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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Did you send it back for warranty repairs ? Not far. I get bike parts from KL in under a week
  2. I use the mount as above and the vibe damper. Expensive - well ... guess that depends on what you want. Easy to use, fool proof, high quality ... Yes Charging head not required with the WP6 as the battery capacity is huge. Goes all day Run OSM usually so no WIFI or SIM card required.
  3. Here is a clear, concise, real world scenario for 3 different groups of users of the new Ford EV Transit van. In some situations the so-called "EV Hater" recommends an EV. Most useful as it explains the 'smoke and mirrors' that the EV manufacturers try and get people to believe regarding range and charging times.
  4. More Nonsense. The problem as I see it is that people have this 'Rose Colored' view of EV's, and any attempt to publish real world figures of their performance - or lack thereof - is taken by the Faithful as some kind of 'Bias' - to use your own word. Still waiting for a step by step analysis and refutation of any of the points he has raised. Instead what I see is the persistent 'Name Calling' of anyone who does not subscribe to their views as 'Ignorant, et al' to use your own word - again.
  5. Nonsense. He is an automotive engineer, who posts the truth. Looking forward to a step by step analysis of why what he states is not true ...
  6. More of the same ... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4136056/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  7. It is fixable for sure. Neighbor had a 1969 Ford Galaxy 500 XL covered completely in the Dawson flood of 1979. Boat left a crease on the roof from the keel while it was 'parked' Still on the road. Still running. Big job tho' - motorcycle much easier !
  8. All sources for the info contained in this video listed near the end - including police Dept's. CBS, ABC, Car and Driver, Reuters, etc. Altho' not a big problem in LOS, as there are few Teslas, it showcases the danger of not paying attention and "Driving" your car.
  9. Mine are one Nissan, One Honda, two Isuzu Brand loyalty not my thing I guess !!! 555 All bought second hand too. Tires I go local - great shop close to home.
  10. Just take off the cover for the stator. Point to it and say New. Along with all the other parts you wish replaced.
  11. Vietnam is a signatory to the 1949 agreement. My view - bombard them with paperwork. For how easy it is, get and IDP and you have every and all bases covered - usually 555
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