sums up where the company is now - full speed ahead for the Cuckoos Nest. Shame Big Nurse recently passed ... 555 OP - if Juke still on warranty - have them replace the transmission AGAIN, and as soon as it is, flog it.
  3. MAF (mass air flow - it is in the intake track between the air filter and the intake manifold usually) sensor could also be bad. The TPS sensor you replaced - was it a factory part or from some reseller on Lazada, etc ? As has been said on other threads, a Pro level scanner with Live Data, go for a ride, and when the problem occurs you will see it.
  4. We made bread without yeast daily when in the bush. Called Bannock
  5. I also change my bikes at 5000 Km Had the top end off my CRF - 27K Km - looked like new. Zero deposits. Use Honda Semi Syn 10W30
  6. Lightweight - I had 42 when I moved here - and none were BB or pellet !!! 555
  7. Near Muang Chiang Mai where we live we see 15 C many mornings in Dec. But as stated by 1500 daily water is bearable. Initial shock on entering but then acclimatization occurs. Never had any problem personally.
  8. Tell that to my thermometer - read 6 C at 0700 on the coldest day I was riding
  9. Cool season prime time for bike trips. Always book a place that has a pool. By 1500 it is warm enuf to swim in - for me anyway. Jumped into the Arctic Ocean one hot July day in 1976, over the sandbar where the water was shallow. Set the bar for me re: cold water 555
  10. Interesting reading - which raises many questions ... For example - will this be a subscription service ? - are you able to opt out ? PDF press release here https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0xLaU9lakVBRzZJT0dobWgyR2tGYUZjZnRfd3xBQ3Jtc0tsdjFGeVdEN1FDdnh5RnNjZFoxUTlxUE54V2xBMkp0MlJyTEYxSE53cm1jWjJLWjJNM2pUd1dydlg4UXViVDdibWVzUUJRdk9VZ1dJLXVQMEVkR2JhM19HZnRpX1RReXlnUGtvcGVfekwwemtHWGc3VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3RQiqkF&v=ChH9mztvug4
  11. Go to the OP - do you see a 'Quote" button ? Thought not ...
  12. From the OP : Inset an image into the your profile , instead of just having a letter of your first name Fail to see why you would even ask people who do not have a pic to add one. Their choice.
  13. Agree with the above. Read reputable sources, weigh the opinions, decide for yourself. Quite easy to sort the wheat from the chaff - if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck - chances are it is a duck. It is not that hard - examples Qanon, Israel, Iran - to see the inhabitants of Cloud Cuckoo land 555
  14. Self defense is more a mental thing than a physical thing. Could you use your thumbs to gouge out an attackers eye ? Could you use a chair, stick, bottle to incapacitate someone who is hell bent on hurting you ? Could you beat them down so that they stay down ? If you are not prepared to go this far, then going away is the best course of action.
  15. If you think that is the answer, it is not just your post that is simple.
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