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Everything posted by seedy

  1. https://www.facebook.com/717067880/videos/1674426739617564/
  2. The 215 cubic-inch aluminum V8 was originally announced in 1960 as a lightweight economy engine for General Motors new line of compact cars; Buick Skylark, Olds Cutlass and Pontiac Tempest. The “215” first in the appeared in the 1961, with production ending in 1963 after ¾ million engines produced. https://www.museumofamericanspeed.com/v8oldsmobile215.html
  3. From this reply you obviously never served in a front line unit
  4. We converted from the old style to multi port on one of our cars 2 years ago - 22,000 THB This car - a 2001 model - has been on LPG since new, now 250K + Km. Engine still in great shape - uses no oil. Fuel cost per Km at that time was 50% of the price of 95, which this vehicle requires.
  5. I do not say - science says The CO displaces the atmosphere, and you suffocate https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/500009
  6. You mean like going to war for your country so fat rich guys can make millions ? Or going to religious services every week while getting over on everyone the rest of the time ? Or being ruled by an Aristocratic elite who is not even from the country you live in ? Or mindlessly following every rule, law, custom just because all the other people who came before you did the same ? That is not 'tradition' - that is Slavery
  7. The worst thing you can do to any internal combustion engine is to idle it for long periods of time. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiJh4-JvKr6AhWrwjgGHaU1BP44ChAWegQIBxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforsyth.cc%2FEAP%2Fassets%2Fdoc%2FIdling_Myths.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3T6taL5rEJQu2edCnF1Mym
  8. All combustion sources, including motor vehicles, power stations, waste incinerators, domestic gas boilers, and cookers, emit carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is not poisonous but has a temporary effect on the human respiratory system. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/carbon-monoxide
  9. Buying an EV ? Make sure it has V2L Figures quoted for Aus so you will have to check how applicable the numbers are here. But 8% ROI is quite good. Quite an eye opener !
  10. Any condo owners / renters - or apartment renters reading this thread ? Curious how many have EV charging points now, or under construction now, and whether they are slow, medium or quick rates. Not interested in "plans" to install by 2035 or some misty, rose colored date in the future. We all know how promises are kept - both here in LOS and all other places on the globe. "We will have ... In the Future ... Plans under way ... and my favorite - Soon" 555
  11. Finally someone who knows how insurance works.
  12. We live in A. Doi Saket Garbage pickup weekly - right outside our gate - free
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